Conférence EC-TEL 2016
EC-TEL 2016 had a record participation of 202 people from 31 different countries. 148 papers and 13 workshops were submitted to EC-TEL 2016. The programme committee selected 26 long papers, 16 short papers and 21 posters (an acceptance rate of 25%). 9 workshops were selected and affiliated to EC-TEL 2016. The program can be accessed at the following address: http://ectel2016.httc.de/index.php?id=732
The invited speakers were:
- Pr. Vincent Aleven, Carnegie Mellon University, "Adaptivity in learning technologies: Kinds, effectiveness, and authoring"
- Pr. Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL, " Orchestrating Robots: How does learning technology research inform the design of educational robots? “
- Liina Munari, Project and Policy Officer, European Commission, "European R&I and digital learning - overview and orientations “
As part of Orphée, the national ANR network in e-education, a French corner was organized during the welcome reception. The involved French laboratories have presented demos and posters (21 posters and 13 demos). The Imaginove competitiveness cluster also presented its activities and its approach to join European project consortiums.