Nicolas Bousquet

Research scientist

Out of LIRIS nowdays  (en détachement)

Team(s) GOAL
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Nautibus (Université Lyon1)
Email nicolas.bousquet at
Personal page

Publications (IdHAL : nicolas-bousquet)

Publications LIRIS pour Nicolas Bousquet (47)

Publications hors LIRIS

Publications hors LIRIS pour Nicolas Bousquet (79)

  • 2024 (1)
    • Others (1)
      •  Marouane Il Idrissi, Nicolas Bousquet, Fabrice Gamboa, Bertrand Iooss & Jean-Michel Loubes (2024). "Hoeffding decomposition of black-box models with dependent inputs". ArXiv : 2310.06567. HAL : hal-04233915. .
  • 2021 (3)
    • Journals (3)
      • International journals with peer review (3)
        •  Marthe Bonamy, Edouard Bonnet, Nicolas Bousquet, Pierre Charbit, Panos Giannopoulos, Eun Jung Kim, Paweł Rzążewski, Florian Sikora & Stéphan Thomassé (2021). "EPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk and Unit Ball Graphs". Journal of the ACM (JACM), vol. 68, #2, pp. 1-38. doi : 10.1145/3433160. ArXiv : 2110.15419. HAL : hal-03107441. .
        •  Loic Bethencourt, Walid Dabachine, Vincent Dejouy, Zakaria Lalmiche, Karl Neuberger, Issam Ibnouhsein, Sandrine Chereau, Carole Mathelin, Nicolas Savy et al. (2021). "Guiding measurement protocols of connected medical devices using digital twins: A statistical methodology applied to detecting and monitoring lymphedema". IEEE Access, Online ahead of print. doi : 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063786. HAL : inserm-03167145. .
        •  Nicolas Bousquet, Wouter Cames Van Batenburg, Louis Esperet, Gwenaël Joret, William Lochet, Carole Muller & François Pirot (2021). "Packing and Covering Balls in Graphs Excluding a Minor". Combinatorica, vol. 41, #3, pp. 299-318. doi : 10.1007/s00493-020-4423-3. ArXiv : 2001.04517. HAL : hal-03281264. .
  • 2020 (4)
  • 2019 (10)
  • 2018 (11)
    • Journals (6)
    • Conferences (4)
      • International conferences with peer review (4)
        •  Pierre Aboulker, Marthe Bonamy, Nicolas Bousquet & Louis Esperet (2018). "Distributed coloring in sparse graphs with fewer colors". ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2018), 27 juillet 2018, Egham (United Kingdom), pp. 419-425. doi : 10.1145/3212734.3212740. ArXiv : 1802.05582. HAL : hal-01710649.
        •  Nicolas Bousquet & Arnaud Mary (2018). "Reconfiguration of graphs with connectivity constraints". WAOA 2018 - International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, 24 août 2018, Helsinki (Finland), pp. 295-309. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-04693-4_18. ArXiv : 1809.05443. HAL : hal-01964723.
        •  Edouard Bonnet, Nicolas Bousquet, Pierre Charbit, Stéphan Thomassé & Rémi Watrigant (2018). "Parameterized Complexity of Independent Set in H-free graphs". IPEC 2018 - 13th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, 24 août 2018, Helsinki (Finland). doi : 10.4230/LIPIcs.CVIT.2016.23. HAL : hal-01962369. .
        •  Marthe Bonamy, Edouard Bonnet, Nicolas Bousquet, Pierre Charbit & Stéphan Thomassé (2018). "EPTAS for Max Clique on Disks and Unit Balls". FOCS: Foundations of Computer Science, 9 octobre 2018, Paris (France). doi : 10.1109/FOCS.2018.00060. ArXiv : 1803.01822. HAL : hal-01962198. .
    • Others (1)
      •  Nazih Benoumechiara, Bertrand Michel, Philippe Saint-Pierre & Nicolas Bousquet (2018). "Detecting and modeling worst-case dependence structures between random inputs of computational reliability models". ArXiv : 1804.10527. HAL : hal-01779484. .
  • 2017 (8)
  • 2016 (3)
    • Journals (1)
    • Conferences (2)
      • International conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Nicolas Bousquet, Yang Cai, Christoph Hunkenschröder & Adrian Vetta (2016). "On the Economic Efficiency of the Combinatorial Clock Auction". Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 10 janvier 2016, Arlington, VI, USA (France), pp. 1407-1423. HAL : hal-02136804.
        •  Roman Sueur, Nicolas Bousquet, Bertrand Iooss & Julien Bect (2016). "Perturbed-Law based sensitivity Indices for sensitivity analysis in structural reliability". 8th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output (SAMO 2016), 3 décembre 2016, Le Tampon, Réunion (France), pp. 89-90. HAL : hal-01569578. .
  • 2015 (8)
    • Journals (5)
      • International journals with peer review (4)
      • National journals with peer review (1)
        •  Emmanuelle Dortel, Fany Sardenne, Nicolas Bousquet, Etienne Rivot, J. Million, Gaël Le Croizier & Emmanuel Chassot (2015). "An integrated Bayesian modeling approach for the growth of Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna". Fisheries Research, vol. 163, SI, pp. 69-84. doi : 10.1016/j.fishres.2014.07.006. HAL : hal-01210266.
    • Conferences (2)
      • International conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Nicolas Bousquet, Zhentao Li & Adrian Vetta (2015). "Coalition Games on Interaction Graphs". the Sixteenth ACM Conference, 19 juin 2015, Portland (France), pp. 95-112. HAL : hal-02136796.
        •  Franck Corset & Nicolas Bousquet (2015). "Exploring the Consistency of Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Imperfect Repair ARA_1 Models Computed from a Single Trajectory". Mathematical Methods in Reliability 2015, 4 juin 2015, Tokyo (Japan). HAL : hal-01223916.
    • Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
      •  Nicolas Bousquet, Yang Cai & Adrian Vetta (2015). "Welfare and Rationality Guarantees for the Simultaneous Multiple-Round Ascending Auction". WINE 2015 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web and Internet Economics, pp. 216-229. HAL : hal-02136812.
  • 2014 (10)
    • Journals (5)
    • Conferences (2)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Marin Bougeret, Nicolas Bousquet, Rodolphe Giroudeau & Rémi Watrigant (2014). "Parameterized Complexity of the Sparsest k-Subgraph Problem in Chordal Graphs". SOFSEM: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 29 janvier 2014, Nový Smokovec (Slovakia), pp. 150-161. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-04298-5_14. HAL : lirmm-01251025.
      • National conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Julien Bect, Nicolas Bousquet, Bertrand Iooss, Shijie Liu, Alice Mabille, Anne-Laure Popelin, Thibault Rivière, Rémi Stroh, Roman Sueur & Emmanuel Vazquez (2014). "Quantification et réduction de l'incertitude concernant les propriétés de monotonie d'un code de calcul coûteux à évaluer". 46èmes Journées de Statistique de la SFdS (JdS 2014), 6 juin 2014, Rennes (France), 6 pages. HAL : hal-01057322. .
    • Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
      •  Nicolas Bousquet, Sergey Norin & Adrian Vetta (2014). "A Near-Optimal Mechanism for Impartial Selection". Web and Internet Economics. WINE 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 133-146. HAL : hal-02136817.
      •  Éric Parent, Alberto Pasanisi, Nicolas Bousquet, Merlin Keller & Jacques Bernier (2014). "Considérations décisionnelles pour la construction d’un ouvrage de protection contre les crues". Approche statistique du risque, Editions Technip, 416 p. HAL : hal-01197645.
    • Others (1)
      •  Julien Bect, Nicolas Bousquet, Bertrand Iooss, Shijie Liu, Alice Mabille, Anne-Laure Popelin, Thibault Rivière, Rémi Stroh, Roman Sueur & Emmanuel Vazquez (2014). "Uncertainty quantification and reduction for the monotonicity properties of expensive-to-evaluate computer models". Uncertainty in Computer Models 2014 Conference, 30 juillet 2014, Sheffield (United Kingdom). Poster. HAL : hal-01103724. .
  • 2013 (4)
    • Conferences (3)
      • International conferences with peer review (3)
        •  Marthe Bonamy, Nicolas Bousquet & Hervé Hocquard (2013). "Adjacent vertex-distinguishing edge coloring of graphs". EuroComb: European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, Pise (Italy), pp. 313-318. doi : 10.1007/978-88-7642-475-5_50. HAL : lirmm-01264408.
        •  Mitra Fouladirad, Christian Paroissin, Nicolas Bousquet & Antoine Grall (2013). "Bayesian optimization of condition-based maintenance under uncertainty". Mathematical Methods in Reliability 2013, Cape Town (South Africa). HAL : hal-02304202.
        •  Marthe Bonamy & Nicolas Bousquet (2013). "Recoloring bounded treewidth graphs". LAGOS: Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization Symposium, Playa del Carmen (Mexico), pp. 293-297. doi : 10.1016/j.endm.2013.10.040. HAL : lirmm-01264399.
    • Reports (1)
      • Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
        •  Rémi Watrigant, Nicolas Bousquet, Marin Bougeret & Rodolphe Giroudeau (2013). "Parameterized Complexity of the Sparsest k-Subgraph in Chordal Graphs". Research report, #RR-13033. HAL : lirmm-00875132. .
  • 2012 (6)
    • Journals (3)
    • Conferences (2)
      • International conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Christof Loeding & Nicolas Bousquet (2012). "Equivalence and Inclusion Problem for Strongly Unambiguous Büchi Automata". LATA'10: Language and Automata Theory and Applications (Germany), pp. 118-129. HAL : lirmm-00741988.
        •  Nicolas Bousquet, Daniel Gonçalves, George Mertzios, Christophe Paul, Ignasi Sau & Stéphan Thomassé (2012). "Parameterized domination in circle graphs". WG 2012 - 38th International Workshop on Graph Theoretic-Concepts in Computer Science, 28 juin 2012, Jerusalem (Israel), pp. 45-72. doi : 10.1007/s00224-013-9478-8. ArXiv : 1205.3728. HAL : lirmm-00738534. .
    • Reports (1)
      • Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
        •  Shuai Fu, Gilles Celeux, Nicolas Bousquet & Mathieu Couplet (2012). "Bayesian inference for inverse problems occurring in uncertainty analysis". Research report, #RR-7995. HAL : hal-00708814. .
  • 2011 (4)
    • Conferences (4)
      • International conferences with peer review (4)
        •  Nicolas Bousquet, Jean Daligault & Stéphan Thomassé (2011). "Multicut is FPT". STOC 2011 - 43rd Symposium on Theory of Computing, 8 juin 2011, San José (United States of America), pp. 459-468. doi : 10.1145/1993636.1993698. ArXiv : 1010.5197. HAL : lirmm-00741933.
        •  Shuai Fu, Nicolas Bousquet & Mathieu Couplet (2011). "A Bayesian solution to characterizing uncertainty in inverse problems". The 3rd IMS-China International conference on Statistics and Probability, Xi an (China). HAL : hal-00944091.
        •  Shuai Fu & Nicolas Bousquet (2011). "A Bayesian solution to characterizing uncertainty in inverse problems". Journées des doctorants, GdR MASCOT-NUM, Villard de Lans (France). HAL : hal-00944092.
        •  Shuai Fu & Nicolas Bousquet (2011). "A Bayesian solution to characterizing uncertainty in inverse problems". The 58th ISI Congress, Dublin (Ireland). HAL : hal-00944090.
  • 2010 (2)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Alberto Pasanisi, Shuai Fu & Nicolas Bousquet (2010). "Estimation de modèles markoviens discrets dans un cadre industriel fiabiliste à données manquantes". 42èmes Journées de Statistique, Marseille, France (France). HAL : inria-00494688. .
    • Others (1)
      •  Nicolas Bousquet (2010). "Borner et estimer les probabilités d'évènements extrêmes sous faible coût computationnel : le cas des codes de calcul monotone". HAL : inria-00510253. .
  • 2009 (2)
    • Journals (1)
      • National journals with peer review (1)
        •  Emmanuel Chassot, Daniel Duplisea, Mike Hammill, Amanda Caskenette, Nicolas Bousquet, Yvan Lambert & Garry Stenson (2009). "The role of predation by harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) in the collapse and non-recovery of northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod (Gadus morhua)". Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 379, pp. 279-297. doi : 10.3354/meps07897. HAL : ird-00549074. .
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Nicolas Bousquet, Jean Daligault, Stéphan Thomassé & Anders Yeo (2009). "A Polynomial Kernel For Multicut In Trees". STACS'2009: 26th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 26 février 2009, Freiburg (Germany), pp. 183-194. ArXiv : 0902.1047. HAL : inria-00359171. .
  • 2006 (2)
    • Reports (2)
      • Research reports/tecnical reports (2)
        •  Nicolas Bousquet (2006). "A Bayesian analysis of industrial lifetime data with Weibull distributions". Research report, #RR-6025. p. 24. HAL : inria-00115528. .
        •  Nicolas Bousquet (2006). "Subjective Bayesian statistics: agreement between prior and data". Research report, #RR-5900. HAL : inria-00071367. .
  • 2004 (1)
    • Reports (1)
      • Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
        •  Henri Bertholon, Nicolas Bousquet & Gilles Celeux (2004). "An alternative competing risk model to the Weibull distribution in lifetime data analysis". Research report, #RR-5265. p. 25. HAL : inria-00070733. .