FAID 2019, Houston
LIRIS at FAID 2019 conference "French American Innovation Day" in Houston.
Interactive visualization of 3D trajectories in virtual reality
An article published at the IEEE Vis 2018 conference proposes a new method of navigation in thousands of virtual reality aircraft trajectories to detect trends and anomalies.
Best student data mining award at ECML/PKDD 2018!
Aimene Belfodil (DM2L and Mobile Devices), Adnene Belfodil (BD) and Mehdi Kaytoue (DM2L and Infologic) have been rewarded by the best student data mining paper award at the "European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases" (Dublin, Ireland).
Best Paper Award at the ALife 2018 Conference
Vincent Liard, David Parsons, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas and Guillaume Beslon (Beagle Team) received the Best Paper Award at the ALife 2018 conference in Tokyo in July 2018 for their results on the evolution of complexity.
Through a collaboration with LIRIS-TWEAK, the Aidaxis company launched its software solution for user assistance
The result of a collaboration between the TWEAK research group of LIRIS and the Aidaxis company, Aidaxis' software solution for integrated contextual user assistance was officially launched on Wednesday, the 23rd of May 2018.
Nathalie Guin is elected President of ATIEF
Nathalie Guin, Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Lyon 1 and at the LIRIS laboratory, was elected President of ATIEF on 20 April 2018.
Eurographics 2018: an award for a GeoMod paper
The paper "Wavejets: a local frequency framework for shape details amplification" was awarded an honorable mention of the Gunter Enderle Award at Eurographics 2018. The jury underlined a solid contribution to the field of point set surface analysis.
Best Paper Award at the RJC-EIAH 2018 Conference
The conference "Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en EIAH" awarded Alexis Lebis the prize for the best paper for his work on the capitalisation of learning trace analysis processes.
Best Student Award - conférence BIODEVICES 2018
La conférence BIODEVICES a remis à Arthur Gatouillat le "Best Student Paper Award" pour ses travaux sur l’intégration de caractéristiques IoT aux capteurs biomédicaux portables.
WWW2018 will take place in Lyon
The IW3C2 has accepted the proposal led by Université de Lyon to organize the international Web conference in 2018.
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