Le LIRIS a participé à la première édition de BLEND WEB MIX
On the 1st and 2nd of octobre, more than 850 persons got together in Lyon to combine their experiences and inovations.
Robert Laurini distingué par le "Knowledge Systems Institute" de Chicago
The "Knowledge Systems Institute" located near Chicago, Illinois has recently appointed Robert Laurini as Fellow of this insititute in recognition for his research on geographic information systems.
In collaboration with researchers at the university of Purdue (USA),
Petre Manescu lauréat du "best paper student award" à la conférence CARS 2013
The paper "Biomechanical-based respiratory motion-compensation for 4D dose calculation during hadrontherapy" of Petre Manescu, Hamid Ladjal, Joseph Azencot, Michael Beuve et Behzad Shariat, from the SAARA team, received the Best paper student award at the 2013 CARS, 27th International Congress on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
Le LIRIS et l'application DataConf obtiennent la deuxième place du AI Mashup Challenge de la conférence ESWC'2013
The DataConf application received second best submission award in the AI Mashup Challenge, at the ESWC'2013 conference wich was held form 28 to 30 may in Montpellier, France. This application is the result of several research work projects in the Web and Semantic Web fields, carried out by a LIRIS researcher and computer science master degree students of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL).
Prix du meilleur article à la conférence CSEDU 2013
The paper "Identifying Learner's Engagement in Learning Games: a Qualitative Approach based on Learner's Traces of Interaction" by Patrice Bouvier, Elise Lavoué, Karim Sehaba and Sebastien George (LIRIS, Silex) received the Best Paper Award at the 5th edition of the CSEDU conference (International conference on Computer Supported Education), Aachen, Germany, 2013/05/06-08. This internationally recognized conference had received 208 papers from 56 countries, 27 papers accepted as long (acceptance rate: 13%).
Le LIRIS, au coeur des humanités à travers un récit d'aventures scientifiques porté par le Grand Lyon
For the publication of the work entitled "In the field of humanities : 8 narratives of scientific adventures in the region of Lyon" managed by the “Grand Lyon” in the research fields of Human Sciences, Literature and Numerical studies from the University of Lyon, the LIRIS accepted the invitation of the Human Sciences Agency FRV100 to present some activities supported by pluridisciplinary STIC-SHS collaborations.
Le LIRIS au salon Innorobo
Le LIRIS a participé au salon INNOROBO, salon professionnel international de la robotique de services, qui s'est tenu du 19 au 21 Mars 2013 au Centre de congrès à Lyon
Signature de la convention de recherche et développement Mango
On the 20th of December 2012, the GEOMOD team of LIRIS has signed a partnership in the context of the Mango project.
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