Clément Douarre
Former LIRIS member since: 2021-10-31
Quality | PhD student |
Team(s) | Imagine |
Institution | Université Lumière Lyon 2 |
Thesis | Analyse embarquée d’images hyperspectrales, application au domaine de l’agriculture (click to view details) |
Publications (IdHAL : douarre-clement)
Publications LIRIS pour Clément Douarre (13)
- 2021 (5)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gelibert, Gérald Germain, Laure Tougne & David Rousseau (2021). "CTIS-Net: A Neural Network Architecture for Compressed Learning Based on Computed Tomography Imaging Spectrometers". IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. doi : 10.1109/TCI.2021.3083215. HAL : hal-03248567.
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gélibert, Laure Tougne & David Rousseau (2021). "On the value of CTIS imagery for neural network based classification : experimental results". OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 23 juillet 2021, Washington, DC, (United States of America). HAL : hal-03248645.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gélibert, Laure Tougne & David Rousseau (2021). "Spectro-imagerie et apprentissage comprimé". 16èmes Journées Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle, 31 mars 2021, Paris (en ligne) (France). HAL : hal-03248616.
- Noëlie Debs, Sergio Peignier, Clément Douarre, Théo Jourdan, Christophe Rigotti & Carole Frindel (2021). "Apprendre l'apprentissage automatique : un retour d'expérience". CETSIS 2021 - Colloque de l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, 10 juin 2021, Valenciennes (France), pp. 1-5. HAL : hal-03341954. .
- HDR, thesis (1)
- Thesis (1)
- Clément Douarre (2021). "Spectro-imagerie et apprentissage profond : application à la détection de maladies de plantes". HAL : tel-03690297. .
- 2020 (2)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gelibert, Laure Tougne & David Rousseau (2020). "On the value of CTIS imagery for neural-network-based classification: a simulation perspective". Applied optics, vol. 59, #28, p. 8697. doi : 10.1364/AO.394868. HAL : hal-02975030.
- Conferences (1)
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gélibert, Laure Tougne & David Rousseau (2020). "Apprentissage comprimé sur images hyperspectrales de feuilles de pommier atteintes de tavelure". GdR ISIS : IA pour l'agriculture, 25 novembre 2020, Paris (France). HAL : hal-03248632.
- 2019 (4)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gelibert, Laure Tougne & David Rousseau (2019). "Novel data augmentation strategies to boost supervised segmentation of plant disease". Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 165, p. 104967. doi : 10.1016/j.compag.2019.104967. HAL : hal-02330900. .
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gelibert, David Rousseau & Laure Tougne (2019). "A strategy for multimodal canopy images registration". 7th International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods in the Plant Sciences, 5 juillet 2019, Lyon (France). HAL : hal-02183837. .
- Others (2)
- Clément Douarre, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gélibert, Laure Tougne & David Rousseau (2019). "Data for : Novel Data Augmentation Strategies To Boost Supervised Segmentation of Plant Disease Images". doi : 10.17632/ztrgn2rbrj.1. HAL : hal-02307723.
- Clément Douarre, Laure Tougne, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gelibert & David Rousseau (2019). "When spectro-imaging meets machine learning". Presentation of our work entitled "When spectro-imaging meets machine learning" during the workshop "Workshop on Machine Learning Assisted Image Formation". HAL : hal-02514988.
- 2018 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Gérald Germain, Amélie Achard, Anthony Gelibert & Bastien Billiot (2018). "Differentiation of plant species with hyperspectral and deep learning technology". Image Analyses Methods for Plant Sciences, 22 janvier 2018, Nottingham (United Kingdom). HAL : hal-01806924.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Clément Douarre, Laure Tougne, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Anthony Gelibert & David Rousseau (2018). "Data simulation to improve supervised segmentation of apple scab images". 10e édition des Rencontres du végétal, 5 décembre 2018, Angers (France). HAL : hal-02183848.