Le LIRIS à InfoVis 2017
The paper proposes a new paradigm for rapid prototyping of data visualizations. This paradigm is inspired by graphic design techniques, combining grid system and wireframe-type low resolution rendering. This approach shrinks the time needed to iterate and validate visualization designs from a few days, to a few hours of programming alone. This approach also allows beginners to quickly prototype and automatically generate new visualization designs. The article code is open source and can be found at https://github.com/romsson/d3-gridding
The annual InfoVis conference is the premier venue (A* core) for the Information Visualization research community. The proceedings are published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Conference http://ieeevis.org/
Paper http://romain.vuillemot.net/publis/infovis17-visualization-mockups.pdf
Code https://github.com/romsson/d3-gridding