Le LIRIS organise un atelier objets connectés avec le FabLab de Lyon
This workshop is open to everybody and aims at enabling participants to take ownership of the principles of the Internet and Web of objects. It consists in conducting a project that requires to propose, design and implement an application that meets a practical need and uses one or more physical objects, connected to a computerized device.
To do this, the participants – among which several members of the LIRIS – have formed multidisciplinary teams, composed of designers, computer scientists and other yourselfers from various origins. Together, they had to face at the same time the design of the physical object, its connection with a computer, the business part of the application as well as its interface.
The organizers had asked the participants to bring their own computers and provided to each team an Arduino kit and a Lego® Mindstorms® EV3. They also had access to a 3D printer. Some participants also brought other objects, electronic components, and other Raspberry Pi, as well as tools to improve and develop their project.
At the end of the three sessions, all teams presented their results to the whole assistance. Several projects have been remarked, among which a robot that can turn the pages of a book for disabled or an interactive baby security blanket. The participants, as well as all those who were unable to register, eagerly await the next edition.
Site de l’atelier : http://www.atelier-objets-connectes.org/
Site du FabLab de Lyon : www.fablab-lyon.fr
Site de la Cordée : https://www.la-cordee.net/
Site du département informatique de la FST de l’Université Lyon 1 : https://fst-informatique.univ-lyon1.fr/
Site de Capway Consulting Group : http://capwaycg.fr/