E.g., 06/10/2024
E.g., 06/10/2024
  • Welcome day for new doctoral students
    A 2-hour information meeting is organized to explain the main services provided by LIRIS to new doctoral students.
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  • Vlad Nitu, ANR Young Researchers (JCJC) laureate
    The JCJC financing instrument allows project leaders to independently research on a specific theme. Its purpose is to support young researchers in the development of their research program and to promote responsibility and the capacity for scientific innovation. Vlad Nitu, a CNRS research fellow in the DRIM team, is the new JCJC laureate.
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  • L'institut INS2I du CNRS lance la bande dessinée "Les décodeuses du numérique"
    L'Institut des sciences de l'information et de leurs interactions (INS2I) du CNRS a souhaité mettre en avant la diversité des recherches en sciences du numérique et contribuer à briser les stéréotypes qui dissuadent les femmes de s’engager dans cette voie.
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  • AfterLab : Post PhD, where do I go from here?
    What to do with a PhD in computer science? A round-table meeting is organised at LIRIS on Tuesday, June 29 for students nearing the end of their thesis (and all those who wish to have useful information on the post-Doc period). This meeting is an opportunity to listen to three PhDs in computer science (whose PhD took place at LIRIS) reflecting the diversity of skills acquired during the PhD for a wide range of careers.
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  • DGtal release 1.2
    DGtal is an open source C++ library for the geometry processing of digital data (geometry processing on grids). The library has been managed at LIRIS since 2010 and thanks to a special support from the LIRIS, this new release contains a brand new python binding of the library.
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  • 2020 highlights
    Despite the Covid-19 pandemic that we have known for more than a year, the 2020 highlights have been achieved and are online: https://liris.cnrs.fr/sites/default/files/Documents/faits_marquants/2020.pdf
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  • Fabien Baradel receives the runner-up (2nd place) PhD thesis prize given by AFRIF
    A special mention (second place) was awarded to Fabien BARADEL for his thesis entitled "Structured deep learning for video analysis" done at the University of Lyon under the supervision of Christian Wolf and Julien Mille.
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  • 3 papers accepted at the conference CVPR by groups IMAGINE and SICAL
    Three papers from the IMAGINE work group of LIRIS have been accepted at the conference CVPR. CVPR is the conference with the highest impact in computer science as measured by the H5 index (=299), and 5th highest impact publication in general science after “Nature”, “The new England Journal of Medicine”, “Science” and “The Lancet”.
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  • Dialogue Objectifs Ressources (DOR) du LIRIS
    Le DOR est un moment important dans la vie de l'unité puisqu'il permet de mettre en cohérence les objectifs du LIRIS avec les ressources mises à disposition des tutelles.
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  • Antoine Coutrot, CR CNRS, joined SICAL team
    Antoine Coutrot, CR CNRS, joined SICAL team as a researcher in computational, cognitive, and behavioural neuroscience. http://antoinecoutrot.magix.net/public/
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