AfterLab : Post PhD, where do I go from here?

What to do with a PhD in computer science? A round-table meeting is organised at LIRIS on Tuesday, June 29 for students nearing the end of their thesis (and all those who wish to have useful information on the post-Doc period). This meeting is an opportunity to listen to three PhDs in computer science (whose PhD took place at LIRIS) reflecting the diversity of skills acquired during the PhD for a wide range of careers.

On that occasion, LIRIS is pleased to welcome :
- Manel Charfi former PhD student in BD team at LIRIS (2017), employed at Insavalor in the Datavalor project for 2 years and then Data Scientist at ITinSell since September 2020.
- Diana Nurbakova former PhD student in DRIM team at LIRIS (2018) who became a Senior Lecturer in 2019 at LIRIS;
- Lionel Robinault, former PhD student in IMAGINE team at LIRIS (2009) co-founder of FoxStream, a start-up company born in 2004 that has since become a software company specialized in the analysis and real-time automatic processing of video image content

During the panel discussion, the guests will present their career and their professional life. A "question-and-answer" session will be held as response to questions from LIRIS PhD students about their post-doctoral experience.

An information on the qualification procedure for assistant professor will be presented during the meeting.