Thierno Diallo et l'équipe 'itiMob" remportent la première édition des 24h Chrono de l'entrepreneuriat dédiées aux doctorants Cifre.
LIRIS PhD student Thierno Diallo and his team won the first editon of the 24h chrono entrepreneurship with their project named "itiMob". This challenge is specially organized for PhD Cifre students.
Le Liris en très bonne place aux challenges SHREC’11 et ImageCLEF 2011
The Liris lab participated at the Shrec : 3D Shape Retrieval Contest 201,1 for 3D face recognition and retrieval and at the ImageClef 2011 photo annotation challenge, with excellent results.
Une thèse remarquable en fouille de données
Loïc Cerf has been nominee for ACM SIGKDD award
La maturation industrielle du logiciel Visu soutenue par Lyon Science Transfert
VISU2 software has just been granted 60 k€ from Lyon Science Transfert, the Université de Lyon’s technology transfer office, to support its industrial maturing during one year. VISU2 is a trace-based online videoconferencing tool dedicated to tutoring.
Le LIRIS est l'un des laboratoires fondateurs du LabEx IMU : Intelligences des Mondes Urbains
LIRIS is a founding member of IMU: The Excellence Laboratory “Intelligences des Mondes Urbains”, a research and experimentation structrure centred on the city, urbans issues, metropolisation and urbanisation.