Brevet : “Procédé de complétion de requêtes SQL”
In collaboration with Pulsalys, LIRIS (UMR 5205 CNRS) registered a patent in France on August 14th 2017 (n° FR1757682), on a “SQL query completion process”.
L'équipe GEOMOD du LIRIS à SIGGRAPH 2017
In the context of a collaboration between the GEOMOD team of LIRIS, the University of Grenoble, the University of Purdue (USA) and the University of Cape Town (ZAF), the paper: Authoring Landscapes by Combining Ecosystem and Terrain Erosion Simulation will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2017.
Troisième prix de la fondation Hubert Tuor pour l'équipe LIRIS/INRIA Beagle
The LIRIS/Inria Beagle team, represented by Guillaume Beslon, received the third prize from the Hubert Tuor Foundation during the Innovation Academy of the international conference ICPIC (International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control) held in Geneva in June 2017
« Villes d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain en 3D » à Pop’Siences 2017
The LIRIS was at PopScience to present 2 projects of the labex IMU, ALARIC and FAB-PAT, in particular in association with laboratories LIRIS and EVS, about the interest of 3D for urban cultural heritage and urban planning.
un membre du LIRIS nommé Conseiller Scientifique de Pilotage du domaine STIC au Hcéres
Since June 2017, Atilla Baskurt, Professor at INSA Lyon and a LIRIS member, has been designated Scientific Adviser for steering the Information Science and Technology research domain of Hceres (The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education)
Natalia Neverova, lauréate de Prix de thèse Signal, Image et Vision du Club EEA, du GRETSI et du GdR ISIS
Natalia Neverova is the winner of the thesis prize for Signal, Image and Vision of Club EEA, GRETSI and GdR ISIS for the year 2017 for her thesis at LIRIS and INSA-Lyon (Oct. 2012 - Apr. 2016) named "Deep Learning for Human Motion Analysis ».
"Interactive Mapping Specification with Exemplar Tuples" à SIGMOD 2017
The paper "Interactive Mapping Specification with Exemplar Tuples" from Angela Bonifati, Ugo Comignani, Emmanuel Coquery and Romuald Thion, all members of the LIRIS/BD group at University Lyon 1, was presented at SIGMOD 2017 at Chicago, IL, USA on the 15th of may.
Eurographics 2017
The GeoMod team had the pleasure to organize and welcome the prestigious conference Eurographics 2017, April 24th-28th in Lyon's Convention Center.
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2017
The M2Disco team organized the "Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2017" which was held on 23 and 24 April in Lyon. This was the 10th edition of this international workshop bringing together the scientific community of 3D shape retrieval and indexing.
LabCom Behaviors.ai
Behaviors.ai is a common laboratory involving the SMA research group of the LIRIS Lab, and Hoomano, a company designing software for interaction robots.
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