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Team Origami: Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing

Coordinator : Florence ZaraAssistant coordinator : Adrien PeytavieTeam presentation document (PDF)
Team dedicated web site

Origami is a team dedicated to computer graphics and widely covers this field of study, and in particular via three main topics : geometry, rendering and simulation. In geometry, we develop algorithms to analyze and create meshes, point clouds, digital surfaces and procedural shapes for virtual worlds. In rendering, we are interested in challenges related to light simulation, sampling, virtual reality and perception. Finally, in simulation, we develop deformation and fluid models, and their discretization.

This team is the fusion of three teams: M2Disco, Ream, Geomod.

Team members

Prénom Nom Statut Employeur Implantation
Vincent Vidal Associate Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Sophie Villenave PhD student Centrale Innovation Saint-Étienne (ECL)
Diego Vinasco-Alvarez Research Engineer Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nautibus (Université Lyon1), Blaise Pascal (INSA)
Florence Zara Associate Professor Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Mathieu Zeman Trainee Centrale Innovation Saint-Étienne (ECL)
Eliott Zimmermann IT Engineer École Centrale de Lyon ENISE
E.g., 13/02/2025
E.g., 13/02/2025

No news for this team.

Publications LIRIS pour l'équipe Origami (Origami) (231)