On 26/09/2024 from 14:00 to 15:15. Place: Nautibus (room C002), Campus LyonTech-la Doua.
We will have the pleasure to welcome Sébastien Destercke, DR CNRS at the Heudiasyc laboratory (UTC, Compiègne), for a LIRIS seminar entitled "Learning in an imperfect world, with a focus on uncertain data.", on Thursday, September 26 at 2pm in room C002 of Nautibus. All welcome!
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On 27/06/2024 from 09:00 to 12:00. Place: Amphi Freyssinet, INSA Lyon (à proximité de la piscine)
L'AG aura lieu le jeudi 27 juin de 9h à 12h dans l'amphithéâtre Gaston Berger (INSA Lyon). Elle sera suivi d'un buffet déjeuner.
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On 18/06/2024 from 14:00 to 15:00. Place: Amphithéatre Gaston Berger
Effectively analyzing increasingly large and complex data from simulations and experiments is a crucial step in the scientific process. Visualization, which keeps the scientist in the analysis loop, can play a significant role in this process particularly when the goal is ‘understanding’ or ‘knowledge generation’. Practically this requires creating environments for scientific reasoning through interactive data exploration guided by automatic analysis. Successful solutions are typically devised in close collaboration with domain experts, where both partners often go beyond their original expectations. This synergy results in methods that are not only innovative but also relevant and effective in addressing real-world scientific problems. In this talk, I will discuss a few use cases from our recent research.
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On 16/05/2024 from 13:00 to 15:00. Place: Bâtiment Ada Lovelace
The theme of this coffee is different from the others, so here's a new version: the ‘demo coffee’, on the theme of urban data. We'll start with demonstrations in an Origami team room in the Blaise Pascal building. Don't hesitate to come and talk to the students and permanent staff, with a cup of coffee of course:
- Tangible Lego models and cities
- Digital twins and territories
- The city and its evolution
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On 28/03/2024 from 13:00 to 15:00. Place: Bâtiment Ada Lovelace
The Direction invites all members of the laboratory to share a convivial moment over coffee on Thursday 28 March at 1pm on the 3rd floor of the Ada Lovelace Building in room 501.301 (14 rue de la Physique 69100 Villeurbanne).
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On 07/03/2024 from 09:00 to 17:00. Place: Salle 501-337 du bâtiment Ada Lovelace
The 16th LIRIS Thesis Day will be held on Thursday 7 March from 9am to 5pm.
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On 08/01/2024 from 13:00 to 14:30. Place: Bâtiment Nautibus, Salle C5
But who will win this year?
Let's get together on Thursday 08/01/2024 at 1pm at the Nautibus building in room C4 to taste the famous Galette des rois and find out who will be the king or queen of LIRIS.
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From 05/12/2023 at 16:00 to 06/12/2023. Place: A déterminer
Prepare your best clothes, your best suits, on Tuesday 05 December 2023, we celebrate an important date: The 20th anniversary of the laboratory.
On the programme: exceptional guests, the former directors of the laboratory and many others.
A cocktail party is planned to accompany you throughout this event. We are planning an unforgettable evening for all the members of the laboratory.
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On 20/10/2023 from 10:00 to 12:30. Place: Bâtiment Ada Lovelace
To welcome all new D1 doctoral students and D2 students who were unable to attend last year's event, we are inviting them to this year's reception.
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From 30/05/2023 at 12:00 to 31/05/2023 at 14:00. Place: Amphi Gaston Berger, Villeurbanne.
The next plenary days of the GdR IG-RV will take place in Lyon on May 30 and 31, 2023 on the Villeurbanne campus.
For more information and registration (free but required): https://plenieres-igrv.sciencesconf.org
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