Le LIRIS, au coeur des humanités à travers un récit d'aventures scientifiques porté par le Grand Lyon
For the publication of the work entitled "In the field of humanities : 8 narratives of scientific adventures in the region of Lyon" managed by the “Grand Lyon” in the research fields of Human Sciences, Literature and Numerical studies from the University of Lyon, the LIRIS accepted the invitation of the Human Sciences Agency FRV100 to present some activities supported by pluridisciplinary STIC-SHS collaborations.
Le LIRIS au salon Innorobo
Le LIRIS a participé au salon INNOROBO, salon professionnel international de la robotique de services, qui s'est tenu du 19 au 21 Mars 2013 au Centre de congrès à Lyon
Signature de la convention de recherche et développement Mango
On the 20th of December 2012, the GEOMOD team of LIRIS has signed a partnership in the context of the Mango project.
Le LIRIS membre de l'Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)...
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international industry consortium of 479 companies, government agencies and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available interface standards.
Le LIRIS devient partenaire associé du réseau d'excellence GaLA dédié aux Serious Games
This association reflects the recognition of the scientific contributions of the Silex team by the Serious Games Community. This will definitely open up new opportunities for international collaborations with GaLA Partners, which have actively supported our application to join the GaLA Network of Excellence.
Le LIRIS diffuse un premier prototype de reconnaissance de feuilles sur l’AppStore
TheM2DisCo and Imagine teams, which develop in particular research activities on object recognition for the first one, and automatic object recognition for the second one, have published on AppStore their first prototype application for tree leaf recognition.
Ville et mobilité : les chercheurs du LIRIS réunis pour la Run In Lyon 2012
On October 7, thirteen LIRIS researchers gathered at the start of the 3rd edition of Run In Lyon race.
LIRIS à l’honneur au challenge ImageCLEF 2012
After the second best performance obtained by LIRIS (UMR 5205) in 2011 among 18 research teams from 11 different countries at ImageCLEF Photo Annotation challenge, LIRIS has won the gold medal of this competition by displaying the best performance for its participation in 2012!
Prix du meilleur article à la conférence ALife 13
The paper "Effects of public good properties on the evolution of cooperation" by Dusan Misevic, Antoine Frénoy, David P. Parsons (LIRIS) and François Taddei has received the best paper award for the "Collective Dynamics" track in the Thirteenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, East Lansing, Michigan, 2012/08/19-22.
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