Laure Tougne Rodet


Team(s) Imagine
Université Lumière Lyon 2
Bron (Université Lyon2)
Email laure.tougne at
Professional phone number
Personal page

Publications (IdHAL : ltougne)

Publications LIRIS pour Laure Tougne Rodet (125)

  • 2023 (7)
  • 2022 (4)
  • 2021 (13)
  • 2020 (7)
  • 2019 (14)
  • 2018 (8)
    • Journals (2)
    • Conferences (5)
      • International conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Xingyu Pan & Laure Tougne (2018). "Image Anaysis and Deep Learning for Aiding Professional Coin Grading". International Conference on Image Video Processing and Artificial Intelligence, 17 août 2018, Shanghai (China). doi : 10.1117/12.2500142. HAL : hal-01795304. .
        •  Aurélie Leborgne, Julien Mille & L. Tougne (2018). "Automatic extraction of leaf network of veins". IAMPS - International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences, 23 janvier 2018, Nottingham (United Kingdom). HAL : hal-01704848.
      • National conferences with peer review (3)
        •  Élodie Faure, Rémi Ratajczak, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Olivia Pérol, Laure Tougne & Béatrice Fervers (2018). "Development of a software based on automatic multi-temporal aerial images classification to assess retrospective environmental exposures to pesticides in epidemiological studies". CLARA 2018 Cancer Research Forum, 3 avril 2018, Lyon (France). HAL : hal-01784654. .
        •  Rémi Ratajczak, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Élodie Faure, Béatrice Fervers & Laure Tougne (2018). "Reconstruction automatique de l'occupation du sol à partir d'images aériennes historiques monochromes : une étude comparative". Conférence Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (CFPT), 26 juin 2018, Marne-la-Vallée (France). HAL : hal-01827773. .
        •  Clément Douarre, Laure Tougne, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gelibert & David Rousseau (2018). "Data simulation to improve supervised segmentation of apple scab images". 10e édition des Rencontres du végétal, 5 décembre 2018, Angers (France). HAL : hal-02183848.
    • Others (1)
      •  Sarah Bertrand, Guillaume Cerutti & Laure Tougne (2018). "Visualization of Leaf Botanical Features Extracted from AlexNet Convolutional Layers". IAMPS - International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences 2018, 23 janvier 2018, Nottingham (United Kingdom). Poster. HAL : hal-01691924. .
  • 2017 (4)
    • Journals (1)
      • International journals with peer review (1)
    • Conferences (3)
      • International conferences with peer review (3)
        •  Léo Nicolle, Julien Bonneton, Hubert Konik, Damien Muselet & Laure Tougne (2017). "Towards an electronic orientation table: using features extracted from the image to register Digital Elevation Model". International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Visapp 2017), 27 février 2017, Porto (Portugal). HAL : ujm-01486568. .
        •  Sarah Bertrand, Guillaume Cerutti & Laure Tougne (2017). "Bark Recognition to Improve Leaf-based Classification in Didactic Tree Species Identification". VISAPP 2017 - 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 1 mars 2017, Porto (Portugal). HAL : hal-01486591.
        •  Sarah Bertrand, Guillaume Cerutti & Laure Tougne (2017). "Segmentation Algorithm on Smartphone Dual Camera: Application to Plant Organs in the Wild". 10th International Conference on Machine Vision, 15 novembre 2017, Vienna (Austria). doi : 10.1117/12.2314731. HAL : hal-01675655.
  • 2016 (5)
    • Conferences (5)
      • International conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Xingyu Pan & Laure Tougne (2016). "Topology-Based Character Recognition Method for Coin Date Detection". 18th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 25 octobre 2016, Paris (France). HAL : hal-01371496.
        •  Aurélie Leborgne, Julien Mille & Laure Tougne (2016). "Hierarchical skeleton for shape matching". ICIP (IEEE International Conference on Image Processing), 28 septembre 2016, Phoenix (United States of America). HAL : hal-01335723.
      • National conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Sébastien George, Didier Coquin, Thierry Joliveau, Valéry Malécot & Laure Tougne (2016). "Conception d'applications ludo-éducatives mobiles en botanique". Ludovia 2016, 26 août 2016, Ax-les-Thermes (France). HAL : hal-01546798.
        •  Aurélie Leborgne, Julien Mille & Laure Tougne (2016). "Squelette hiérarchique pour la description de formes". RFIA (Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle), 1 juillet 2016, Clermont-Ferrand (France). HAL : hal-01335715.
      • Other conferences (1)
        •  Jérôme Michalon, Florian Charvolin, Thierry Joliveau & Laure Tougne (2016). "La grammaire des arbres. Les régimes de perception et de cognition de l’environnement chez les utilisateurs de l’application Folia.". XXème Congrès de l'Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française, CR 29 Sociologie de la Science et de l'innovation technologique, Montréal (Canada). HAL : halshs-01523558.
  • 2015 (3)
    • Journals (2)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Pierre Lemaire, Hervé Piégay, Bruce Macvicar, Lise Vaudor, Christine Mouquet-Noppe & L. Tougne (2015). "An automatic video monitoring system for estimating driftwood discharge in large rivers". Third International Conference on WOOD WORLD RIVERS 3, 10 juillet 2015, Padova (Italy). HAL : halshs-01361639.
  • 2014 (10)
    • Journals (3)
    • Conferences (6)
      • International conferences with peer review (3)
      • National conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Aurélie Leborgne, Julien Mille & Laure Tougne (2014). "Squelette Euclidien Discret Connecté (DECS) résistant au bruit pour l'appariement de formes basé graphes". CORESA 2014, 28 novembre 2014, Reims (France). HAL : hal-01283912.
        •  Matthieu Rogez, Lionel Robinault & Laure Tougne (2014). "Un système de suivi multi-objets utilisant une stratégie d'association en trois passes adapté à la vidéosurveillance". Compression et Représentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA), 26 novembre 2014, Reims (France), pp. 145-154. HAL : hal-01301101.
      • Other conferences (1)
        •  Manuel Grand-Brochier, Antoine Vacavant, Robin Strand, Guillaume Cerutti & Laure Tougne (2014). "About the Impact of Pre-processing Tools on Segmentation Methods, Applied for Tree Leaves Extraction". 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 5 janvier 2014, Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 1-10. HAL : hal-01270783.
    • Others (1)
      •  Pierre Lemaire, Hervé Piégay, Bruce Macvicar, Christine Mouquet-Noppe & Laure Tougne (2014). "EP53D-3695 Automatically monitoring driftwood in large rivers: prelimenary results". AGU 2014 Fall Meeting. Session: River-Floodplain Connectivity: Interactions among Riparian Vegetation, Fluvial Wood, Stream Morphodynamics, and Biochemical Cycles, 19 décembre 2014, San Francisco (United States of America). Poster. HAL : halshs-01341771.
  • 2013 (6)
    • Journals (1)
    • Conferences (5)
      • International conferences with peer review (5)
        •  Manuel Grand-Brochier, Antoine Vacavant, Guillaume Cerutti, Kevin Bianchi & Laure Tougne (2013). "Comparative Study of Segmentation Methods for Tree Leaves Extraction". ACM ICVS, Workshop VIGTA (International Workshop on Video and Image Ground Truth in computer vision Applications), 15 juillet 2013, St Petersbourg (Russian Federation), pp. 1-10. doi : 10.1145/2501105.2501109. HAL : hal-01339221.
        •  Guillaume Cerutti, Laure Tougne, Didier Coquin & Antoine Vacavant (2013). "Curvature-Scale-based Contour Understanding for Leaf Margin Shape Recognition and Species Identification". International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 24 février 2013, Barcelona (Spain), pp. 277-284. HAL : hal-00872870. .
        •  Guillaume Cerutti, Laure Tougne, Julien Mille, Antoine Vacavant & Didier Coquin (2013). "A Model-Based Approach for Compound Leaves Understanding and Identification". International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 18 septembre 2013, Melbourne (Australia), pp. 1471-1475. HAL : hal-00872889. .
        •  Guillaume Cerutti, Laure Tougne, Céline Sacca, Thierry Joliveau, Pierre-Olivier Mazagol, Didier Coquin & Antoine Vacavant (2013). "Late Information Fusion for Multi-modality Plant Species Identification". Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, 26 septembre 2013, Valencia (Spain), Working Notes. HAL : hal-00872903. .
        •  Matthieu Rogez, Laure Tougne & Lionel Robinault (2013). "A Prior-Knowledge Based Casted Shadows Prediction Model Featuring OpenStreetMap Data". VISAPP, 5 janvier 2013, Barcelone (Spain), pp. 602-607. HAL : hal-01339145.
  • 2012 (5)
    • Journals (1)
      • International journals with peer review (1)
        •  Imtiaz Ali, Julien Mille & Laure Tougne (2012). "Space-time spectral model for object detection in dynamic textured background". Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 33, pp. 1710-1716. HAL : hal-01353023.
    • Conferences (3)
      • International conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Loreta Suta, Mihaela Scuturici, Serge Miguet, Laure Tougne & Mircea Vaida (2012). "Local Blur Assessment in Natural Images". VISAPP 2012, 24 février 2012, Rome (Italy), pp. 123-128. HAL : hal-01352949.
        •  Guillaume Cerutti, Violaine Antoine, Laure Tougne, Julien Mille, Lionel Valet, Didier Coquin & Antoine Vacavant (2012). "ReVeS Participation - Tree Species Classification using Random Forests and Botanical Features". Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF), 20 décembre 2012, Rome (Italy), p. 1. HAL : hal-00759848. .
      • National conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Laure Tougne, Guillaume Cerutti, Antoine Vacavant, Julien Mille, Violaine Antoine, Stéphane Bres, Robin Cartal, Bernard Etlicher, Sylvie Galichet et al. (2012). "Projet ReVeS : Reconnaissance de Végétaux pour de interfaces Smartphones". 8èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité (UBIMOB), 6 juin 2012, Anglet (France), pp. 49-54. HAL : hal-00760026.
    • Others (1)
  • 2011 (6)
    • Journals (1)
      • International journals with peer review (1)
        •  Antoine Vacavant, David Coeurjolly & Laure Tougne (2011). "Separable algorithms for distance transformations on irregular grids". Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 32, pp. 1356-1364. HAL : hal-01354375.
    • Conferences (4)
      • International conferences with peer review (4)
        •  Guillaume Cerutti, Laure Tougne, Julien Mille, Antoine Vacavant & Didier Coquin (2011). "Guiding Active Contours for Tree Leaf Segmentation and Identification". CLEF 2011, Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation, 22 septembre 2011, Amsterdam (Netherlands), p. 1. HAL : hal-00622274. .
        •  Guillaume Cerutti, Laure Tougne, Antoine Vacavant & Didier Coquin (2011). "A Parametric Active Polygon for Leaf Segmentation and Shape Estimation". 7th International Symposium on Visual Computing, 28 septembre 2011, Las Vegas (United States of America), pp. 202-213. HAL : hal-00622269. .
        •  Imtiaz Ali, Julien Mille & Laure Tougne (2011). "Wood detection and tracking in videos of river". Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, 23 mai 2011, Ystad (Sweden), pp. 646-655. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-21227-7_60. HAL : hal-01354416.
        •  Corentin Lallier, Emanuelle Reynaud, Lionel Robinault & Laure Tougne (2011). "A Testing Framework for Background Subtraction Algorithms Comparison in Intrusion Detection Context". IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, 30 août 2011, Klagenfurt (Austria), pp. 314-319. doi : 10.1109/AVSS.2011.6027343. HAL : hal-01354449.
    • Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
      •  Bruce Macvicar, A. Hauet, N. E. Bergeron, Laure Tougne & Imtiaz Ali (2011). "River monitoring with ground-based videography". Remote Sensing of Rivers: Management and Applications, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-0470714270,, Carbonneau, H. Piégay, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 367-383. doi : 10.1002/9781119940791.ch16. HAL : hal-01354540.
  • 2010 (1)
  • 2009 (8)
    • Journals (2)
      • International journals with peer review (2)
    • Conferences (5)
      • International conferences with peer review (5)
        •  Tristan Roussillon, Laure Tougne & Isabelle Sivignon (2009). "What Does Digital Straightness Tell About Digital Convexity ?". International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Cancun (Mexico), pp. 43-55. HAL : hal-00988871. .
        •  Imtiaz Ali & Laure Tougne (2009). "Unsupervised video analysis for counting of wood in river during floods". 5th International Symposium on Visual Computing, 30 novembre 2009, Las Vegas (United States of America), pp. 578-587. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-10520-3_55. HAL : hal-01437819.
        •  Tristan Roussillon, Laure Tougne & Isabelle Sivignon (2009). "On Three Constrained Versions of the Digital Circular Arc Recognition Problem". Discrete Geometry For Computer Imagery, Montreal (Canada), pp. 34-45. HAL : hal-00962589. .
        •  Antoine Vacavant, David Coeurjolly & Laure Tougne (2009). "A Novel Algorithm for Distance Transformation on Irregular Isothetic Grids". DGCI 2009, 30 septembre 2009, Montréal (Canada), pp. 469-480. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-04397-0_40. HAL : hal-01437722.
        •  Bruce Macvicar, Hervé Piégay, Laure Tougne & Ali Imtiaz (2009). "Video monitoring of wood transport in a free-meandering piedmont river". AGU ; H59: Assessing Forms, Processes and Habitats in Freshwater Environments Using High Resolution Remote Sensing, San Francisco (United States of America). HAL : halshs-01343447.
    • Others (1)
  • 2008 (4)
    • Conferences (3)
      • International conferences with peer review (3)
        •  Tristan Roussillon, Isabelle Sivignon & Laure Tougne (2008). "Test and Measure of Circularity for Digital Curves". The 2008 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV'08), 17 juillet 2008, Las Vegas (United States of America), pp. 1-7. HAL : hal-01501286.
        •  Tristan Roussillon, Isabelle Sivignon & Laure Tougne (2008). "Robust Decomposition of a Digital Curve into Convex and Concave Parts". International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2008), 11 décembre 2008, Tampa (United States of America), pp. 1-4. HAL : hal-01501289.
        •  Antoine Vacavant, David Coeurjolly & L. Tougne (2008). "Distance Transformation en Two-Dimensional Irregular Isothetic Grids". 14th Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 16 avril 2008, Lyon, France (France), pp. 238-249. HAL : hal-01543013.
    • Others (1)
  • 2007 (3)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
    • Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
      •  Issameddine Boukhriss, Serge Miguet & L. Tougne (2007). "Two dimensional discrete statistical shape models construction". Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing, Springer Verlag. HAL : hal-01517360.
      •  L. Tougne (2007). "Géométrie discrète sur des supports multirésolution". Géométrie discrète et images numériques, Traité IC2, série Signal et image, pp. 375-385. HAL : hal-01517364.
  • 2006 (6)
    • Conferences (5)
      • International conferences with peer review (4)
        •  Antoine Vacavant, David Coeurjolly & Laure Tougne (2006). "Topological and Geometrical Reconstruction of Complex Objects on Irregular Isothetic Grids". 13th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Szeged (France), pp. 470-481. HAL : hal-00185125. .
        •  Antoine Vacavant, David Coeurjolly & Laure Tougne (2006). "Dynamic Reconstruction of Complex Planar Objects on Irregular Isothetic Grids". International Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe, Nevada (United States of America), pp. 205-2174. HAL : hal-00185120. .
        •  Issameddine Boukhriss, Serge Miguet & L. Tougne (2006). "Two-Dimensional Discrete Shape Matching and Recognition". International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Berlin (Germany). doi : 10.1007/11774938_35. HAL : hal-01517162.
        •  Issameddine Boukhriss, Serge Miguet & L. Tougne (2006). "Two dimensional discrete statistical shape models construction". International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS, Hammamet (Tunisia). HAL : hal-01583541.
      • National conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Antoine Vacavant, David Coeurjolly & L. Tougne (2006). "Reconstruction topologique et géométrique d'objets complexes sur grilles isothétiques irrégulières". COmpression et REprésentation de Signaux Audiovisuels, 1 novembre 2006, Caën, France (France). HAL : hal-01543009.
    • Others (1)
      •  Issameddine Boukhriss, Serge Miguet & L. Tougne (2006). "Three dimensional discrete morphing: Application to medical atlas construction". 2èmes journées algéro-françaises en imagerie médicale, JETIM, Algeria. HAL : hal-01583546.
  • 2005 (3)
    • Journals (1)
      • International journals with peer review (1)
    • Conferences (2)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
      • National conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Firas Alhalabi & L. Tougne (2005). "Toward polygonalisation of thick discrete arcs". 11th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2005, 8 septembre 2005, Versailles (France), pp. 197-204. doi : 10.1007/11556121_25. HAL : hal-01593428.
  • 2004 (6)
  • 2003 (2)
    • Journals (1)
      • International journals with peer review (1)
        •  Fabien Feschet & L. Tougne (2003). "On the min DSS problem of closed discrete curves". Electronic Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12, pp. 325-336. HAL : hal-01517327.
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  David Coeurjolly, Frédéric Flin, Olivier Teytaud & Laure Tougne (2003). "Multigrid Convergence and Surface Area Estimation". Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision "Geometry, Morphology, and Computational Imaging", Dagsthul (Germany), pp. 101-119. HAL : hal-00185210.

Publications hors LIRIS

Publications hors LIRIS pour Laure Tougne Rodet (9)

  • 2001 (3)
    • Journals (1)
      • International journals with peer review (1)
        •  Fabien Feschet & L. Tougne (2001). "Generating isotropic waves on cellular automata". International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. HAL : hal-01517151.
    • Conferences (2)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  David Coeurjolly, Yan Gerard, Jean-Pierre Reveillès & Laure Tougne (2001). "An elementary algorithm for digital arc segmentation". International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Philadelphia (United States of America), N.A. HAL : hal-00185216.
      • National conferences with peer review (1)
  • 2000 (1)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Fabien Feschet & L. Tougne (2000). "Discrete spheres on cellular automata". International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Caen (France). HAL : hal-01517329.
  • 1999 (2)
    • Journals (1)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Fabien Feschet & L. Tougne (1999). "Optimal time computation of the tangent of a discrete curve application to the curvature". Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Marne-La-Vallée (France). HAL : hal-01517330.
  • 1998 (1)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  L. Tougne (1998). "The moirés of circles". IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Tucson (United States of America), pp. 115-120. HAL : hal-01517331.
  • 1996 (1)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
  • 1995 (1)
    • Reports (1)
      • Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
        •  Laure Tougne (1995). "Recognitions of figures with two-dimensional cellular automata.". Research report, #LIP RR-1994-39. 2+85pp. HAL : hal-02102119. .