CHI Play 2019 : Honorable mention
The article “Factors to Consider for Tailored Gamification” by Stuart Hallifax, Audrey Serna, Jean-Charles Marty, Guillaume Lavoué, and Elise Lavoué received an Honorable mention (13.7% of the accepted papers) during the CHI PLAY 2019 conference in Barcelona. The CHI PLAY conference is organised by the SIGCHI group of the ACM.
This article presents a crowdsourced study (with 300 participants) that aims to highlight the factors to consider to adapt gamification to users. The study shows that the implementation of a game element has an impact on the users’ appreciation, that the Hexad typology is the best the categorise users for tailored gamification, that the users dominant player type is not sufficient to identify preferences, and that the impact of certain game elements greatly varies with the domain or user activity. This article also presents recommendations for the design of adapted game elements based on user player profiles.
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