Run In Lyon 2013
On October 6, thirteen LIRIS researchers gathered at the start of the 4th edition of Run In Lyon race
The 4th edition of Run In Lyon took place the 6th of october 2013. It is a Lyon road running now well-known. Among the 20000 runners, a LIRIS team gathered at the start of the race for the second time. It was composed of 13 researchers: Atilla Baskurt, Guillaume Bouchard, Sylvain Brandel, David Coeurjolly, Xavier Faure, Elsa Fléchon, Mohand-Said Hacid, Nicolas Lumineau, Petre Manescu, Lionel Médini, Julien Mille, Marian Scuturici and Vincent Vidal.
See you for the 5th edition ! http://www.runinlyon.com/en/