Séminaire LIRIS le 24 février 14h, Bruno Lévy : Simulation de fluides incompressibles.

Bruno Levy, directeur de recherche INRIA et directeur d'INRIA Nancy Grand-Est est invité à nous parler de ses travaux en simulation de fluides et transport optimal lors d'un séminaire LIRIS le Lundi 21 Février à 14h en salle C5 du Nautibus. Abstract: I will talk about some numerical methods to simulate incompressible fluids with free boundaries. The methods I'm interested in [Gallouet & Merigot, DeGoes et. al] decompose the fluid into a set of cells (power diagram) in such a way that the volume of each cell remains constant, hence enforcing incompressibility. The volume constraints uniquely determines the parameters of the power diagram, that can be found by maximizing a concave objective function (semi-discrete optimal transport). I will show some examples of 3D fluid simulations with free boundaries, viscosity and surface tension, as well as applications in astrophysics.

From 24/02/2020 at 14:00 to 15:00. Nautibus, C5
Informations contact : Nicolas Bonneel. nicolas.bonneel@liris.cnrs.fr.