Un chercheur du LIRIS, lauréat de l'appel Package PALSE
Hassan Aït-Kaci selected by the Programme Avenir Lyon Saint-Etienne for his project LivEMUSIC : Living-Environment Monitoring Use Scenario with Intelligent Control.
Le LIRIS a participé à l'organisation de la conférence PyconFR 2014
Organized by the AFPy association, the annual PyconFR conference has been successfully held in Lyon from october 25th to october 28th 2014.
Manel Charfi reçoit le prix de la meilleure contribution « jeunes chercheurs » à BDA2014
Manel Charfi, a PhD student at the beginning of her 2nd year at LIRIS (thesis funded by the Rhone-Alpes region ARC6) received the award for the best contribution in the "junior researchers" session at the 30th anniversary of the national conference BDA 2014.
Les membres du LIRIS, fidèles au RV annuel de Run In Lyon 2014
On October 5th 2014, a group of researchers met Place Bellecour in Lyon for a 10hm or half-marathon race in downtown Lyon. All personal objectives were achieved in a good mood as usual.
Premier prix de la compétition ChaLearn 2014
The LIRIS laboratory (team « Imagine ») has won the first prize of the 2014 ChaLearn Challenge "Looking at People: Gesture Recognition », which has been organized in conjunction with the international conference ECCV 2014 (track 3).
Baptiste Monterrat lauréat du prix Martial Vivet aux Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en EIAH (RJC EIAH 2014)
The paper entitled "Motivating learners from adaptive ramification » of Baptiste Monterrat received the Martial Vivet award during the fifth Young Researchers in TEL meeting (RJC EIAH 2014), La Rochelle, 16-17 June 2014. Baptiste is a PhD student in the Silex team (supervised by Élise Lavoué and Sébastien George) a nd in the WOONOZcompany (Cifre funding). This prize was awarded by a multidisciplinary jury according to the following criteria: contribution (in terms of knowledge) for the domain, scientific approach, multidisciplinary, quality and presentation of the article.
Journées du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique
The geometric modeling workshop (GTMG - groupe de travail en modélisation géométrique) took place on March 26th and 27th at LIRIS. Around 60 researchers and phd student gathered to listen to presentations and share ideas. It was an opportunity to discover new research trends in geometric modeling through 18 talks with a wide variety of topics such as Bézier Curves or shape and image segmentation.
Le LIRIS organise un atelier objets connectés avec le FabLab de Lyon
A "connected objects workshop" took place over three sessions, on November 12th, 19th and 26th. It was organized by two LIRIS researchers (Benjamin Habegger and Lionel Médini), the computer science Department of the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University and the FabLab of Lyon, in partnership with the Capway Consulting Group. The first meeting was held at the café La Cordée and the following two were hosted by the computer science Department of Lyon 1 University.
Christine Solnon reçoit le prix "IBM Faculty Award"
The IBM research and IBM University Relation committee has given the "IBM Faculty Award" to Christine Solnon, Professor at INSA de Lyon and researcher at LIRIS UMR 5205 (CNRS/Insa de Lyon/Université Lyon 1/Université Lyon 2/École centrale de Lyon). She has received this award on the 21st of October 2013 in Lyon.
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