BEAGLE en voie de création d'Equipe-Projet Commune INRIA
The Beagle Team ("Artificial Evolution and Computational Biology") has been created in June 2011 by the INRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes Center. The team is composed of four LIRIS researchers (G. Beslon, H. Berry, C. Knibbe et C. Rigotti), one researcher from the INSERM CARMEN institute (H. Soula) and one researcher from the CNRS LBBE (E. Tannier). The team is hosted at the "antenne INRIA Lyon-La Doua" together with the INRIA Dracula team with whom we have many collaborations. The aim of the Beagle team is to develop and use computer science and mathematics models to produce new knowledge in cellular biology and in evolutionary biology. In the latter domain, the team develops the Aevol simulator: plaquette_Aevol.pdf (in French).
The creation of this team is the first step on the way of the creation of the "Equipe-Projet Commune" Beagle that will conduct researches at the interface of computer science and cellular biology. It confirms the good relationships between the LIRIS and INRIA.
More information on the Beagle Team: https://www.inria.fr/en/teams/beagle
More information on the scientific aims of the team: https://www.inria.fr/en/centre/grenoble/news/beagle-in-the-footsteps-of-darwin