Alice Joffard

Former LIRIS member since: 2021-09-01
Quality | PhD student |
Team(s) | GOAL |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Thesis | Graph Packings (click to view details) |
Publications (IdHAL : alice-joffard)
Publications LIRIS pour Alice Joffard (4)
- 2021 (1)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Guillaume Bagan, Alice Joffard & Hamamache Kheddouci (2021). "Eternal dominating sets on digraphs and orientations of graphs". Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 291, pp. 99-115. doi : 10.1016/j.dam.2020.10.024. HAL : hal-02168424.
- 2020 (1)
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Nicolas Bousquet & Alice Joffard (2020). "Approximating Shortest Connected Graph Transformation for Trees". SOFSEM 2020: SOFSEM 2020: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, pp. 76-87. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-38919-2_7. HAL : hal-02935477.
- 2019 (1)
- Others (1)
- Nicolas Bousquet & Alice Joffard (2019). "Approximating Shortest Connected Graph Transformation for Trees". HAL : hal-02358489.
- 2018 (1)
- Others (1)
- Alice Joffard & Hamamache Kheddouci (2018). "Labeled Packing of Cycles and Circuits". ArXiv : 1805.06171. HAL : hal-01791213.
Publications hors LIRIS
Publication hors LIRIS pour Alice Joffard (1)
- 2021 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Nicolas Bousquet & Alice Joffard (2021). "TS-Reconfiguration of Dominating Sets in Circle and Circular-Arc Graphs". FCT 2021, 12 septembre 2021, Athenes (Greece). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-86593-1_8. ArXiv : 2102.10568. HAL : hal-03394528.