3 papers accepted at the conference CVPR by groups IMAGINE and SICAL
Three papers from the IMAGINE work group of LIRIS have been accepted at the conference CVPR. CVPR is the conference with the highest impact in computer science as measured by the H5 index (=299), and 5th highest impact publication in general science after “Nature”, “The new England Journal of Medicine”, “Science” and “The Lancet”.
Dialogue Objectifs Ressources (DOR) du LIRIS
Le DOR est un moment important dans la vie de l'unité puisqu'il permet de mettre en cohérence les objectifs du LIRIS avec les ressources mises à disposition des tutelles.
Antoine Coutrot, CR CNRS, joined SICAL team
Antoine Coutrot, CR CNRS, joined SICAL team as a researcher in computational, cognitive, and behavioural neuroscience. http://antoinecoutrot.magix.net/public/
Pierre-Antoine Champin becomes a W3C fellow
Pierre-Antoine Champin (TWEAK team), who is seconded to ERCIM since September 2020, becomes a W3C fellow, and joins the W3C Strategy team.
The LIRIS laboratory renews its membership to the EdTech Lyon association
The LIRIS laboratory renews its membership in 2021 to the EdTech Lyon association, which brings together a group of companies, field actors and research laboratories, on the issue of digital education.
Le projet BLISS primé par l'Agence Erasmus+
Coordonné par l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 et l'équipe SOC du LIRIS, le projet Erasmus+ Partenariats Stratégiques BLISS ( « Blockchain skills for ICT professionals ») vient d’être sélectionné par l’Agence Erasmus+ France comme un exemple de « bonne pratique », pour la qualité générale de sa mise en œuvre et ses résultats acquis définis de haute qualité.
University Lyon 1 & Service Oriented Compting team of LIRIS launche CHAISE ERASMUS + Project to “design Europe’s strategy for blockchain skills”
Although Europe is well-positioned to “lead the global race for blockchain”, a lack of digital skills could hinder this ambition. The new CHAISE project was tasked by the European Commission to develop a new skills development strategy to address the lack of talent in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) across Europe.
Presentation of the future direction of LIRIS
INSA's scientific council auditioned the future direction of LIRIS.
Joining LIRIS Djemilia Cavret: secretary general/administrative and financial officer
Taking over from Catherine Lombardi, Djemilia CAVRET (IE CNRS) joined LIRIS as SG-RAF on 01/10/2020.
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