Inauguration of the Labcom (Joint Laboratory between LIRIS and Hoomano)
The inauguration of labcom, a joint laboratory between LIRIS and Hoomano, funded by the ANR was successfully held on April 10th, 2019. The ceremony took place in the presence of the official representatives of the tutelles of the laboratory (Mr. Frédéric Faure and Mrs. Adeline Nazarenko for the CNRS, Mr. Eric Maurincomme INSA of Lyon, Mr. Fabrice Vallée University Lyon1, Mr. Mohamed Ichchou ECL), the representative of the ANR Labcom program (Mr. Pierre Desouffron) as well as representatives of LIRIS (Mr. Florent Dupont) and Hoomano (Mr. Xavier Basset).
Salima Hassas (Project Leader for LIRIS) presented the objectives of the project, its state of progress and its perspectives, as well as the team working on this project on a daily basis. Amélie Cordier (Project Leader for Hoomano) presented the project's challenges for the company.
On this occasion was also held the second scientific workshop of Emotionally Intelligent Social Robots to which Pr. Yukie Nagai gave an invited talk (Cognitive Development of Social Robots) and Bahar Irfan (H2020 MSCA-ITN Early Stage Researcher ) presented its ongoing PhD work (Multi-modal Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction) carried out under the project H2020-MSCA ITN APRIL.
The inauguration was held during SIDO’2019 at Cité Internationale (Lyon), and allowed participants to take advantage of this year's theme program: IoT, AI, Robotics.
The labcom team warmly thanks the ANR, the various tutelles of the laboratory (CNRS, INSA Lyon, Lyon 1, ECL, Lyon 2), LIRIS and Hoomano, as well as the French Embassy in Tokyo for their support to the project and the organization of this event.