LIRIS Seminar - Colin de la Higuera - Artificial intelligence and open education: challenges and opportunities for computer scientists.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Colin de la Higuera (Professor of Computer Science at Nantes University) at LIRIS, on Thursday, February 13, 2025. He will come to discuss with us about the challenges of AI in open education, as part of a laboratory seminar. An appointment to note in your diaries, we are looking forward to seeing many of you! The seminar will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Fontannes room (Charles Darwin Building D, ground floor, on the left when entering the hall), opposite the T1/T4 Université Lyon 1 tram station, LyonTech-la Doua Campus.
Society is biased, and this biases AI... here are avenues for solutions for virtuous AI and a more inclusive society
The data used to train AIs reflect societal stereotypes and prejudices, for example, towards underrepresented groups. In order to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive data, such as health data, while ensuring that it is not biased, learning methods must be adapted.
LIRIS Seminar - Sébastien Destercke - Learning in an imperfect world, with a focus on uncertain data.
We will have the pleasure to welcome Sébastien Destercke, DR CNRS at the Heudiasyc laboratory (UTC, Compiègne), for a LIRIS seminar entitled "Learning in an imperfect world, with a focus on uncertain data.", on Thursday, September 26 at 2pm in room C002 of Nautibus. All welcome!
Axel Paris has obtained an accessit at the GDR-IGRV PhD award
Le GDR-IGRV PhD award committee has given Axel Paris an accessit for his thesis entitled "Modeling and simulating virtual terrains" supervised by Eric Galin and Eric Guérin, Origami team.
Master’s thesis award for Léa Mosesso by the National Digital Council
Marina Ferrari, minister of state for digital affairs, handed the best master thesis award of the National Digital Council to Léa Mosesso on May the 17th. Léa is a design researcher in the Sical team working on the Digital Limits project. She wrote her master’s thesis on the work conducted during her internship in the Sical team in 2022.
Eurographics 2024 best paper award in the Origami team
At the Eurographics 2024 conference, a major event in computer graphics held in Limassol, Cyprus from April 22nd to 26th, the Günter Enderle Prize for the best paper was awarded to the work conducted by Baptiste Genest (Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, LIRIS UMR 5205), Nicolas Courty (University of Southern Brittany, IRISA UMR 6074), and David Coeurjolly (CNRS, LIRIS UMR 5205). The title of their study is "Non-Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling," aiming to extend point sampling strategies on non-Euclidean manifolds through optimal transport by slicing.
Nomination of our former PhD student, Prof.Di Huang at Beihang University, as China-France Outstanding Young Scientific Researcher 2024
Proud of our former PhD student, Prof.Di Huang at Beihang University, who has been nominated China-France Outstanding Young Scientific Researcher within the "China-France Outstanding Young Scientific Researchers Exchange Program".
A violentometer for the scientific world
In 2023, the L'Oréal Foundation and IPSOS institute published an international survey of the research community in 117 countries. The survey revealed that 1 in 2 women scientists had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. The violentometer is a tool to raise awareness of gender-based violence among people studying and/or working in the research world, and to enable them to assess their working environment. GREEN, ORANGE or RED? Where do you stand?
LIRIS Resource Objective Dialogue
The DOR is an important moment in the life of the laboratory since it makes it possible to align the objectives of LIRIS with the resources made available by CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, University of Lyon 2
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