E.g., 06/10/2024
E.g., 06/10/2024
  On 15/12/2021 from 10:00 to 11:00. Place: salle Fontannes, Darwin
We will welcome George Drettakis (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) for a talk titled "Bringing Together Learning and Graphics: Rendering, 3D Representations and Synthetic Training Data" on Wednesday, December 15th, room Fontannes in building Darwin.
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  On 14/12/2021 from 10:00 to 11:00. Place: Nautibus, C5
We are welcoming James Tompkin (Brown University) for a LIRIS seminar around 3d reconstruction and differentiable rendering, for a talk titled "Scene Reconstruction across the Differentiable Rendering Spectrum", Tuesday, December 14 at 10am, room Nautibus C5.
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  On 10/12/2021 from 09:00 to 18:00. Place: Rotonde, INSA Lyon Campus de la Doua 20 avenue Albert Einstein 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex
SIFED (Symposium International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document), formerly CIFED (Conférence Internationale sur l'Ecrit et le Document), has been organized by the GRCE (Groupe de Recherche en Communication Ecrite: http://grce.labri.fr) since 1990. This event is aiming at bringing together researchers (young researchers, senior researchers, academics and industrial people) interested in document analysis and recognition, in particular in the fields of image and signal processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and information retrieval. The SIFED symposium has become a privileged place for meetings and exchanges, allowing to assess the state of the art of research and developments in this field, to inform about future works, to contribute to the coherence of the community but also to open it up and give it a national and international visibility.
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  On 09/12/2021 from 09:00 to 18:00. Place: Terrasses du Parc, 115 Bd de Stalingrad, 69100 Villeurbanne
Le secteur des Banques et Assurances en mutation, au travers de multiples initiatives auprès de start-ups ou incubateurs, est en constante quête d’innovation. Cette dynamique est la conséquence directe de la révolution digitale que nous vivons qui leur impose une transformation au vu d’accroître leurs services et compétitivité : auprès des clients et employés, du marché des banques et assurances et de la réglementation. Les acteurs de ce secteur opèrent une transformation numérique en profondeur et cherchent à faire émerger leurs contenus et leurs potentiels. Innov2020 vise à rassembler les membres du réseau de Valconum, leurs partenaires et les décideurs du secteur des BANQUES & ASSURANCES pour connecter leurs potentiels d’INNOVATION : la capacité à proposer conjointement des solutions concrètes et rapidement transférables en phase avec les axes stratégiques du secteur des banques et assurances sera particulièrement mise en avant. Cette rencontre explorera les pistes d’innovation. Les transferts de produits, technologies et connaissances pourront être réalisés de façon opportuniste, pour les situations où une commercialisation rapide est possible, ou de façon prospective, pour celles où une coopération à plus long terme est nécessaire. La journée est construite autour d’un programme d’abord attractif, avec la présence d’acteurs incontournables et d’intervenants renommés et également interactif, au travers de démonstrations de technologies innovantes, de rencontres individuelles et de sessions thématiques.
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  On 16/11/2021 from 11:00 to 12:00. Place: salle visio du Nautibus
We will have the pleasure of welcoming Gilles Bailly (CR in the Multi-Scale Interaction team at ISIR) for a LIRIS seminar on Tuesday 16/11 at 11 am (Nautibus video room). Abstract: In this talk, I formulate the problem of interacting with an interactive system as a "learning and decision-making" problem. As an example, I discuss if, when and how users decide to learn and ultimately adopt expert interaction techniques such as keyboard or gesture shortcuts. I will demonstrate that theories, models and methods from computational Neuroscience are especially appropriate to investigate such questions. In particular, I will present and compare different models to explain and predict the learning process for shortcut adoption. More information: www.gillesbailly.fr https://hci.isir.upmc.fr/
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  On 19/10/2021 from 13:00 to 14:00. Place: Nautibus, C4
Interactive visualization is an important part of the data science process. It enables analysts to directly interact with the data, exploring it with minimal effort. Unlike code, however, an interactive visualization session is ephemeral and can't be easily shared, revisited, or reused. Computational notebooks, such as Jupyter Notebooks, R Markdown, or Observable are widely used in data science. These notebooks are an embodiment of Knuth's “Literate Programming”, where the logic of a program is explained in natural language, figures, and equations. As a consequence, they are both reproducible, and reusable. In this talk, I will sketch approaches to "Literate Visualization". I will show how we can leverage provenance data of an analysis session to create well-documented and annotated visualization stories that enable reproducibility and sharing. I will also introduce work on inferring analysis goals, which allows us to understand the analysis process at a higher level. Understanding analysis goals enables us to enhance interaction capabilities and even re-used visual analysis processes. I will conclude by demonstrating how this provenance data can be leveraged to bridge between computational and interactive environments.
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  On 08/07/2021 from 09:00 to 12:00. Place: A déterminer en fonction des conditions sanitaires
The general assembly will take place on Thursday July 8, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. We will share important information, hoping we can do it in person!
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  From 22/04/2021 at 15:00 to 24/05/2021 at 15:00. Place: on line
The 2021 edition of the ANR's Joint Labs program is launched. The first evaluation session of the projects will take place on 25/05/05. The submission of project remains possible until 21 September 2021. The LabCom program aims to create a long-term structured partnership between an academic research laboratory and an innovative SME/ETI. The link below gives more details on the characteristics of a LabCom, the procedure for submitting applications, and the conditions of eligibility.
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  On 23/03/2021 from 09:00 to 16:45. Place: Nicosia, Cyprus
The aim of the workshop is to allow academics and practitioners from various research areas to share their experiences on designing cutting-edge analytics solutions for real-life applications. Researchers are encouraged to submit their work-in-progress research activity describing innovative methodologies, algorithms, platforms addressing all facets of a data analytics process providing interesting and useful services. Industrial implementations of data analytics applications, design and deployment experience reports on various issues raising data analytics projects are particularly welcome. We call for research and experience papers as well as demonstration proposals covering any aspect of data analytics solutions for real-life applications.
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  On 04/02/2021 from 12:15 to 13:45. Place: BU de l'université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Presentation of the contribution of the virtual during the exhibition held at BU of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. This presentation is made through a video illustrating the work carried out within the ORIGAMI team on the design of simulators for learning medical gestures. The exhibition will take place on Thursday February 4 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. (in accordance with the health protocol). It will also be visible on the Youtube channel of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University.
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