Séminaire LIRIS de Gilles Bailly le mardi 16/11: Learning and Decision-making with interactive systems
Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Gilles Bailly (CR dans l'équipe Interaction Multi-Echelle de l'ISIR) pour un séminaire LIRIS le mardi 16/11 à 11h (salle visio du Nautibus).
In this talk, I formulate the problem of interacting with an interactive system as a "learning and decision-making" problem. As an example, I discuss if, when and how users decide to learn and ultimately adopt expert interaction techniques such as keyboard or gesture shortcuts. I will demonstrate that theories, models and methods from computational Neuroscience are especially appropriate to investigate such questions. In particular, I will present and compare different models to explain and predict the learning process for shortcut adoption.
Plus d'informations:
From 16/11/2021 at 11:00 to 12:00. salle visio du Nautibus
Informations contact : Nicolas Bonneel. nicolas.bonneel@liris.cnrs.fr.