Philippe Lamarre
Team(s) | BD |
Institution | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon |
Location | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
philippe.lamarre at | |
Professional phone number | |
Personal page |
Publications (IdHAL : philippe-lamarre)
Publications LIRIS pour Philippe Lamarre (45)
- 2023 (3)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Jennie Andersen, Sylvie Cazalens, Philippe Lamarre & Pierre Maillot (2023). "A Framework to Assess Knowledge Graphs Accountability". WI-IAT - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 29 octobre 2023, Venice (Italy), pp. 213-220. doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT59888.2023.00034. ArXiv : 2309.16285. HAL : hal-04372234. .
- Jennie Andersen, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2023). "Assessing Knowledge Graphs Accountability". Extended Semantic Web Conference 2023, 1 juin 2023, Hersonissos (Greece), pp. 37-42. doi : 10.1007/978-3-031-43458-7_7. HAL : hal-04169706. .
- Others (1)
- Jennie Andersen, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2023). "Assessing Knowledge Graphs Accountability". The Semantic Web: ESWC 2023 Satellite Events, 1 juin 2023, Hersonissos (Greece). Poster. HAL : hal-04169691. .
- 2022 (1)
- Reports (1)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
- Jennie Andersen, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2022). "Improving KG Completeness Evaluation considering Information Need as First-Class Citizen". Research report. p. 37. HAL : hal-03986309. .
- 2021 (1)
- Reports (1)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
- Jennie Andersen, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2021). "On the way to measure KG transparency: Formalizing transparency - Requirements and first models". Research report. HAL : hal-03986511. .
- 2020 (3)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Adnene Belfodil, Sylvie Cazalens, Philippe Lamarre & Marc Plantevit (2020). "Identifying exceptional (dis)agreement between groups". Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 34, #2, pp. 394-442. doi : 10.1007/s10618-019-00665-9. HAL : hal-02383776. .
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Abdelkader Hameurlain, A Min Tjoa, Philippe Lamarre & Karine Zeitouni (2020). "Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems {XLIV} - Special Issue on Data Management - Principles, Technologies, and Applications". doi : 10.1007/978-3-662-62271-1. HAL : hal-03102005.
- Abdelkader Hameurlain, A Min Tjoa, Philippe Lamarre & Karine Zeitouni (2020). "Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems - XLIV". Springer. doi : 10.1007/978-3-662-62271-1. HAL : hal-04458571.
- 2019 (7)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Roland Kotto-Kombi, Nicolas Lumineau, Philippe Lamarre, Nicoló Rivetti & Yann Busnel (2019). "DABS-Storm: A Data-Aware Approach for Elastic Stream Processing". Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, vol. 40, pp. 58-93. doi : 10.1007/978-3-662-58664-8_3. HAL : hal-01951682. .
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Adnene Belfodil, Wouter Duivesteijn, Marc Plantevit, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2019). "DEvIANT : Discovering significant exceptional (dis)agreement within groups". Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2019), Würzburg (Germany), pp. 3-20. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-46150-8_1. HAL : hal-02961093. .
- Adnene Belfodil, Aimene Belfodil, Anes Bendimerad, Philippe Lamarre, Céline Robardet, Mehdi Kaytoue & Marc Plantevit (2019). "FSSD - A Fast and Efficient Algorithm for Subgroup Set Discovery". IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 5 octobre 2019, Washington DC (United States of America). doi : 10.1109/DSAA.2019.00023. HAL : hal-02355503. .
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Charles De Lacombe, Antoine Morel, Adnene Belfodil, François Portet, Cyril Labbé, Sylvie Cazalens, Marc Plantevit & Philippe Lamarre (2019). "Analyse de comportements relatifs exceptionnels expliquée par des textes : les votes du parlement européen". Extraction et Gestion des connaissances (EGC), 25 janvier 2019, Metz (France), pp. 437-440. HAL : hal-02009172. .
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Karine Zeitouni & Philippe Lamarre (2019). "Post-actes BDA 2019 -Gestion de Données Principes Technologies et Applications". HAL : hal-03176580. .
- Reports (2)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (2)
- Adnene Belfodil, Sylvie Cazalens, Philippe Lamarre & Marc Plantevit (2019). "Identifying exceptional (dis)agreement between groups - Technical Report". Research report. HAL : hal-02018813. .
- Adnene Belfodil, Wouter Duivesteijn, Marc Plantevit, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2019). "DEvIANT: Discovering Significant Exceptional (Dis-)Agreement Within Groups". Research report. HAL : hal-02161309. .
- 2018 (3)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Sylvie Cazalens, Julien Leblay, Philippe Lamarre, Ioana Manolescu & Xavier Tannier (2018). "Computational Fact Checking: A Content Management Perspective". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 11, #12, pp. 2110-2113. doi : 10.14778/3229863.3229880. HAL : hal-01853067. .
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Sylvie Cazalens, Philippe Lamarre, Julien Leblay, Ioana Manolescu & Xavier Tannier (2018). "A Content Management Perspective on Fact-Checking". The Web Conference 2018 - alternate paper tracks "Journalism, Misinformation and Fact Checking", 25 avril 2018, Lyon (France), pp. 565-574. HAL : hal-01722666. .
- Reports (1)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
- Christian Barillot, Inbar Fijalkow, Isabelle Queinnec, Fabrice Theoleyre, Hélène Touzet, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Marie-Paule Cani, François Chaumette, Gérald Conreur et al. (2018). "Rapport de Prospective du Conseil Scientifique de l’Institut des Sciences de l’Information et leurs Interactions (INS2I)". . pp. 1-87. URL: HAL : hal-01956087. .
- 2017 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Adnene Belfodil, Sylvie Cazalens, Philippe Lamarre & Marc Plantevit (2017). "Flash points: Discovering exceptional pairwise behaviors in vote or rating data". ECML/PKDD, 22 septembre 2017, Skopje (Republic of Macedonia), pp. 442-458. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-71246-8_27. HAL : hal-01587041. .
- Roland Kotto-Kombi, Nicolas Lumineau & Philippe Lamarre (2017). "A Preventive Auto-Parallelization Approach for Elastic Stream Processing". 37th (IEEE) International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 8 juin 2017, Atlanta (United States of America), pp. 1532-1542. doi : 10.1109/ICDCS.2017.253. HAL : hal-01585096.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Roland Kotto-Kombi, Nicolas Lumineau & Philippe Lamarre (2017). "Approche préventive pour une gestion élastique du traitement parallèle et distribué de flux de données". EGC 2017, 27 janvier 2017, Grenoble (France), pp. 57-68. HAL : hal-01460709. .
- 2016 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Sébastien Dufromentel, Sylvie Cazalens, Philippe Lamarre & François Lesueur (2016). "[Démonstration] FleDDi: Highlighting the Flexibility of Scalable Data Dissemination Systems". BDA, 18 novembre 2016, Poitiers (France), pp. 1-2. HAL : hal-01401469.
- 2015 (4)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Nagham Alhadad, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado, Yann Busnel & Philippe Lamarre (2015). "System Modeling and Trust Evaluation of Distributed Systems". Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, vol. 22, #9430, pp. 33-74. HAL : hal-01166896. .
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Sébastien Dufromentel, Sylvie Cazalens, François Lesueur & Philippe Lamarre (2015). "QTor: A Flexible Publish/Subscribe Peer-to-Peer Organization Based on Query Rewriting". Globe, 4 septembre 2015, Valencia (Spain), pp. 507-519. HAL : hal-01217102.
- Reports (1)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
- Philippe Lamarre (2015). "D.2.1 – Query Based Organization : Notions and definitions". Technical report, #D2.1. HAL : hal-01174205. .
- Others (1)
- Roland Kotto-Kombi, Nicolas Lumineau, Philippe Lamarre & Yves Caniou (2015). "Parallel and Distributed Stream Processing: Systems Classification and Specific Issues". HAL : hal-01215287. .
- 2014 (4)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Nagham Alhadad, Yann Busnel, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado & Philippe Lamarre (2014). "Trust Evaluation of a System for an Activity with Subjective Logic". TrustBus, 2 septembre 2014, Munich (Germany), pp. 48-59. HAL : hal-01059198. .
- Other conferences (2)
- Nadia Bennani, Emmanuel Gaude, Elod Egyed-Zsigmond & Philippe Lamarre (2014). "Adnosco : gérez les données que vous diffusez ! (démonstration)". IC : Journées Francophones d'Ingenierie des Connaissances, 12 mai 2014, Clermont-Ferrand (France), pp. 287-290. HAL : hal-01271914.
- Nadia Bennani, Fabien Duchateau, Elod Egyed-Zsigmond & Philippe Lamarre (2014). "Adnosco: trace user data for the user". inforsid : XXXIIème congrès INformatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information de Décision, 20 mai 2014, lYON (France), pp. 147-163. HAL : hal-01271921.
- Others (1)
- Nadia Bennani, Emmanuel Gaude, Előd Egyed-Zsigmond & Philippe Lamarre (2014). "Adnosco : gérez les données que vous diffusez !". IC - 25èmes Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 16 mai 2014, Clermont-Ferrand (France). Poster. HAL : hal-01016020. .
- 2013 (5)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- William Kokou Dedzoe, Philippe Lamarre, Reza Akbarinia & Patrick Valduriez (2013). "As-Soon-As-Possible Top-k Query Processing in P2P Systems". Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, vol. LNCS, #7980, pp. 1-27. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-40069-8_1. HAL : lirmm-00821929. .
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Nagham Alhadad, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado, Yann Busnel & Philippe Lamarre (2013). "Trust Evaluation of a System for an Activity". TrustBus, 29 août 2013, Prague (Czech Republic). HAL : hal-00853679. .
- Others (3)
- Nagham Alhadad, Yann Busnel, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado & Philippe Lamarre (2013). "Graph-Based Trust Model for Evaluating Trust Using Subjective Logic". HAL : hal-00871138. .
- Sébastien Dufromentel, François Lesueur & Philippe Lamarre (2013). "QTor : une organisation basée sur les requêtes pour les systèmes distribués de gestion de flux". Bases de Données Avancées, 25 octobre 2013, Nantes (France). Poster. HAL : hal-01339301.
- Bernd Amann & Philippe Lamarre (2013). "Special Issue on Advanced Data Stream Management and Continuous Query Processing". HAL : hal-01221876.
- 2012 (7)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Jorge-Amulfo Quiané-Ruiz, Philippe Lamarre & Patrick Valduriez (2012). "Satisfaction-based query replication". Distributed and Parallel Databases, vol. 30, #1, pp. 1-26. doi : 10.1007/s10619-011-7086-7. HAL : lirmm-00748553.
- Thomas Cerqueus, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2012). "Reducing the Semantic Heterogeneity of Unstructured P2P Systems: A Contribution Based on a Dissemination Protocol". TLDKS, vol. 7, pp. 62-95. HAL : hal-01353134.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Nagham Alhadad, Philippe Lamarre, Yann Busnel, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado, Marco Biazzini & Christophe Sibertin-Blanc (2012). "SocioPath: Bridging the Gap between Digital and Social Worlds". 23rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2012), Vienna (Austria), p. 1. HAL : hal-00725098. .
- Thomas Cerqueus, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2012). "An Approach to Manage Semantic Heterogeneity in Unstructured P2P Information Retrieval Systems". IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 5 septembre 2012, Tarragona (Spain), p. 178. HAL : hal-00731848. .
- National conferences with peer review (3)
- Thomas Cerqueus, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2012). "Influence de l'hétérogénéité sémantique sur les performances d'un système de RI distribuée". COnférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications, 23 mars 2012, Bordeaux (France), p. 151. HAL : hal-00682545. .
- Nagham Alhadad, Philippe Lamarre, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado & Yann Busnel (2012). "Trust Approach Based on User's Activities". Atelier Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP), Ile de Groix (France), p. 6. HAL : hal-00755038. .
- Marco Biazzini, Raziel Carvajal-Gomez, Adriana Perez-Espinosa, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado, Philippe Lamarre & Elizabeth Perez Cortes (2012). "WUW (What Users Want): A Service to Enhance Users' Satisfaction in Content-Based Peer-to-Peer Networks". Non spécifié, 23 octobre 2012, Nantes (France). HAL : hal-00744775. .
- 2011 (3)
- Conferences (2)
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Nagham Alhadad, Philippe Lamarre, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado, Yann Busnel & Marco Biazzini (2011). "SocioPath: In Whom You Trust?". Atelier Protection de la Vie Privée / Géolocalisation et Vie Privée (APVP), 20 juin 2011, Soreze (France). HAL : hal-01362325. .
- Nagham Alhadad, Philippe Lamarre, Patricia Serrano-Alvarado, Yann Busnel & Marco Biazzini (2011). "SocioPath: In Whom You Trust?". Atelier Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP), Les Loges en Josas (France), p. 6. HAL : hal-00755055. .
- Reports (1)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
- Thomas Cerqueus, Sylvie Cazalens & Philippe Lamarre (2011). "Reducing Semantic Heterogeneity of Unstructured P2P Systems Through Gossip-Based Ontology-Driven Topology Adaptation". HAL : hal-00643300.