Team Origami: Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing

Coordinator : Florence ZaraAssistant coordinator : Adrien PeytavieTeam presentation document (PDF)
Team dedicated web site

Origami is a team dedicated to computer graphics and widely covers this field of study, and in particular via three main topics : geometry, rendering and simulation. In geometry, we develop algorithms to analyze and create meshes, point clouds, digital surfaces and procedural shapes for virtual worlds. In rendering, we are interested in challenges related to light simulation, sampling, virtual reality and perception. Finally, in simulation, we develop deformation and fluid models, and their discretization.

This team is the fusion of three teams: M2Disco, Ream, Geomod.

Team members

Prénom Nom Statut Employeur Implantation
Violette Abergel Research scientist Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Blaise Pascal (INSA)
Matthieu Blanchard PhD student École Centrale de Lyon ENISE
Nicolas Bonneel Research Director Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Sylvain Brandel Associate Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Camille Buonomo PhD student Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Raphaëlle Chaine Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Mattéo Clémot PhD student Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
David Coeurjolly Research Director Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Clément Colin PhD student Autre Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Guillaume Damiand Research Director Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Johanna Delanoy Associate Professor Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon Nautibus (Université Lyon1), Blaise Pascal (INSA)
Florence Denis Associate Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Julie Digne Research Director Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Bastien Doignies PhD student Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Florent Dupont Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Pierre-Philippe Elst Technician École Centrale de Lyon ENISE
Thierry Excoffier Associate Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Jean-Philippe Farrugia Associate Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Eric Galin Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Anatole Gallouet Post-doctoral tenure Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Corentin Gautier PhD student Autre Nautibus (Université Lyon1), Blaise Pascal (INSA)
Gilles Gesquiere Professor Université Lumière Lyon 2 Nautibus (Université Lyon1), Blaise Pascal (INSA)
Guillaume Gisbert PhD student Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Eric Guérin Associate Professor Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon Nautibus (Université Lyon1), Blaise Pascal (INSA)
Pierre Hubert-Brierre PhD student Autre Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
E.g., 19/10/2024
E.g., 19/10/2024
  • Axel Paris has obtained an accessit at the GDR-IGRV PhD award
    Le GDR-IGRV PhD award committee has given Axel Paris an accessit for his thesis entitled "Modeling and simulating virtual terrains" supervised by Eric Galin and Eric Guérin, Origami team.
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  • Eurographics 2024 best paper award in the Origami team
    At the Eurographics 2024 conference, a major event in computer graphics held in Limassol, Cyprus from April 22nd to 26th, the Günter Enderle Prize for the best paper was awarded to the work conducted by Baptiste Genest (Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, LIRIS UMR 5205), Nicolas Courty (University of Southern Brittany, IRISA UMR 6074), and David Coeurjolly (CNRS, LIRIS UMR 5205). The title of their study is "Non-Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling," aiming to extend point sampling strategies on non-Euclidean manifolds through optimal transport by slicing.
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  • Liris researchers and engineers participate in the “Sciences, a women’s profession” day
    On March 8, 2024, the 8th edition of the “Sciences, a profession for women” day was held at ENS Lyon. This day is an opportunity to welcome high school girls from the Rhône Alpes region and introduce them to the full range of science and research careers. Liris researchers and engineers were "role models" for groups of high school girls and then welcomed them to the liris.
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  • LIRIS at YGGDRASIL: the festival of imaginary worlds and the future
    As part of the "Collège d'Ingénierie" program, the ORIGAMI team from LIRIS (ENISE campus) was present at the "Demain, mais en mieux!" area of the YGGDRASIL festival at Eurexpo on February 3 and 4. As part of the "speed-searching" and a demonstration alveolus, members offered spectators the chance to embark on a multisensory virtual reality experience based around the medieval construction site of the Château de Guédelon.
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  • Best paper award and honorable mention for the Origami team at the Shape Modeling International 2023 conference
    Two papers by the LIRIS Origami team received awards at the “Shape Modeling International” 2023 conference. Guillaume Gisbert received an honorable mention for his article “Inpainting holes in folded fabric meshes” with Raphaëlle Chaine and David Coeurjolly, and Mattéo Clémot received the best paper award for his article “Neural skeleton: Implicit neural representation away from the surface” with Julie Digne.
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  • David Coeurjolly elected as Director of the GdR "Informatique Géométrique et Graphique, Réalité Virtuelle et Visualisation"
    Starting from Jan, 1st, 2022, David Coeurjolly has been nominated as Director of the "Groupement de Recherche (GdR) CNRS Informatique Géométrique et Graphique, Réalité Virtuelle et Visualisation", with Maud Marchal (INSA Rennes, IRISA) as Deputy Director.
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  • DGtal release 1.2
    DGtal is an open source C++ library for the geometry processing of digital data (geometry processing on grids). The library has been managed at LIRIS since 2010 and thanks to a special support from the LIRIS, this new release contains a brand new python binding of the library.
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  • "Best Student Paper Award" at QoMEX 2020
    Congratulations to Yana Nehmé and Gabriel Meynet, from the Origami team, who won the "Best Student Paper Award" for the paper "PCQM: A full-reference quality metric for colored 3D point clouds" presented at the QoMEX conference (International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience). The co-authors are Gabriel Meynet, Yana Nehmé, Julie Digne and Guillaume Lavoué.
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  • Making Computer Graphics Research replicable
    A team of 4 CNRS researchers of LIRIS (Lyon) and IRIT (Toulouse) will present its work on the replicability of computer graphics research publications at SIGGRAPH 2020. Their findings are gathered on a collaborative website
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Publications LIRIS pour l'équipe Origami (Origami) (221)

Envergure : National
Title Type de projet Dates contrat Partenaire(s)
discoverAbility and investiGation in spAtial iconograPhic hEritage ANR 2025 - 2029
Démonstrateurs d’IA frugale au service de la transition écologique dans les territoires- Projet IA.rbre Investissement d'avenir 2025 - 2028
Nouvelles MEthodologies de captatioN audio-visuElle, synCHronisation et restitution imMErsive pour le patrimoine immateriel CNRS 2024 - 2025 Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Lyon St-Étienne
Sécurisation de contenus 3D pour les mondes virtuels ANR 2024 - 2028 Laboratoire Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique , Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier
Understand, Generate and Interpret Material in Design Sketches ANR 2024 - 2028
Traitement numérique stable de la géométrie et calcul haute-performance sur des données géométriques hétérogènes ANR 2023 - 2027 Laboratoire de Mathématiques de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
Learning and Inverse Procedural Modelingfor Authoring Large Virtual Worlds ANR 2021 - 2024 Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, University of Cape Town, Ubisoft
Acquisition, Analyse et Synthèse de la Forme du Corps Humain en Mouvement ANR 2019 - 2023 EPC INRIA - Morpheo, Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille, Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie
Analyse sans paramètre des surfaces discrètes ANR 2018 - 2024
Perceptual Levels of Detail for Interactive and Immersive Remote Visualization of Complex 3D Scenes ANR 2018 - 2023 TITANE : Geometric Modeling of 3D Environments , Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes
Comprehensive Analysis of Light Transport Operators for image synthesis ANR 2017 - 2022 INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
RegressiOn with Optimal Transport, for computer graphics and vision ANR 2016 - 2021
Nom Type de partenaire Pays Projet(s) concerné(s)
Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement Institutionnel France Learning and Inverse Procedural Modelingfor Authoring Large Virtual Worlds
University of Cape Town Institutionnel South Africa Learning and Inverse Procedural Modelingfor Authoring Large Virtual Worlds
INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest Institutionnel France Comprehensive Analysis of Light Transport Operators for image synthesis
INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Institutionnel France Comprehensive Analysis of Light Transport Operators for image synthesis
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Lyon St-Étienne Institutionnel France Protocoles Mesurant l'impact du multiSensoriel dans le patrimoine culturel, Nouvelles MEthodologies de captatioN audio-visuElle, synCHronisation et restitution imMErsive pour le patrimoine immateriel
Ubisoft Industriel Français France Learning and Inverse Procedural Modelingfor Authoring Large Virtual Worlds
SOMFY Industriel Français France iPICK3D
Innodura TB Industriel Français France iPICK3D
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse Laboratoire France Traitement numérique stable de la géométrie et calcul haute-performance sur des données géométriques hétérogènes, Comprehensive Analysis of Light Transport Operators for image synthesis
Laboratoire Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique Laboratoire France Sécurisation de contenus 3D pour les mondes virtuels
Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier Laboratoire France Sécurisation de contenus 3D pour les mondes virtuels
Laboratoire Ampère Laboratoire France Simulator of Puncture for ARTiculations under Echography, Simulator of Puncture for ARTiculations under Echography
Laboratoire de Biomécanique et Mécanique des Chocs Laboratoire France Simulator of Puncture for ARTiculations under Echography, Simulator of Puncture for ARTiculations under Echography
TITANE : Geometric Modeling of 3D Environments Laboratoire France Perceptual Levels of Detail for Interactive and Immersive Remote Visualization of Complex 3D Scenes
Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes Laboratoire France Perceptual Levels of Detail for Interactive and Immersive Remote Visualization of Complex 3D Scenes
EPC INRIA - Morpheo Laboratoire France Acquisition, Analyse et Synthèse de la Forme du Corps Humain en Mouvement