Florian Ramousse

Former LIRIS member since: 2024-05-31

PhD student
Team(s) Origami
École Centrale de Lyon
ThesisBiofeedback en environnement immersif pour la thérapie des troubles alimentaires (click to view details)

Publications (IdHAL : florian-ramousse)

Publications LIRIS pour Florian Ramousse (2)

  • 2023 (2)
    • Journals (1)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Florian Ramousse, Guillaume Lavoué, Patrick Baert, Vikesh Bhoowabul, Séverine Fleury, Baptiste Ravey, Aurélia Gay, Catherine Massoubre & Clémentine Helfenstein-Didier (2023). "ReVBED : A semi-guided virtual environment for inducing food craving in a binge-eating therapy process". ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) Workshops, 15 juin 2023, Nantes (France). doi : 10.1145/3604321.3604369. HAL : hal-04141461. .

Publications hors LIRIS

Publication hors LIRIS pour Florian Ramousse (0)