Conférence BICA 2015
The LIRIS organised the sixth international conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA2015 http://bicasociety.org/meetings/2015/) -- a conference situated at the intersection between artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and neurosciences.
Best Paper Award à la conférence ACM GECCO 2015
Best Paper Award at the ACM GECCO 2015 conference
La plateforme Correct (Correction et Enrichissement Collaboratifs de Textes) est lancée !
This experimental platform is the result of a research project that brings together nine partners including the LIRIS Lab: Orange (project leader), BnF Jamespot, Urbilog, I2S, ISEP, INSA de Lyon (LIRIS, team Imagine), Université Lyon 1 (LIRIS, team Tweak) University Paris 8.
Jean-Marc Petit, Professeur au LIRIS, élu président de la Société Informatique de France (SIF)
Jean-Marc Petit, Professor at LIRIS and Computer Science Department of INSA was elected president of the Computer Science Society of France (SIF) (http://www.societe-informatique-de-france.fr/) February 6, 2015, after serving as Vice-President Research since 2011.
Un chercheur du LIRIS, lauréat de l'appel Package PALSE
Hassan Aït-Kaci selected by the Programme Avenir Lyon Saint-Etienne for his project LivEMUSIC : Living-Environment Monitoring Use Scenario with Intelligent Control.
Le LIRIS a participé à l'organisation de la conférence PyconFR 2014
Organized by the AFPy association, the annual PyconFR conference has been successfully held in Lyon from october 25th to october 28th 2014.
Manel Charfi reçoit le prix de la meilleure contribution « jeunes chercheurs » à BDA2014
Manel Charfi, a PhD student at the beginning of her 2nd year at LIRIS (thesis funded by the Rhone-Alpes region ARC6) received the award for the best contribution in the "junior researchers" session at the 30th anniversary of the national conference BDA 2014.
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