Journée "Web & Cloud" ARC6 « Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et Usages informatiques innovants » de la Région Rhône-Alpes

Journée "Web & Cloud" du projet Web Intelligence Soutenu par l'ARC6 « Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et Usages informatiques innovants » de la Région Rhône-Alpes Dans la suite du projet Web Intelligence

From 21/11/2012 at 09:00 to 16:00. Bâtiment Nautibus, Université Lyon 1, salle C5
Informations contact : Parisa Ghodous. 0472445884.


9h-9h30 Accueil

9h30-9h35 Introduction de la journée (Christophe Gravier, Parisa Ghodous)

9h35 Présentation commune des travaux de recherche "Cloud Computing" à l'Unviersité de Lyon (laboratoires LIRIS, LIP, ERIC, 60 minutes) Parisa Ghodous

10h35 Présentation du Cloud Computing selon Bull - Xavier Geoffret, Bull (30 minutes)

Sécuriser votre démarche de transformation vers le cloud. Meilleures pratiques, méthodologie de Bull.
Le cloud offre beaucoup de nouvelles opportunités. Mais la transformation de l'entreprise vers ces nouveaux modèles de services apparaît souvent comme risquée, parfois même comme un véritable big bang dans l'organisation et les rôles traditionnels de la DSI. Comment passer d'une DSI mesurée sur les coûts à une organisation mesurée sur la valeur de sa contribution aux métiers ?
Quels processus et méthodes supportent les services cloud ?
Comment commencer ?
Cette présentation se propose de faire le point sur les impacts de la transformation et de vous montrer comment les offres de conseil de Bull permettent de la sécuriser.

11h10 Polyglot persistence for addressing data management on the cloud - Genoveva Vargas-Solar (30 minutes)
The increasing adoption of the cloud computing paradigm has motivated a redefinition of traditional software development methods. In particular, data storage management has received a great deal of attention, due to a growing interest in the challenges and opportunities associated to the NoSQL movement. However, appropriate selection, administration and use of cloud storage implementations remain a highly technical endeavor,  due to large differences in the way data is represented, stored and accessed by these systems. This presentation proposes solutions for promoting polyglot persistence for building cloud aware database applications by making dependencies between high-level data models  and cloud storage implementations transparent. In this way, developers depend only on high-level data models, and then rely on transformation procedures to deal with particular cloud storage details, such as different APIs and deployment providers, and are able to target multiple cloud storage environments, without modifying their core data models.

11h45 Discussions

12h00 Déjeuner

13h30 "Cooking clouds like a Chef" - Mehdi Lahmam B., Delicia's App
This talk introduces Chef, an open-source systems integration framework built specifically for automating the cloud. After giving an overview of Chef, we will focus on specific application of the framework for continuous deployment and infrastructure test. This encompass managing infrastructure in the cloud with Chef, and then especially Chef 101 for rackspace automation. This technical presentation will also shred lights on why cooking with Chef changed our business forever - and how it could change yours as well.

14h15 "Projet Opencloudware" - Christophe Gravier, Université Jean Monnet.
Presentation of the Opencloudware projet ( The OpenCloudware project aims at building an open software engineering platform, for the collaborative development of distributed applications to be deployed on multiple Cloud infrastructures. The results of OpenCloudware will contain a set of software components to manage the lifecycle of such applications, from modelling (Think), developing and building images (Build), to a multi-IaaS compliant PaaS platform (Run) for their deployment, orchestration, performance testing, self-management (elasticity, green IT optimisation) and provisioning. Applications will be deployed potentially on multi IaaS (supporting either one IaaS at a time, or hybrid scenarios).The results of the project will be made available as open source components through the OW2 Open Source Cloudware initiative.

15h00: wrap up


Contacts :

Christophe Gravier <>

Ghodous Parisa <>