Karim Sehaba
Associate Professor (HDR)
Out of LIRIS nowdays (en disponibilité)
Team(s) | SICAL |
Institution | Université Lumière Lyon 2 |
Location | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
karim.sehaba at liris.cnrs.fr | |
Professional phone number | |
Personal page |
Publications (IdHAL : karim-sehaba)
Publications LIRIS pour Karim Sehaba (78)
- 2024 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Rémi Barbé, Benoît Encelle & Karim Sehaba (2024). "Adaptation in Learning Analytics Dashboards: a Systematic Review". 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024), 4 mai 2024, Angers (France) (France), pp. 75-86. doi : 10.5220/0012628600003693. HAL : hal-04743366. .
- Rémi Barbé, Benoît Encelle & Karim Sehaba (2024). "Investigating learning dashboards adaptation". Nineteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning ECTEL 2024, 20 septembre 2024, Krems an der Donau (Austria), pp. 34-48. doi : 10.1007/978-3-031-72315-5_3. HAL : hal-04743455. .
- 2022 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Hajar Saddoug, Aryan Rahimian, Bertrand Marne, Mathieu Muratet, Karim Sehaba & Sébastien Jolivet (2022). "Review of the Adaptability of a Set of Learning Games Meant for Teaching Computational Thinking or Programming in France". Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning, 24 avril 2022, Prague (Czech Republic), pp. 562-569. doi : 10.5220/0011126400003182. HAL : hal-03668918. .
- Hajar Saddoug, Aryan Rahimian, Bertrand Marne, Mathieu Muratet, Karim Sehaba & Sébastien Jolivet (2022). "Analyse de l'adaptabilité de jeux pour l'apprentissage de la pensée informatique ou de la programmation". L'informatique, objets d'enseignement et d'apprentissage. Quelles nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche ? Actes du colloque DIDAPRO 9, 18 mai 2022, Le Mans (France). HAL : hal-03697961. .
- 2021 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Bertrand Marne, Mathieu Muratet & Karim Sehaba (2021). "Toward a Meta-design Method for Learning Games". 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021), 25 avril 2021, Online (Portugal), pp. 370-376. doi : 10.5220/0010530203700376. HAL : hal-03206273. .
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Bertrand Marne, Karim Sehaba & Mathieu Muratet (2021). "Vers une méthode de méta-design de jeux sérieux : Application pour l’apprentissage de la programmation à travers Blockly Maze". 10e Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, 10 juin 2021, Fribourg (France), pp. 342-347. HAL : hal-03290040. .
- Xavier Nédélec, Bertrand Marne, Mathieu Muratet, Karim Sehaba & Jean Lapostolle (2021). "Une approche méta-design du jeu sérieux pour l’enseignement de l’informatique à l’école élémentaire". Atelier « Apprendre la Pensée Informatique de la Maternelle à l'Université », dans le cadre de la conférence Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH), Fribourg (Switzerland), pp. 96-106. HAL : hal-03241691. .
- 2020 (2)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Yingdong Liu, Benoît Encelle & Karim Sehaba (2020). "A User-Centered Approach to Design a Mobile Application for Chronic Pain Management". Modelling, measurement and control C, vol. 81, 1-4, pp. 24-29. doi : 10.18280/mmc_c.811-405. HAL : hal-03152044. .
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Karim Sehaba (2020). "Learner Performance Prediction Indicators based on Machine Learning". 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 4 mai 2020, Prague (Czech Republic), pp. 47-57. doi : 10.5220/0009396100470057. HAL : hal-03206792.
- 2019 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Benoît Encelle & Karim Sehaba (2019). "Towards Web Browsing Assistance Using Task Modeling Based on Observed Usages". Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. IC3K 2019, 17 septembre 2019, Vienne (Austria), pp. 453-471. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-66196-0_21. HAL : hal-03151930.
- Karim Sehaba & Benoît Encelle (2019). "Generation of Task Models from Observed Usage Application to Web Browsing Assistance". 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems, 19 septembre 2019, Vienna (Austria), pp. 74-82. doi : 10.5220/0008068300740082. HAL : hal-04124006.
- Abir Karami, Benoît Encelle & Karim Sehaba (2019). "A Pilot Study on Estimating Players Dispositional Profiles from Game Traces Analysis". Intelligent Systems and Applications. IntelliSys 2019, 5 septembre 2019, Londres (United Kingdom), pp. 1101-1120. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-29516-5_82. HAL : hal-03151862.
- 2018 (4)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba, Sébastien George, Azeddine Chikh & Karim Bouamrane (2018). "Social recommender approach for technology-enhanced learning". International Journal of Learning Technology, vol. 13, #1, pp. 61-89. doi : 10.1504/IJLT.2018.091631. HAL : hal-01798108. .
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Karim Sehaba (2018). "Calculation of the User Ability Profile in Disability Situations". International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons (ICCHP), 4 juillet 2018, Linz (Austria), pp. 100-103. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-94277-3_18. HAL : hal-01984641.
- Afef Ghannem, Karim Sehaba, Khchérif Raoudha & Henda Benghezala (2018). "Analysis of Serious Games based Learning Requirements using Feedback and Traces of Users". Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), 9 mai 2018, Madeira (Portugal), pp. 280-287. doi : 10.5220/0006713702800287. HAL : hal-01984652.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Benoît Encelle & Karim Sehaba (2018). "Vers une modélisation des tâches pour l'assistance à la navigation et la reconception de sites Web". 29es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, IC 2018, 6 juillet 2018, Nancy (France), pp. 255-256. HAL : hal-01839632. .
- 2017 (2)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Karim Sehaba, Olivier Champalle & Alain Mille (2017). "Assisting activity analysis in professional learning environments. Case study: activity analysis of trainees on nuclear power plant full-scale simulators". International Journal of Learning Technology, vol. 12, #2, pp. 88-118. HAL : hal-01639886.
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Afef Ghannem, Khchérif Raoudha, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala & Karim Sehaba (2017). "Towards Serious Game Content-Extraction for a Pedagogical Evaluation". International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 3 juillet 2017, Timisoara (Romania), pp. 178-179. HAL : hal-01639825.
- 2016 (8)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Abir-Beatrice Karami, Karim Sehaba & Benoit Encelle (2016). "Adaptive Artificial Companions learning from users' feedback". Adaptive Behavior, vol. 24, #2, pp. 69-86. doi : 10.1177/1059712316634062. HAL : hal-01261874.
- National journals with peer review (2)
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba & Alain Mille (2016). "Observation et analyse de comportements des utilisateurs à base de traces.". Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 35, 4-5/2016, pp. 463-498. HAL : hal-01361193.
- Karim Sehaba & Revy Phillipe (2016). "Evaluation des fonctions cognitives et linguistiques à l’aide d’un serious game adaptatif". Rééducation orthophonique. HAL : hal-01337439.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Aarij Hussaan & Karim Sehaba (2016). "Consistency verication of learner proles in adaptive serious games". ELEVENTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 16 septembre 2016, Lyon (France), pp. 384-389. HAL : hal-01337442.
- López-Arcos José Rafael, Jean-Charles Marty, Karim Sehaba & Luis Gutiérrez Vela1 Francisco (2016). "A formal method to design and evaluate interactive stories for pervasive learning games". 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 7 octobre 2016, Paisley, Scotland (United Kingdom), pp. 381-390. HAL : hal-01361205.
- Stuart Hallifax, Karim Sehaba, Benoît Encelle & Jean-Charles Marty (2016). "Creation of GBL scenarios for multi-device environments". 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 7 septembre 2016, Paisley, Scotland (United Kingdom), pp. 256-264. HAL : hal-01361212.
- Joseph Garnier, Jean-Charles Marty & Karim Sehaba (2016). "Familiarity Detection with the Component Process Model". 16th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2016), 23 septembre 2016, Los Angeles, CA (United States of America), pp. 373-377. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-47665-0_36. HAL : hal-01531558. .
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Abir-Beatrice Karami, Karim Sehaba & Benoît Encelle (2016). "Extraction interactive de règles d’adaptation à partir de feedback utilisateurs". Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, Clermont-Ferrant (France), pp. 127-134. HAL : hal-01337451.
- 2015 (6)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Karim Sehaba & Audrey Serna (2015). "Decoding social situations in adolescents with Asperger through a serious game". AMSE, Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises, vol. 75, #2, pp. 234-246. HAL : hal-01205734.
- National journals with peer review (1)
- Karim Sehaba & Aarij Hussaan (2015). "Architecture et modèles génériques pour la génération adaptative des scénarios de jeux sérieux. Application : Jeu d’évaluation et de rééducation cognitives". STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation), vol. 21, pp. 615-648. HAL : hal-01205732.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba & Sébastien George (2015). "Recommendation of Learning Resources Based on Social Relations". CSEDU 2015 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 25 mai 2015, Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 425-432. doi : 10.5220/0005452304250432. HAL : hal-01205730.
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba & Alain Mille (2015). "Facilitate Sharing of Training Experience by Exploring Behavior Discovery in Trainees Traces". 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, {EC-TEL} 2015, 18 septembre 2015, Toledo (Spain), pp. 28-41. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-24258-3_3. HAL : hal-01205731.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Mohammed Tadlaoui, Sébastien George & Karim Sehaba (2015). "Approche pour la recommandation de ressources pédagogiques basée sur les liens sociaux". 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), 5 juin 2015, Agadir (Morocco), pp. 192-203. HAL : hal-01405948. .
- Joseph Garnier, Karim Sehaba & Jean-Charles Marty (2015). "En immersion avec des Personnages Non-Joueurs socio-émotionnels". Plate-forme Intelligence Artificielle, Jeux-Vidéo et IA (PFIA15), Rennes (France). HAL : hal-01531536. .
- 2014 (13)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Patrice Bouvier, Karim Sehaba & Elise Lavoué (2014). "A trace-based approach to identifying users’ engagement and qualifying their engaged-behaviours in interactive systems: application to a social game". User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, vol. 24, #5, pp. 413-451. doi : 10.1007/s11257-014-9150-2. HAL : hal-01130953. .
- Patrice Bouvier, Elise Lavoué & Karim Sehaba (2014). "Defining Engagement and Characterizing Engaged-Behaviors in Digital Gaming". Simulation and Gaming, vol. 45, 4-5, pp. 491-507. doi : 10.1177/1046878114553571. HAL : hal-01131205. .
- Conferences (9)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Patrice Bouvier, Elise Lavoué & Karim Sehaba (2014). "Penser engagement et/ou présence pour l'apprentissage en environnements virtuels". Immersive Learning and Education workshop, in conjunction with EUROGRAPHICS 2014, 14 avril 2014, Strasbourg (France). HAL : hal-01131231.
- Abir Béatrice Karami, Karim Sehaba & Benoît Encelle (2014). "Learn to Adapt based on Users' Feedback". IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 25 août 2014, Édimbourg (United Kingdom), pp. 625-630. doi : 10.1109/ROMAN.2014.6926322. HAL : hal-01313168.
- Aarij Mahmood Hussaan & Karim Sehaba (2014). "Learn and Evolve the Domain model in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Approach based on Interaction traces". 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU'14), 1 avril 2014, Barcelone (Spain), pp. 197-204. HAL : hal-01301052.
- Aarij Mahmood Hussaan & Karim Sehaba (2014). "Extracting knowledge in a game-based learning environment from interaction traces". The 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL'14), 10 octobre 2014, Berlin (Germany), pp. 1-9. HAL : hal-01301098.
- Ribeiro Claudia, Elise Lavoué, Karim Sehaba, Pereira Joao & Hauge Jannicke Baalsrud (2014). "Identifying Engagement with Learning in Serious Games". 1st Workshop on Learning Analytics for and in serious games (LASG 2014) in conjunction with the 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2014), 17 septembre 2014, Graz (Austria), pp. 26-28. HAL : hal-01134642.
- National conferences with peer review (4)
- Abir-Beatrice Karami, Karim Sehaba & Benoît Encelle (2014). "Apprentissage de connaissances d'adaptation à partir des feedbacks des utilisateurs". IC - 25èmes Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 16 mai 2014, Clermont-Ferrand (France), pp. 125-136. HAL : hal-01015966. .
- Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba & Sébastien Georges (2014). "Recommandation de ressources pédagogiques dans les réseaux sociaux en ligne". Journée Scientifique "Systèmes de recommandation et réseaux sociaux", 10 octobre 2014, Chambéry (France). HAL : hal-01497876.
- Karim Sehaba & Audrey Serna (2014). "Serious game pour le décodage des situations sociales chez les adolescents Asperger". Handicap 2014, 8ème congrès sur les aides techniques pour les personnes en situation de handicape, les technologies d’assistance : de la compensation à l’autonomie., 11 juin 2014, Paris (France), pp. 132-137. HAL : hal-01313172.
- Joseph Garnier, Karim Sehaba, Elise Lavoué & Jean-Charles Marty (2014). "Approche basée sur les traces d'interactions modélisées pour des agents socio-émotionnels dans les jeux vidéo". Workshop Affect, Compagnon Artificiel, Interaction (WACAI 2014), 1 juillet 2014, Rouen (France), p 30-35. HAL : hal-01134726. .
- HDR, thesis (1)
- HDR (1)
- Karim Sehaba (2014). "Adaptation dynamique des Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain". HAL : hal-01470080.
- Others (1)
- Mohammed Tadlaoui, Karim Sehaba & Sébastien George (2014). "Recommandation de ressources pédagogiques dans les réseaux sociaux en ligne". Journée Scientifique "Systèmes de recommandation et réseaux sociaux", 10 octobre 2014, Chambéry (France). Poster. HAL : hal-01283753.
- 2013 (12)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Karim Sehaba & Aarij Mahmood Hussaan (2013). "GOALS: Generator Of Adaptive Learning Scenarios". International Journal of Learning Technology, vol. 8, pp. 224-245. doi : 10.1504/IJLT.2013.057061. HAL : hal-01339255.
- Karim Sehaba & Aarij Mahmood Hussaan (2013). "Adaptive serious game for the re-education of cognitive disorders". AMSE journals, Advances in modelling, series Modelling C, vol. 73, pp. 148-159. HAL : hal-01339283.
- Conferences (9)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Abir-Beatrice Karami, Karim Sehaba & Benoit Encelle (2013). "Adaptive and Personalised Robots - Learning from Users' Feedback". IEEE 25th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 4 novembre 2013, Washington DC (United States of America). doi : 10.1109/ICTAI.2013.98. HAL : hal-01221445. .
- Patrice Bouvier, Karim Sehaba, Elise Lavoué & Sébastien George (2013). "Using Traces to Qualify Learner's Engagement in Game-Based Learning". 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2013), 18 juillet 2013, Beijing (China), pp. 87-91. HAL : hal-00854614. .
- Patrice Bouvier, Elise Lavoué, Karim Sehaba & Sébastien George (2013). "Identifying Learner's Engagement in Learning Games: a Qualitative Approach based on Learner's Traces of Interaction". 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2013), 8 mai 2013, Aachen (Germany), pp. 339-350. HAL : hal-00854579. .
- Patrice Bouvier, Elise Lavoué, Karim Sehaba & Sébastien George (2013). "Identifying Learner’s Engagement in Learning Games: a Qualitative Approach based on Learner’s Traces of Interaction". 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2013), 6 mai 2013, Aachen (Germany), pp. 339-350. doi : 10.5220/0004386903390350. HAL : hal-01339159.
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba & Alain Mille (2013). "Capitalize and share observation and analysis knowledge to assist trainers in professional training with simulation Case of training and skills maintain of Nuclear Power Plant control room staff". CSEDU 2013 - 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education,, 6 mai 2013, Aachen (Germany), pp. 627-632. doi : 10.5220/0004388806270632. HAL : hal-01339181.
- Abir Béatrice Karami, Karim Sehaba & Benoît Encelle (2013). "Towards Adaptive Robots based on Interaction Traces: A User Study". The 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2013., 25 novembre 2013, Montevideo (Uruguay), pp. 1-6. HAL : hal-01339266.
- Aarij Mahmood Hussaan & Karim Sehaba (2013). "Adaptive Serious Game for Rehabilitation of persons with cognitive disabilities". The 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 15 juillet 2013, Beijing (China), pp. 65-69. HAL : hal-01339183.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Patrice Bouvier, Karim Sehaba, Elise Lavoué & Sébastien George (2013). "Approche qualitative pour identifier et qualifier l'engagement des joueurs à partir de leurs traces d'interaction". Conférence en Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2013), 5 juillet 2013, Lille (France), 16 p. HAL : hal-01134721. .
- Olivier Champalle & Karim Sehaba (2013). "Réutiliser les connaissances d’expert pour assister l’analyse de l’activité sur simulateur pleine échelle de conduite de centrale nucléaire - Approche à base de M-Trace". EGC 2013 - 13e Conférence Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, 29 janvier 2013, Toulouse (France), pp. 115-120. HAL : hal-01351701.
- Others (1)
- Karim Sehaba & Benoît Encelle (2013). "Actes de l'atelier Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain et Situation de Handicap". HAL : hal-01339279.
- 2012 (9)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Karim Sehaba (2012). "Système d’aide adaptatif à base de traces". Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, vol. 9, pp. 55-70. HAL : hal-01353033.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba, Dino Cosmas, Alain Mille & Yannick Prié (2012). "Assistance to trainers for the observation and analysis activities of operators trainees on Nuclear Power Plant Full-Scope Simulator". International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2012), 19 septembre 2012, BUCHAREST (Romania), pp. 33-40. doi : 10.1109/iNCoS.2012.45. HAL : hal-01353031.
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba & Alain Mille (2012). "Observations models to track learners' activity during training on a Nuclear Power Plant Full-Scope Simulator". 7th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2012), 18 septembre 2012, Saarbrücken (Germany), pp. 546-546. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-33263-0_62. HAL : hal-01353032.
- Aarij Mahmood Hussaan & Karim Sehaba (2012). "Generator of Adaptive Learning Scenarios : Design and Evaluation in The project CLES". 7th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2012), 18 septembre 2012, Saarbrücken (Germany), pp. 166-179. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-33263-0_14. HAL : hal-01353030.
- Karim Sehaba (2012). "Sharing experiences between learners with different profiles : adaptation of interaction traces". The 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 4 juillet 2012, Rome (Italy), pp. 488-492. doi : 10.1109/ICALT.2012.53. HAL : hal-01353029.
- Karim Sehaba (2012). "Partage d'expériences entre utilisateurs différents : Adaptation des modalités d'interaction". IC 2011, 22èmes Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 20 mai 2012, Chambéry (France), pp. 639-656. HAL : hal-00746729. .
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Olivier Champalle & Karim Sehaba (2012). "Assistance aux formateurs pour l'observation et l'analyse des activités des opérateurs-stagiaires sur simulateurs pleine échelle de conduite de centrale nucléaire". TICE 2012 (Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement), 11 décembre 2012, Lyon (France), pp. 20-30. HAL : hal-01353119.
- Karim Sehaba & Aarij Mahmood Hussaan (2012). "Jeux sérieux adaptatifs pour la rééducation des troubles cognitifs". Handicap 2012, 7ème congrès sur les aides techniques pour les personnes handicapées, L'interdisciplinarité au service de la personne en quête d'autonomie, 13 juin 2012, Paris (France), pp. 15-20. HAL : hal-01353028.
- Others (1)
- Abir Béatrice Karami, Benoît Encelle & Karim Sehaba (2012). "Towards social and adaptive companion robots: a position paper". WACAI 2012 - Workshop Affect, Compagnon Artificiel, Interaction., 15 novembre 2012, Grenoble (France). Poster. HAL : hal-01353120.
- 2011 (9)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Damien Clauzel, Karim Sehaba & Yannick Prié (2011). "Enhancing synchronous collaboration by using interactive visualisation of modelled traces". Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 19, pp. 84-97. doi : 10.1016/j.simpat.2010.06.021. HAL : hal-01354383.
- Conferences (6)
- International conferences with peer review (6)
- Aarij Mahmood Hussaan & Karim Sehaba (2011). "A System for Generating Pedagogical Scenarios for Serious Games". International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 6 mai 2011, Noordwijerhout (Netherlands), pp. 246-251. doi : 10.5220/0003336002460251. HAL : hal-01354382.
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba, Alain Mille & Yannick Prié (2011). "A framework for observation and analysis of learners’ behavior in a full-scope simulator of a nuclear power plant - Approach based on modelled traces". ICALT 2011 - The 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 6 juillet 2011, Athens, Georgia (United States of America), pp. 30-31. doi : 10.1109/ICALT.2011.17. HAL : hal-01354414.
- Aarij Mahmood Hussaan, Karim Sehaba & Alain Mille (2011). "Helping Children with Cognitive Disabilities through Serious Games: Project CLES". The 13th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ASSETS 2011, 24 octobre 2011, Dundee, Scotland (United Kingdom), pp. 251-252. doi : 10.1145/2049536.2049592. HAL : hal-01354505.
- Karim Sehaba (2011). "Adaptation of Shared Traces in e-learning Environment". The 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 6 juillet 2011, Athens, Georgia (United States of America), pp. 103-104. doi : 10.1109/ICALT.2011.36. HAL : hal-01354410.
- Karim Sehaba & Stéphanie Mailles-Viard Metz (2011). "Using interaction traces for evolutionary design support - Application on the Virtual Campus VCIel". International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 6 mai 2011, Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands), pp. 237-242. doi : 10.5220/0003299602370242. HAL : hal-01354405.
- Aarij Mahmood Hussaan, Karim Sehaba & Alain Mille (2011). "Tailoring Serious Games with Adaptive Pedagogical Scenarios : A Serious Game for persons with cognitive disabilities". The 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 6 juillet 2011, Athens, Georgia (United States of America), pp. 486-490. doi : 10.1109/ICALT.2011.152. HAL : hal-01354406.
- Others (2)
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba, Alain Mille & Yannick Prié (2011). "Des transformations à bases de règles pour capitaliser et partager l’expertise d’observation de l’activité sur simulateur pleine échelle". IC 2011 - 22èmes Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances, 16 mai 2011, Chambéry (France). Poster. HAL : hal-01354412.
- Olivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba, Alain Mille & Yannick Prié (2011). "Observation et analyse de comportements collectifs et/ou individuels par la découverte de connaissances issues de l’exploitation d’un corpus de M-Traces d’activité sur simulateur pleine échelle". EIAH 2011 - Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, 25 mai 2011, Mons (Belgium). Poster. HAL : hal-01354407.
- 2009 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Karim Sehaba, Stéphanie Mailles-Viard Metz & Serge Miguet (2009). "User Centered Design & E-Learning, The Case of the Virtual Campus VCIel". Software, Knowledge Information Management and Applications, 12 octobre 2009, Fes (Morocco), pp. 295-301. HAL : halshs-00529416.
- Damien Clauzel, Karim Sehaba & Yannick Prié (2009). "Modelling and visualising traces for reflexivity in synchronous collaborative systems". International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, Barcelone (Spain), pp. 16-23. doi : 10.1109/INCOS.2009.55. HAL : hal-00474036. .
- Karim Sehaba, Benoît Encelle & Alain Mille (2009). "Adaptive TEL based on Interaction Traces". In AIED'09 (14 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education) workshop on "Towards User Modeling and Adaptive Systems for All (TUMAS-A 2009): Modeling and Evaluation of Accessible Intelligent Learning Systems", 6 juillet 2009, Brighton (United Kingdom), pp. 33-37. HAL : hal-01437743.