E.g., 27/07/2024
E.g., 27/07/2024
  On 24/04/2023 from 14:00 to 15:00. Place: Nautibus, C5
We will have the pleasure to welcome Franck Davoine, DR CNRS at the Heudiasyc laboratory (Compiègne), for a LIRIS seminar on optical flows and LiDAR data, on Monday 24 April at 2pm in room C5 of Nautibus. Come and join us!
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  On 20/03/2023 from 10:30 to 11:30. Place: C5, Nautibus
We will welcome Einoshin Suzuki, professor at Kyushy University for our LIRIS seminar around AI and ethics, Monday, March 20th, at 10:30am, room C5 (Nautibus) : Judging Instinct Exploitation in Statistical Data Explanations Based on Phrase Embedding.
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  From 28/02/2023 at 09:00 to 12/07/2023 at 13:30. Place: LIRIS (à préciser)
The GA will take place on Wednesday July 12 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. It will be followed by lunch.
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  On 24/02/2023 from 09:15 to 16:00. Place: Salle 501-337 - Bât. 501, Pascal/Lovelace INSA
Vendredi 24 février de 9h15 à 16h00 se déroulera la 15ème édition de la journée des thèses du LIRIS.
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  From 14/02/2023 at 09:45 to 16/02/2023 at 17:30. Place: Université de La Réunion
Workshop organized at the University of Reunion Island regrouping researchers of the Laboratoire d'Informatique et de Mathématiques - LIM and LIRIS
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  On 08/12/2022 from 10:00 to 11:00. Place: Nautibus, C4
We are pleased to welcome Ayush Bhandari from the Imperial College of London, PhD from MIT, for a LIRIS seminar on the capture and processing of infinite range signals (e.g. HDR images or infinite dynamic range microphones). The seminar will take place on Thursday, December 8, at 10am in room C4 of the Nautibus. Details below. Come and join us !
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  On 22/11/2022 from 10:00 to 12:00. Place: Zoom (https://univ-lyon1-fr.zoom.us/j/89044275917)
MACHINA project aims to enhance Vocational Education and Training for ICT professionals in the field of Machine learning.
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  On 17/11/2022 from 17:00 to 20:00. Place: La Table d'Einstein - Délégation Régionale CNRS- 2 avenue Albert Einstein- Villeurbanne
This event will take place in the form of an exhibition of posters prepared by doctoral students in their 3rd year and above.
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  On 20/10/2022 from 14:00 to 16:00. Place: Campus de la Doua
A 2-hour information meeting is organized to explain the main services provided by LIRIS to new doctoral students.
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  On 13/09/2022 from 10:00 to 11:00. Place: Nautibus, C2
We will welcome Anne-Cécile Orgerie, CR CNRS at IRISA, Rennes, for a LIRIS seminar on the environmental impact of computing centres, on Tuesday, September 13th, at 10am in Nautibus' room C2.
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