Faits marquants 2017
Le recueil des faits marquants 2017 du LIRIS est disponible en ligne
WWW2018 will take place in Lyon
The IW3C2 has accepted the proposal led by Université de Lyon to organize the international Web conference in 2018.
L'équipe GeoMod du LIRIS à SIGGRAPH Asia 2017
The GeoMod team, in collaboration the University of Purdue (USA) and Ubisoft, will present at SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 a novel interactive method to author and edit terrains.
Signature d’une licence d’exploitation avec la startup ARSKAN pour les technologies issues du LIRIS
PULSALYS, la Société d’Accélération du Transfert de Technologies de Lyon Saint-Etienne a signé le 27 octobre 2017 une licence d’exploitation avec la startup ARSKAN créée début 2017.
Le LIRIS accueille pour la première fois dans ses locaux la fête de la science 2017
The LIRIS lab hosts for the first time the Science days in his building. There will be workshops for pupils and the general public, together with short conferences about popularization of computer science.
Le LIRIS à InfoVis 2017
The article "Structuring Visualization Mock-ups at a Graphical Level by Dividing the Display Space" by Romain Vuillemot (LIRIS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon) and Jérémy Boy (United Nations, USA) was accepted at the IEEE InfoVis 2017 conference which will take place in October 2017 in Phoenix, USA.
LabCom ARES : Apprentissage et Vision par Ordinateur pour Robots Intelligents
The increasing automation of dangerous, tedious and repetitive tasks is a symbol of technological progress at the service of man and bearer of productivity and competitiveness. In France, as in Western Europe, the sustainability of an industrial site is conditioned to its high productivity and the flexibility and scalability of its production tool in a context of globalized market with strong competition and whose needs change rapidly. The objective of this Labcom project aims to develop new machine learning and computer vision methods to create within 3 years flexible, adaptable, autonomous robotized PICKING / KITTING tools able to guarantee high productivity and manage ultra-flexibility required in many industrial applications.
Le prix du meilleur papier doctorant à DGCI
The Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery conference delivered the Best Student Paper Award to Thomas Caissard for his work on a discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator on Digital Surfaces
French Corner at EC-TEL in Lyon
The LIRIS organizes the eleventh European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2016. The TWEAK team and the ORPHEE e-learning network organize during the Welcome Reception of the conference a French Corner providing an overview of current French research about TEL. Posters and demos will be structured according to four themes: Learning Analytics, Serious Games, Social Learning, and Learner Adaptation.
Conference internationale DEXA 2017
The LIRIS laboratory has organized the 28th edition of the conference DEXA 2017 (Database and Expert Systems Applications) which took place from August 28th to 31st, 2017 at IAE Lyon, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. DEXA is a well-established conference in the Database, Knowledge Base, and Services communities.
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