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CHI Play 2019 : Honorable mention
The article “Factors to Consider for Tailored Gamification” by Stuart Hallifax, Audrey Serna, Jean-Charles Marty, Guillaume Lavoué, and Elise Lavoué received an Honorable mention (13.7% of the accepted papers) during the CHI PLAY 2019 conference in Barcelona. The CHI PLAY conference is organised by the SIGCHI group of the ACM.
Matching point sets : our work at SIGGRAPH 2019
LIRIS is again at SIGGRAPH, the leading conference in computer graphics, this time to present work by Nicolas Bonneel and David Coeurjolly on matching point sets. A fast algorithm was developped, using 1-d projections of higher-dimensional point sets, and based on optimal transport theory.
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2017
The M2Disco team organized the "Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2017" which was held on 23 and 24 April in Lyon. This was the 10th edition of this international workshop bringing together the scientific community of 3D shape retrieval and indexing.
Soutenance de thèse : "Compression progressive de maillages surfaciques texturés", Florian CAILLAUD
Mardi 17 janvier 2017 à 9h30, salle 337 du bâtiment Blaise Pascal, INSA Lyon, 69100 VILLEURBANNE
"Echantillonnage basse discrépance et blue-noise en dimension 2" à SIGGRAPH Asia
Issu d’une collaboration entre le LIRIS, l’Université de Constance (University of Konstanz, Allemagne) et l'Université de Shenzhen /SIAT (Chine), l'article intitulé "Low-Discrepancy Blue Noise Sampling" et co-signé par Abdalla G. M. Ahmed, Hélène Perrier, David Coeurjolly, Victor Ostromoukhov, Jianwei Guo, Dongming Yan, Hui Huang et Oliver Deussen sera présenté à SIIGRAPH ASIA début décembre.
Soutenance de thèse : "Calcul du seuil de visibilité d'une distorsion géométrique locale sur un maillage et ses applications", Georges NADER
Mardi 22 Novembre 2016 à 10h00, salle C4 du bâtiment Nautibus, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, 69100 VILLEURBANNE
Quatre papiers acceptés à Pacific Graphics 2016
Trois articles de l'équipe M2Disco ont été acceptés en Full Paper à la conférence Pacific Graphics 2016 et seront publiés dans la revue Computer Graphic Forum. Un article court a également été accepté.
Pacific Graphics 2016 : Best Paper Award
The paper "Visual Contrast Sensitivity and Discrimination for 3D Meshes and their Applications" from Georges Nader*, Kai Wang, Franck Hetroy-Wheeler and Florent Dupont* (*M2DisCo Team members) received the best paper award of the Pacific Graphics conference held in Okinawa (Japan) (2016 october 11-14).
Soutenance de thèse : "Contributions to Objective and Subjective Visual Quality Assessment of 3D Models", Jinjinag GUO
Jeudi 6 octobre 2016 à 10h30, Amphi 337 - 3ème étage, bâtiment Blaise Pascal, INSA Lyon,7 avenue Jean Capelle, 69100 VILLEURBANNE
Le GDR IGRV et l'AFIG selectionnent Nicolas Bonneel pour couvrir SIGGRAPH
SIGGRAPH is a major annual event in computer graphics, organized by the ACM. This conference benefits from between 10 and 20 000 attendees -- artists, researchers, companies -- and represents every aspect of computer graphics: rendering, photography, 3D printing, animation etc. This year, Nicolas Bonneel has been selected by the AFIG and GDR IGRV to cover this event that will take place in Anaheim in California, from July 24th to 28th, 2016.
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Title | Type de projet | Dates contrat | Partenaire(s) |
Levels of details and perception for complex 3D scenes | Région | 2015 - 2017 | Université de Montréal, Université McGill |
Title | Type de projet | Dates contrat | Partenaire(s) |
Efficacité Logistique Urbaine alimentaire Durable | LABEX | 2018 - 2020 | elior, PassionFroid, Environnement Ville société , Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Circulation Transports |
Spatial-temporal analysis of traffic data for smart mobility | LABEX | 2014 - 2017 | Laboratoire Aménagement Economie Transports, Métropole de Lyon, Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Circulation Transports |