Mohand-Said Hacid

Team(s) | BD |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Location | Nautibus (Université Lyon1) |
mohand-said.hacid at | |
Professional phone number | |
Personal page |
Publications (IdHAL : mohand-said-hacid)
Publications LIRIS pour Mohand-Said Hacid (164)
- 2023 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Abdelhamid Gaddari, Haytham Elghazel, Rakia Jaziri, Mohand-Said Hacid & Comble Pierre-Henri (2023). "Classification multi-label de données médicales par LSTM temporel et clustering flou". Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances: Actes de la conférence EGC'2023, 20 janvier 2023, Lyon (France), pp. 369-376. HAL : hal-04742491.
- 2022 (2)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Juba Agoun & Mohand-Saïd Hacid (2022). "Access control based on entity matching for secure data sharing". Service Oriented Computing and Applications. doi : 10.1007/s11761-021-00331-3. HAL : hal-03563382.
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Laurent D'orazio, Jalil Boukhobza, Omer Rana, Juba Agoun, Le Gruenwald, Hervé Rannou, Elisa Bertino, Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Taofik Saïdi et al. (2022). "The Lannion report on Big Data and Security Monitoring Research". Workshop on Big Data for CyberSecurity (BigCyber-2022), 20 décembre 2022, Osaka (Japan), pp. 2960-2969. doi : 10.1109/BigData55660.2022.10020852. HAL : hal-03951141.
- 2021 (1)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Emmanuel Coquery, Abdallah Khelil, Amin Mesmoudi, Jorge Galicia Auyon, Ladjel Bellatreche & Mohand-Said Hacid (2021). "Combining Graph Exploration and Fragmentation for Scalable RDF Query Processing". Information Systems Frontiers, vol. 2021, #1, pp. 165-183. doi : 10.1007/s10796-020-09998-z. HAL : hal-03185258.
- 2020 (1)
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Juba Agoun & Mohand-Said Hacid (2020). "Data Publishing: Availability of Data Under Security Policies". Foundations of Intelligent Systems, pp. 277-286. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-59491-6_26. HAL : hal-02973766.
- 2019 (5)
- Journals (4)
- International journals with peer review (4)
- Pierre Alliez, Roberto Di Cosmo, Benjamin Guedj, Alain Girault, Mohand-Said Hacid, Arnaud Legrand & Nicolas Rougier (2019). "Attributing and Referencing (Research) Software: Best Practices and Outlook from Inria". Computing in Science and Engineering, pp. 1-14. doi : 10.1109/MCSE.2019.2949413. ArXiv : 1905.11123. HAL : hal-02135891.
- Rihab Ayed, Mohand-Said Hacid, Rafiqul Haque & Abderrazak Jemai (2019). "An updated dashboard of complete search FSM implementations in centralized graph transaction databases". Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. doi : 10.1007/s10844-019-00579-4. HAL : hal-02448585.
- Mohammed Alshaer, Yehia Taher, Rafiqul Haque, Mohand-Said Hacid & Mohamed Dbouk (2019). "IBRIDIA: A hybrid solution for processing big logistics data". Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 97, pp. 792-804. doi : 10.1016/j.future.2019.02.044. HAL : hal-02352954.
- Sara Makki, Zainab Assaghir, Yehia Taher, Rafiqul Haque, Mohand-Said Hacid & Hassan Zeineddine (2019). "An Experimental Study With Imbalanced Classification Approaches for Credit Card Fraud Detection". IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 93010-93022. doi : 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2927266. HAL : hal-02353123.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Juba Agoun & Mohand-Said Hacid (2019). "Data Sharing in Presence of Access Control Policies". On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences, pp. 301-309. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-33246-4_19. HAL : hal-02353680.
- 2018 (3)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Alberto Abello, Xavier De Palol & Mohand-Said Hacid (2018). "Approximating the Schema of a Set of Documents by Means of Resemblance". Journal on Data Semantics, vol. 7, #2, pp. 87-105. HAL : hal-01971563.
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Sara Makki, Rafiqul Haque, Yehia Taher, Zainab Assaghir, Mohand-Said Hacid & Hassan Zeineddine (2018). "A Cost-Sensitive Cosine Similarity K-Nearest Neighbor for Credit Card Fraud Detection". Big Data and Cyber-Security Intelligence, 13 décembre 2018, Beirut (Lebanon). HAL : hal-02353075.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Rihab Ayed, Mohand-Said Hacid, Rafiqul Haque & Abderrazek Jemai (2018). "An Intra-algorithm Comparison Study of Complete Search FSM Implementations in Centralized Graph Transaction Databases". Foundations of Intelligent Systems, pp. 78-88. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-01851-1_8. HAL : hal-01962326.
- 2017 (6)
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Sara Makki, Rafiqul Haque, Yehia Taher, Zainab Assaghir, Gregory Ditzler, Mohand-Said Hacid & Hassan Zeineddine (2017). "Fraud Data Analytics Tools and Techniques in Big Data Era". 2017 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), 22 septembre 2017, Tucson (France), pp. 186-187. doi : 10.1109/ICCAC.2017.26. HAL : hal-02353007.
- Mohammad Alshaer, Yehia Taher, Rafiqul Haque, Mohand-Said Hacid & Mohamed Dbouk (2017). "ProLoD: An Efficient Framework for Processing Logistics Data". OTM Conferences, Rhodes (Greece), pp. 698-715. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-69462-7_44. HAL : hal-02352950.
- Sara Makki, Rafiqul Haque, Yehia Taher, Zainab Assaghir, Gregory Ditzler, Mohand-Said Hacid & Hassan Zeineddine (2017). "Fraud Analysis Approaches in the Age of Big Data - A Review of State of the Art". 2017 IEEE 2nd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), 22 septembre 2017, Tucson (United States of America), pp. 243-250. doi : 10.1109/FAS-W.2017.154. HAL : hal-02353036.
- Mokhtar Sellami, Mohand-Said Hacid & Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi (2017). "An Incremental Approach to Data Integration in Presence of Access Control Policies". IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W@SASO/ICCAC), 18 septembre 2017, Tucson (United States of America), pp. 187-190. doi : 10.1109/FAS-W.2017.146. HAL : hal-01981660.
- Yehia Taher, Rafiqul Haque & Mohand-Said Hacid (2017). "BDLaaS: Big Data Lab as a Service for Experimenting Big Data Solution". IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W@SASO/ICCAC), 18 septembre 2017, Tucson (United States of America), pp. 155-159. doi : 10.1109/FAS-W.2017.140. HAL : hal-01981734.
- Others (1)
- Rajendra Akerkar, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Jannong Cao & Mohand-Said Hacid (2017). "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics - WIMS '17". doi : 10.1145/3102254. HAL : hal-01982401.
- 2016 (5)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Hassina Meziane, Salima Benbernou, Mohand-Said Hacid, Zaki Malik & Mike Papazoglou (2016). "A view-based monitoring for usage control in web services". Distributed and Parallel Databases, vol. 34, #2, pp. 145-178. HAL : hal-01971544.
- Amin Mesmoudi, Mohand-Saïd Hacid & Farouk Toumani (2016). "Benchmarking SQL on MapReduce systems using large astronomy databases". Distributed and Parallel Databases, vol. 34, #3, pp. 347-378. doi : 10.1007/s10619-014-7172-8. HAL : hal-01221665.
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Yehia Taher, Rafiqul Haque, Mohammad Alshaer, Willem Jan Van Den Heuvel, Mohand-Said Hacid & Mohamed Dbouk (2016). "A Context-Aware Analytics for Processing Tweets and Analysing Sentiment in Realtime (Short Paper)". OTM Conferences, Rhodes (Greece), pp. 910-917. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-48472-3_57. HAL : hal-02352913.
- Yehia Taher, Rafiqul Haque, Mohammed Alshaer, Willem Jan V. D. Heuvel, Karine Zeitouni, Renata Araujo, Mohand-Said Hacid & Mohamed Dbouk (2016). "A Service-Based System for Sentiment Analysis and Visualization of Twitter Data in Realtime". ICSOC Workshops, Banff, AB (Canada), pp. 199-202. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-68136-8_24. HAL : hal-02352943.
- Danh Nguyen-Cong, Laurent D’Orazio, Nga Tran & Mohand-Said Hacid (2016). "Storing and Querying DICOM Data with HYTORMO". Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare - International Workshop (DMAH), Held at VLDB, Revised Selected Papers, 9 septembre 2016, New Delhi (India), pp. 43-61. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-57741-8_4. HAL : hal-01981570.
- 2015 (4)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Youssef Barhoun, Rafiqul Haque & Mohand-Said Hacid (2015). "iSeeker: Towards an Engine for Processing Aggregated Search on Linked Data". IEEE Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC), 27 octobre 2015, Hangzhou (China), pp. 184-191. doi : 10.1109/CIC.2015.35. HAL : hal-01981750.
- Tarek Sayah, Emmanuel Coquery, Romuald Thion & Mohand-Said Hacid (2015). "Inference Leakage Detection for Authorization Policies over RDF Data". 29th IFIP Annual Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSEC), 15 juillet 2015, Fairfax, VA (United States of America), pp. 346-361. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-20810-7_24. HAL : hal-01745813.
- Mokhtar Sellami, Mohand-Said Hacid & Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi (2015). "Inference Control in Data Integration Systems". On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Conferences - Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, ODBASE, and C&TC, 26 octobre 2015, Rhodes (Greece), pp. 285-302. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-26148-5_17. HAL : hal-01981669.
- Others (1)
- Floriana Esposito, Olivier Pivert, Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Zbigniew Ras & Stefano Ferilli (2015). "Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 22nd International Symposium, ISMIS 2015, Lyon, France, October 21-23, 2015. Proceedings". doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-25252-0. HAL : hal-01186512.
- 2014 (6)
- Conferences (6)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Emad Elabd & Mohand-Said Hacid (2014). "Concurrent Queries in Location Based Services". International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 8 septembre 2014, Fribourg (Switzerland), pp. 134-139. doi : 10.1109/ARES.2014.24. HAL : hal-01981594.
- Amin Mesmoudi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2014). "A Comparison of Systems to Large-Scale Data Access.". Database Systems for Advanced Applications - 19th International Conference, DASFAA 2014, International Workshop: BDMA, Revised Selected Papers., 21 avril 2014, Bali (Indonesia), pp. 161-175. doi : 10.1007/978-3-662-43984-5_12. HAL : hal-01313176.
- Amin Mesmoudi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2014). "A test framework for large scale declarative queries: preliminary results". the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 23 mars 2014, Gyeongju (Korea (South)), pp. 858-859. doi : 10.1145/2554850.2555102. HAL : hal-01313175.
- Mokhtar Sellami, Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2014). "Secure Data Integration: A Formal Concept Analysis Based Approach". Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), 1 septembre 2014, Munich (Germany), pp. 326-333. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-10085-2_30. HAL : hal-01981639.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Amin Mesmoudi, Mohand-Said Hacid & Farouk Toumani (2014). "Declarative queries on large astronomy databases: Experiments with Hive and HadoopDB". Conférence Base de données avancées (BDA), 14 octobre 2014, Grenoble-Autrans (France), pp. 1-20. HAL : hal-01499278.
- Other conferences (1)
- Mehdi Haddad, Jovan Stevovic, Annamaria Chiasera, Yannis Velegrakis & Mohand-Said Hacid (2014). "Access Control for Data Integration in Presence of Data Dependencies". The 19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2014), 21 avril 2014, Bali (Indonesia), pp. 203-217. HAL : hal-01270894.
- 2013 (4)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Haitang Feng, Nicolas Lumineau, Mohand-Said Hacid & Richard Domps (2013). "Update Management in Decision Support Systems". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8320, pp. 27-53. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-45315-1_2. HAL : hal-01339260.
- National journals with peer review (1)
- Christine Collet, Bernd Amann, Nicole Bidoit, Mohand Boughanem, Mokrane Bouzeghoub, Anne Doucet, David Gross-Amblard, Jean-Marc Petit, Mohand-Said Hacid & Genoveva Vargas-Solar (2013). "De la gestion de bases de données à la gestion de grands espaces de données". Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, vol. 18, #4, pp. 11-31. doi : 10.3166/isi.18.4.11-31. HAL : hal-00923534.
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Amin Mesmoudi, Antoine Bulliffon, Cyril Dupont, Jérémy Euvrard & Mohand-Said Hacid (2013). "Evaluation of some LSST Queries: Preliminary Results". Extremely Large Databases and Data (XLDB) Workshop Europe, 28 mai 2013, Genève (Switzerland), pp. 1-1. HAL : hal-01339311.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Sarah Nait Bahloul, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2013). "Securing Materialized Views: a Rewriting-Based Approach". 29emes Journées BDA, 22 octobre 2013, Nantes (France), pp. 1-25. HAL : hal-01339310.
- 2012 (9)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Lakhdar Saïs, Mohand-Said Hacid & François Hantry (2012). "On the complexity of computing minimal unsatisfiable LTL formulas". Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, vol. 19, p. 69. HAL : hal-00870901.
- Emad Elabd, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2012). "From Implicit to Explicit Transitions in Business Protocols: A Semantic-Based Transformation". International Journal of Web Services Research, vol. 9, pp. 69-95. doi : 10.4018/jwsr.2012100104. HAL : hal-01353168.
- Karima Mokhtari, Salima Benbernou, Soror Sahri, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Frank Leyman & Mohand-Said Hacid (2012). "Timed Privacy-Aware Business Protocols". International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, vol. 21, pp. 81-110. doi : 10.1142/S0218843012500013. HAL : hal-01353149.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Thanh-Huy Le, Haytham Elghazel & Mohand-Said Hacid (2012). "A Relational-Based Approach for Aggregated Search in Graph Databases". International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2012), 15 avril 2012, Busan (Korea (South)), pp. 33-47. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-29038-1_5. HAL : hal-01353115.
- Sarah Nait Bahloul, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2012). "Authorization Policies for Materialized Views". 27th Information Security and Privacy Conference (SEC), 6 juin 2012, Heraklion, Crète (Greece), pp. 525-530. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-30436-1_43. HAL : hal-01352972.
- Haitang Feng, Nicolas Lumineau, Mohand-Said Hacid & Richard Domps (2012). "Hierarchy-based Update Propagation in Decision Support Systems". Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 15 avril 2012, Busan (Korea (South)), pp. 261-271. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-29035-0_20. HAL : hal-01352943.
- Mehdi Haddad, Mohand-Said Hacid & Robert Laurini (2012). "Data integration in presence of authorization policies". IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 25 juin 2012, Liverpool (United Kingdom), pp. 92-99. doi : 10.1109/TrustCom.2012.116. HAL : hal-01352994.
- Matteo Casalino, Romuald Thion & Mohand-Said Hacid (2012). "Access Control Configuration for J2EE Web Applications: A Formal Perspective". Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, 3 septembre 2012, Vienna (Austria), pp. 30-35. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-32287-7_3. HAL : hal-01353147.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Omar Boucelma, Mohand-Said Hacid, Thérèse Libourel Rouge & Jean-Marc Petit (2012). "Modèles et langages pour les bases de données.". HAL : hal-01832720.
- 2011 (12)
- Conferences (10)
- International conferences with peer review (9)
- François Hantry & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "Handling Conflicts in Depth-First-Search for LTL Tableau to Debug Compliance Based Languages". Fifth Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software (FLACOS 2011), 22 septembre 2011, Malaga (Spain), pp. 39-53. doi : 10.4204/EPTCS.68.5. ArXiv : 1109.2656. HAL : hal-01354475.
- Najib Ben Aoun, Haytham Elghazel, Mohand-Said Hacid & Chokri Ben-Amar (2011). "Graph Aggregation Based Image Modeling and Indexing for Video Annotation". 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2011), 29 août 2011, Seville (Spain), pp. 324-331. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-23678-5_38. HAL : hal-01354545.
- François Hantry, Mohand-Said Hacid & Romuald Thion (2011). "Detection of Conflicting Compliance Rules". IEEE 15th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW), 9 août 2011, Helsinki (Finland), pp. 419-428. doi : 10.1109/EDOCW.2011.57. HAL : hal-01354868.
- Yahia Chabane, François Hantry & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "Querying and Splitting Techniques for SBA: a Model Checking based approach". 19th INternational Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011), 28 juin 2011, Warsaw (Poland), pp. 105-122. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-22732-5_10. HAL : hal-01354474.
- Emad Elabd, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "Timed Web Services Analysis after Removing Complex Implicit Transitions". IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 4 juillet 2011, Washington, DC (United States of America), pp. 153-160. doi : 10.1109/ICWS.2011.79. HAL : hal-01354442.
- Romain Vuillemot, Jean-Marc Petit & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "Generalizing Email Messages Digests". CHI 2011 - 29th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Extended Abstract), 7 mai 2011, Vancouver, BC (Canada), pp. 1933-1938. doi : 10.1145/1979742.1979848. HAL : hal-01354388.
- Sarah Nait Bahloul, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "Access Control to Materialized Views: an Inference-Based Approach". Joint EDBT/ICDT Ph.D. Workshop, 21 mars 2011, Uppsala (Sweden), pp. 19-24. doi : 10.1145/1966874.1966878. HAL : hal-01354420.
- Amin Mesmoudi, Michael Mrissa & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "Combining configuration and query rewriting for Web service composition". IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 4 juillet 2011, Washington, DC (United States of America), pp. 113-120. doi : 10.1109/ICWS.2011.26. HAL : hal-01354437.
- Haytham Elghazel & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "Aggregated Search in Graph Databases: Preliminary Results". Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition - 8th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop (GbRPR 2011), 18 mai 2011, Münster (Germany), pp. 92-101. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-20844-7_10. HAL : hal-01354546.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Haitang Feng, Nicolas Lumineau, Mohand-Said Hacid & Richard Domps (2011). "Data Management in Forecasting Systems: Case Study - Performance Problems and Preliminary Results". Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), 24 octobre 2011, Rabat (Morocco), pp. 1-6. HAL : hal-01354478.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Olivier Boissier, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Longbing Cao, Klaus Fischer & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "PROCEEDINGS 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology -- IAT 2011". doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT.2011.263. HAL : emse-00680334.
- Olivier Boissier, Boualem Benatallah, Mike Papazoglou, Zbigniew Ras & Mohand-Said Hacid (2011). "PROCEEDINGS 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence -- WI 2011". doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT.2011.2. HAL : emse-00758634.
- 2010 (9)
- Conferences (6)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Samir Sebahi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2010). "Business Process Monitoring with BPath". Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), 25 octobre 2010, Hersonissos, Crete (Greece), pp. 446-453. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-16934-2_33. HAL : hal-01381628.
- Kreshnik Musaraj, Tetsuya Yoshida, Florian Daniel, Mohand-Said Hacid, Fabio Casati & Boualem Benatallah (2010). "Message Correlation and Web Service Protocol Mining from Inaccurate Logs". IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 5 juillet 2010, Miami, Florida (United States of America), pp. 259-266. doi : 10.1109/ICWS.2010.104. HAL : hal-01381551.
- Emad Elabd, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2010). "Selecting Web Services for Choreography Implementation: Compatibility Checking Approach with Access Control". 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1 juillet 2010, San Francisco Bay, USA (United States of America), pp. 235-240. HAL : hal-01381549.
- Emad Elabd, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2010). "Checking Compatibility and Replaceability in Web Services Business Protocols with Access Control". IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 5 juillet 2010, Miami, Florida (United States of America), pp. 409-416. doi : 10.1109/ICWS.2010.102. HAL : hal-01381548.
- Ahmed Azough, Alexandre Delteil, Mohand-Said Hacid & Fabien De Marchi (2010). "A Database Approach for Expressive Modeling and Efficient Querying of Visual Information". The International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling Conference (MMM) 2010, 6 janvier 2010, Chongqing (China), pp. 743-748. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-11301-7_79. HAL : hal-01381439.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Emad Elabd, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2010). "Sélection de services Web pour l'implémentation de chorégraphies: vérification de compatibilité avec contrôles d'accès". 26èmes journées Bases de Données Avancées, 19 octobre 2010, Toulouse (France), inconnue. HAL : hal-01381578.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Françoise André, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Olivier Barais, Luciano Baresi, George Baryannis, Salima Benbernou, Ivona Brandic, Antonio Bucchiarone, Cinzia Cappiello et al. (2010). "Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet". Mike Papazoglou and Klaus Pohl and Michael Parkin and Andreas Metzger, Springer. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-17599-2. HAL : inria-00559100.
- François Hantry, Mike Papazoglou, Willem-Jan Van Den Heuvel, Rafiq Haque, Eoin Whelan, Noel Carroll, Dimka Karastoyanova, Frank Leymann, Christos Nikolaou et al. (2010). "Business Process Management". Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet, Mike Papazoglou, Klaus Pohl, Michael Parkin, Andreas Metzger, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 27-54. HAL : hal-01483680.
- Others (1)
- Romain Vuillemot, Jean-Marc Petit & Mohand-Said Hacid (2010). "Shift-BOX: INBOX Time Shifting to Reduce Email Clutter". Collaboration, Electronic messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conference, 13 juillet 2010, Redmond, Washington (United States of America). Poster. HAL : hal-01381490.
- 2009 (8)
- Journals (1)
- National journals with peer review (1)
- Mohand-Said Hacid, Freddy Lécué, Alain Léger, Christophe Rey & Farouk Toumani (2009). "Les web services sémantiques, automate et intégration". Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 28, pp. 229-262. doi : 10.3166/tsi.28.229-262. HAL : hal-01437694.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Ahmed Azough, Alexandre Delteil, Mohand-Said Hacid & Fabien De Marchi (2009). "Fuzzy Conceptual Graphs for Handling Uncertainty in Semantic Video Retrieval". IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2009), 14 décembre 2009, San Diego, California (United States of America), pp. 324-329. doi : 10.1109/ISM.2009.112. HAL : hal-01437768.
- Emad Elabd, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2009). "Compatibility and Replaceability Analysis of Timed Web Services Protocols". ICCEE, 28 décembre 2009, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), pp. 15-19. doi : 10.1109/ICCEE.2009.106. HAL : hal-01437830.
- Florian Daniel, Fabio Casati, Vincenzo D'andrea, Emmanuel Mulo, Zdun Uwe, Schahram Dustdar, Steve Strauch, David Schumm, Frank Leyman et al. (2009). "Business Compliance Governance in Service-Oriented Architectures". The IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2009, 26 mai 2009, Bradford (United Kingdom), pp. 113-120. doi : 10.1109/AINA.2009.112. HAL : hal-01437841.
- Ahmed Azough, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2009). "Supporting Web Service Protocol Changes by Propagation". IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2009 (WI-09), 15 septembre 2009, Milan (Italy), pp. 438-441. doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT.2009.76. HAL : hal-01437780.
- Karima Mokhtari, Salima Benbernou, Mohsen Rouached, Mohand-Said Hacid & Frank Leyman (2009). "Privacy Time-related Analysis in Business Protocols". IEEE International Conference on Web Services ICWS'09, 6 juillet 2009, Los Angeles (United States of America), pp. 141-148. doi : 10.1109/ICWS.2009.87. HAL : hal-01437689.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Paul El Khoury, Mohand-Said Hacid, Sinha Smriti Kumar & Emmanuel Coquery (2009). "A Study on Recent Trends on Integration of Security Mechanisms". Advances in Data Management, Kacprzyk, Janusz, Springer, pp. 203-224. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-02190-9_10. HAL : hal-01499543.
- Ahmed Azough, Alexandre Delteil, Fabien De Marchi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2009). "Semantic Language for Description and Detection of Visual Events". Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization - Volume 2, Marios C. Angelides, CRC Press, pp. 341-364. doi : 10.1201/9781420076653-c16. HAL : hal-01437610.
- 2008 (13)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Samira Hammiche, Bernado Lopez, Salima Benbernou & Mohand-Said Hacid (2008). "Query Rewriting for Semantic Multimedia Data Retrieval". Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 116, pp. 351-372. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-78297-1_17. HAL : hal-01514427.
- Mohand-Said Hacid, Nicolas Spyratos & Yuzuru Tanaka (2008). "Guest editors’ introduction: special issue for ISIP 2005". Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, vol. 31, #2, pp. 109-110. doi : 10.1007/s10844-008-0058-3. HAL : hal-01615262.
- Conferences (10)
- International conferences with peer review (10)
- Didier Devaurs, Kreshnik Musaraj, Fabien De Marchi & Mohand-Saïd Hacid (2008). "Timed transition discovery from Web service conversation logs". Proc. CAiSE '08 Forum, Montpellier (France), pp. 53-56. HAL : hal-00872045.
- David Mosen, Arantza Illarramendi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2008). "Using Rules for the Integration of Heterogeneous and Autonomous, Context-Aware Systems". 2nd East European Workshop on Rule-Based Applications (RuleApps 2008) at the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 21 juillet 2008, Patras (Greece), pp. 6-10. HAL : hal-01586856.
- Haytham Elghazel, Tetsuya Yoshida & Mohand-Said Hacid (2008). "An Integrated Graph and Probability Based Clustering Framework for Sequential Data". 11th International Conference on Discovery Science, 16 octobre 2008, Budapest (Hungary), pp. 246-258. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-88411-8_24. HAL : hal-01586855.
- Ahmed Azough, Alexandre Delteil, Fabien De Marchi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2008). "Intuitive Event Modeling for Personalized Behavior Monitoring.". International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2008, 11 décembre 2008, Tampa (United States of America), pp. 1-4. doi : 10.1109/ICPR.2008.4761027. HAL : hal-01586851.
- Ahmed Azough, Alexandre Delteil, Fabien De Marchi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2008). "Description and Discovery of Complex Events in Video Surveillance". 3nd International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP'08, 16 décembre 2008, Prague (Czech Republic), pp. 27-32. doi : 10.1109/SMAP.2008.30. HAL : hal-01586853.
- Mohamed Amine Baazizi, Samir Sebahi, Mohand-Said Hacid, Salima Benbernou & Mike P Papazoglou (2008). "Monitoring Web Services: A Database Approach.". ServiceWave 2008, 13 décembre 2008, Madrid (Spain), pp. 98-109. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-89897-9_9. HAL : hal-01515528.
- Karima Mokhtari, Salima Benbernou, Mouhammad Said, Emmanuel Coquery, Mohand-Said Hacid & Frank Leyman (2008). "Verification of Privacy Timed Properties in Web Service Protocols". 2008 IEEE international Conference on Service Computing, 7 juillet 2008, Honolulu (United States of America), pp. 593-594. HAL : hal-01581159.
- Lyes Limam, Salima Benbernou, Mohand-Said Hacid, Arantza Illarramendi & Aris M Ouksel (2008). "Mapping Discovery in P2P databases: a query-based approach". 6th International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P 2008) in conjunction with the 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2008), 23 août 2008, Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 26-41. HAL : hal-01515531.
- Paul El Khoury, Amine Mokhtari, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2008). "An Ontological Interface for Software Developers to Select Security Patterns". 2nd International Workshop on Secure systems methodologies using patterns (SPattern'08) in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Application, 2008. DEXA '08., 1 septembre 2008, Turin (Italy), pp. 297-301. doi : 10.1109/DEXA.2008.110. HAL : hal-01581161.
- Paul El Khoury, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2008). "Consistency Checking of Role Assignments in Inter-Organizational Collaboration". Geographic Information System, Proceedings of the SIGSPATIAL ACM GIS 2008 International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS, 4 novembre 2008, Irvine, California (United States of America), pp. 82-88. doi : 10.1145/1503402.1503417. HAL : hal-01581164.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Omar Boucelma, Mohand-Said Hacid, Thérèse Libourel Rouge & Jean-Marc Petit (2008). "Modèles et Langages pour les Bases de Données". Omar Boucelma, Mohand-Said Hacid, Thérèse Libourel, Jean-Marc Petit, Lavoisier. HAL : lirmm-00374848.
- 2007 (16)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Samira Hammiche, Bernado Lopez, Salima Benbernou, Mohand-Said Hacid & Athena Vakali (2007). "Domain Knowledge Based Queries for Multimedia Data Retrieval". Journal of Digital Information Management, vol. 5, pp. 75-81. HAL : hal-01514465.
- Sidi Mohamed Benslimane, Djamal Benslimane, Mimoun Malki, Zakaria Maamar, Philippe Thiran, Amghar Youssef & Mohand-Said Hacid (2007). "Ontology development for the Semantic Web: An HTML form-based reverse engineering approach". Journal of Web Engineering, vol. 6, pp. 143-164. HAL : hal-01531209.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (6)
- Ahmed Azough, Alexandre Delteil, Fabien De Marchi & Mohand-Said Hacid (2007). "A Representation Language for Multimedia Web Semantic". 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP 2007, 18 décembre 2007, Londres (United Kingdom), pp. 38-43. doi : 10.1109/SMAP.2007.46. HAL : hal-01586829.
- Salima Benbernou, Hassina Meziane & Mohand-Said Hacid (2007). "Run Time Monitoring for Privacy Compliance". International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC'07, 20 septembre 2007, Vienne (Austria), pp. 353-364. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-74974-5_29. HAL : hal-01586821.
- Haytham Elghazel, Tetsuya Yoshida, Véronique Deslandres, Mohand-Said Hacid & Alain Dussauchoy (2007). "A New Greedy Algorithm for improving b-Coloring Clustering". 6th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 11 juin 2007, Alicante (Spain), pp. 228-239. HAL : hal-00188999.
- Salima Benbernou, Djamal Benslimane, Mohand-Said Hacid, Hamamache Kheddouci & A. Tari (2007). "A Graph-Based Approach for Web Services Composition". the 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - WEBIST 2007, 3 mars 2007, Barcelone (Spain), p. 7. HAL : hal-00188446.
- Salima Benbernou, Hassina Meziane, Yin Hua Li & Mohand-Said Hacid (2007). "Privacy-Agreement for Web Services". 2007 IEEE Conference on Service Computing SCC'07, 13 juillet 2007, Salt Lake City (United States of America), pp. 196-203. HAL : hal-01502730.
- Nawal Guermouche, Salima Benbernou, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2007). "Privacy-Aware Web Service Protocol Replaceability". IEEE International Conference on Web Services - ICWS 2007, 9 juillet 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah (United States of America), pp. 1048-1055. doi : 10.1109/ICWS.2007.143. HAL : inria-00133666.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Didier Devaurs, Fabien De Marchi & Mohand-Saïd Hacid (2007). "Caractérisation des transitions temporisées dans les logs de conversation de services Web". Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC'07), Namur (Belgium), pp. 45-56. HAL : hal-00870978.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Stefano Spaccapietra, Paolo Atzeni, François Fages, Mohand-Said Hacid, Michael Kifer, John Mylopoulos, Barbara Pernici, Pavel Shvaiko, Juan Trujillo & Ilya Zaihrayeu (2007). "Journal on Data Semantics VIII". Springer. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-70664-9. HAL : hal-01586832.
- Stefano Spaccapietra, Paolo Atzeni, François Fages, Mohand-Said Hacid, Michael Kifer, John Mylopoulos, Barbara Pernici, Pavel Shvaiko, Juan Trujillo & Ilya Zaihrayeu (2007). "Journal on Data Semantics IX". Springer. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-74987-5. HAL : hal-01586838.
- Others (5)
- Boualem Benatallah, Mohand-Said Hacid, Alain Léger, Christophe Rey & Farouk Toumani (2007). "A General Framework for Covering Concepts using Terminologies". 2007 International Workshop on Description Logics, DL2007, 10 juin 2007, Brixen-Bressanone (Italy). Poster. HAL : hal-01586845.
- Bernado Lopez, Samira Hammiche, Mohand-Said Hacid & Samir Sebahi (2007). "Annotation et navigation de données archéologiques". 7èmes Journées Francophones en Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2007, 26 janvier 2007, Namur (Belgium). Poster. HAL : hal-01586816.
- Mathias Weske, Mohand-Said Hacid & Claude Godart (2007). "Web Information Systems Engineering". doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-77010-7. HAL : hal-01615277.
- Nawal Guermouche, Salima Benbernou, Emmanuel Coquery & Mohand-Said Hacid (2007). "Préservation de l'Intimité dans les Protocoles de Conversations". Cinquièmes journées Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 23 janvier 2007, Namur, Belgique (Belgium). Poster. HAL : hal-01585785.
- Omar Boucelma, Mohand-Said Hacid, Thérèse Libourel Rouge & Jean-Marc Petit (2007). "Bases de Données Avancées". HAL : hal-01486893.
- 2006 (11)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Mohand-Said Hacid (2006). "Guest Editor's Introduction". World Wide Web, vol. 9, #2, pp. 115-116. doi : 10.1007/s11280-005-3046-3. HAL : hal-01490395.
- Salima Benbernou & Mohand-Said Hacid (2006). "Dynamic Web Service Call for Data Integration". Journal of Software, vol. 1, pp. 1-10. doi : 10.4304/jsw.1.1.1-10. HAL : hal-01586393.
- Boualem Benatallah, Mohand-Said Hacid, Hye-Young Paik, Christophe Rey & Farouk Toumani (2006). "Towards Semantic-driven, Flexible and Scalable Framework for Peering and Querying e-Catalog Communities". Information Systems, vol. 31, 4-5, pp. 266-294. doi : 10.1016/ HAL : hal-01586380.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Aixin Sun, Boualem Benatallah, Mohand-Said Hacid & Mahbub Hassan (2006). "Querying E-Catalogs Using Content Summaries". OTM Confederated International Conferences "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems", 3 novembre 2006, Montpellier (France), pp. 109-126. doi : 10.1007/11914853_8. HAL : hal-01586726.
- Yacine Sam, Omar Boucelma & Mohand-Said Hacid (2006). "Web services customization: a composition-based approach". 6th international conference on Web engineering, ICWE'06, 14 juillet 2006, Palo Alto (United States of America), pp. 25-31. doi : 10.1145/1145581.1145587. HAL : hal-01586694.
- Samira Hammiche, Bernado Lopez, Salima Benbernou, Mohand-Said Hacid & Athena Vakali (2006). "Domain Knowledge Based Queries for Multimedia Data Retrieval". 4th Special Workshop on Multimedia Semantics (WMS 06)., 21 juin 2006, Chania (Greece), pp. 94-103. HAL : hal-01514471.
- Haytham Elghazel, Véronique Deslandres, Mohand-Said Hacid, Alain Dussauchoy & Hamamache Kheddouci (2006). "A New Clustering Approach for Symbolic Data and its Validation: Application to the Healthcare Data". 16th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 27 septembre 2006, Bari (Italy), pp. 473-482. HAL : hal-00188994.
- Yacine Sam, Omar Boucelma & Mohand-Said Hacid (2006). "Dynamic Web Services Personalization". The 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce, and E-Services (CEC/EEE'06), 29 juin 2006, San Francisco (United States of America). doi : 10.1109/CEC-EEE.2006.38. HAL : hal-01586688.
- Yacine Sam, Omar Boucelma & Mohand-Said Hacid (2006). "Semantic Web Services Composition for the Mass Customization Paradigm". 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2006, 27 mai 2006, Paphos (Cyprus). HAL : hal-01586784.
- Haytham Elghazel, Mohand-Said Hacid, Hamamache Khedouci & Alain Dussauchoy (2006). "A New Clustering Approach for Symbolic Data: Algorithms and Application to Healthcare Data". 22èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, BDA 2006, 20 octobre 2006, Lille (France). HAL : hal-01586679.
- Others (1)
- Adrian Tanasescu & Mohand-Said Hacid (2006). "Synthetizing RDF query answers from multiple documents". OTM Confederated International Workshops and Posters, 3 novembre 2006, Montpellier (France). Poster. doi : 10.1007/11915034_6. HAL : hal-01584353.
- 2005 (19)
- Journals (5)
- International journals with peer review (5)
- Alberto Abellò, Xavier De Palol & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "On the Midpoint of a Set of XML Documents.". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3588, pp. 441-450. doi : 10.1007/11546924_43. HAL : hal-01586608.
- Elisa Bertino, Mohand-Said Hacid & Farouk Toumani (2005). "Towards Structures Discovery in Video Data". Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, vol. 17, pp. 5-18. doi : 10.1080/09528130512331315927. HAL : hal-01586370.
- Jianping Fan, Guihua Zeng, Mathurin Body & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "Seeded region growing: an extensive and comparative study". Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 26, pp. 1139-1156. doi : 10.1016/j.patrec.2004.10.010. HAL : hal-01586375.
- Salima Benbernou & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "Resolution and Constraint Propagation for Semantic Web Services Discovery". Distributed and Parallel Databases, vol. 18, pp. 65-81. doi : 10.1007/s10619-005-1074-8. HAL : hal-01586357.
- Boualem Benatallah, Mohand-Said Hacid, Alain Leger, Christophe Rey & Farouk Toumani (2005). "On automating Web services discovery". The VLDB Journal, vol. 14, #1, pp. 84-96. doi : 10.1007/s00778-003-0117-x. HAL : hal-01586362.
- Conferences (10)
- International conferences with peer review (9)
- Samira Hammiche, Salima Benbernou & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "Réécriture de requêtes multimédias : approche basée sur l'usage d'une ontologie". 5èmes journées d'Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC 2005, 19 janvier 2005, Paris (France), pp. 389-394. HAL : hal-01586611.
- Jianping Fan, Hangzai Luo, Mohand-Said Hacid & Elisa Bertino (2005). "A Novel Approach for Privacy-Preserving Video Sharing". 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, CIKM 2005, 5 novembre 2005, Bremen (Germany), pp. 609-616. doi : 10.1145/1099554.1099711. HAL : hal-01586637.
- Hicham Hajji & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "An OpenGis approach for natural hazards management data integration". 18th Annual Geographic Information Sciences Conference, TUGIS 2005, 22 mars 2005, Towson (United States of America). HAL : hal-01586628.
- Ayca Azgin Hintoglu, Yucel Saygin, Salima Benbernou & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "Privacy Preserving Data Mining Services on the Web". Second International Conference on Trust, Privacy, and Security in Digital Business, TrustBus 2005, 26 août 2005, Copenhagen (Denmark), pp. 246-255. doi : 10.1007/11537878_25. HAL : hal-01586643.
- Salima Benbernou, Mohand-Said Hacid & Xiaojun He (2005). "Implicit Service Call in ActiveXml through OWL-S". Third International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2005, 15 décembre 2005, Amsterdam (Netherlands), pp. 353-365. doi : 10.1007/11596141_27. HAL : hal-01586662.
- Salima Benbernou, Abdallah Makhoul, Mohand-Said Hacid & Ahmed Mostefaoui (2005). "A spatio-temporal Adaptation model for multimedia presentations". Seventh International Symposium on Multimedia, ISM 2005, 14 décembre 2005, Irvine (United States of America), pp. 143-150. doi : 10.1109/ISM.2005.21. HAL : hal-01586665.
- Hicham Hajji, Mohand-Said Hacid & Hassan Badir (2005). "Towards Data warehouses for Natural Hazards". 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 28 mai 2005, Miami (United States of America), pp. 415-419. HAL : hal-01586342.
- Fabien De Marchi, Mohand-Said Hacid & Jean-Marc Petit (2005). "Some remarks on self-tuning logical database design". International workshop on self-managing database systems, SMDB'05, in conjunction with IEEE ICDE'05, 9 avril 2005, Tokyo (Japan), pp. 1-12. HAL : hal-01586269.
- Jianping Fan, Hangzai Luo & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "Mining images on semantics via statistical learning". Eleventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery in data mining, KDD'05, 24 août 2005, Chicago (United States of America), pp. 22-31. doi : 10.1145/1081870.1081877. HAL : hal-01586648.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Adrian Tanasescu & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "Réponses coopératives dans l'interrogation de documents RDF". 5èmes Journées d'Extraction et Gestion de Connaissances, 21 janvier 2005, Paris (France), pp. 395-406. HAL : hal-01586656.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (3)
- Robert Meersman, Zahir Tari, Mohand-Said Hacid, John Mylopoulos, Barbara Pernici, Ozalp Babaoglu, Arno Jacobsen, Joseph Loyall, Michael Kifer & Stefano Spaccapietra (2005). "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems". Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. doi : 10.1007/11575771. HAL : hal-01492728.
- Jean-Marc Petit & Mohand-Said Hacid (2005). "From Conceptual Database Schemas to Logical Database Tuning". Transformation of Knowledge, Information and Data : Theory and Applications, Patrick Van Bommel, pp. 52-74. doi : 10.4018/978-1-59140-527-6.ch003. HAL : hal-01586652.
- Others (1)
- Mohand-Said Hacid, Neil V. Murray, Zbigniew Ras & Shusaku Tsumoto (2005). "Foundations of Intelligent Systems". doi : 10.1007/b136302. HAL : hal-01492503.
- 2004 (13)
- Journals (5)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Mohand-Said Hacid & Chantal Reynaud (2004). "L’intégration de sources de données". Revue I3 - Information Interaction Intelligence. HAL : hal-01493344.
- Athena Vakali, Mohand-Said Hacid & Ahmed K Elmagarmid (2004). "MPEG-7 based description schemes for multi-level video content classification". Image and Vision Computing, vol. 22, pp. 367-378. doi : 10.1016/S0262-8856(03)00098-2. HAL : hal-01585945.
- National journals with peer review (3)
- Jean-François Baget, Étienne Canaud, Jérôme Euzenat & Mohand Saïd-Hacid (2004). "Les langages du web sémantique". Revue I3 - Information Interaction Intelligence. HAL : hal-00906635.
- Mohand-Said Hacid (2004). "Introduction : Special issue on web data integration". Information Systems, vol. 29, #1, pp. 1-2. doi : 10.1016/S0306-4379(03)00034-6. HAL : hal-01586125.
- Mohand-Said Hacid (2004). "Guest Editor's Introduction : Special Issue on Data Mining". Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, vol. 22, #1, pp. 5-6. doi : 10.1023/A:1025844912208. HAL : hal-01586149.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Salima Benbernou, Etienne Canaud, Mohand-Said Hacid & Farouk Toumani (2004). "Resolution and Constraint Propagation for Semantic Web Services Discovery". Research Issues on Data Engineering, RIDE'04, 29 mars 2004, Boston (United States of America), pp. 23-30. doi : 10.1109/RIDE.2004.1281699. HAL : hal-01586182.
- Salima Benbernou, Etienne Canaud, Mohand-Said Hacid & Farouk Toumani (2004). "A Hybrid Approach to Semantic Web Services Discovery". Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, IIPWM'04, 20 mai 2004, Zakopane (Poland), pp. 505-512. HAL : hal-01586210.
- Etienne Canaud, Salima Benbernou & Mohand-Said Hacid (2004). "Managing Trust in Active XML". IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 18 septembre 2004, Shanghai (China), pp. 41-48. doi : 10.1109/SCC.2004.1357988. HAL : hal-01586242.
- Boualem Benatallah, Mohand-Said Hacid, Hye-Young Paik, Christophe Rey & Farouk Toumani (2004). "Peering and Querying e-Catalog Communities". 20th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2004, 2 avril 2004, Boston (United States of America), pp. 846-846. doi : 10.1109/ICDE.2004.1320076. HAL : hal-01586012.
- Samira Hammiche, Salima Benbernou, Mohand-Said Hacid & Athena Vakali (2004). "Semantic retrieval of multimedia data". 2nd ACM international workshop on multimedia database, MMDB'04, 13 novembre 2004, Washington (United States of America), pp. 36-44. doi : 10.1145/1032604.1032612. HAL : hal-01585939.
- Karl Aberer, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Aris M Ouksel, Tiziana Catarci, Mohand-Said Hacid, Arantza Illarramendi, Vipul Kashyap, Massimo Mecella, Eduardo Mena et al. (2004). "Emergent Semantics Principles and Issues". 9th International Conference on Database Systems for Advances Applications, 19 mars 2004, Jeju Island (Korea (South)), pp. 25-38. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-24571-1_2. HAL : hal-01585949.
- Karl Aberer, Tiziana Catarci, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Tharam S. Dillon, Stephan Grimm, Mohand-Said Hacid, Arantza Illarramendi, Mustafa Jarrar, Vipul Kashyap et al. (2004). "Emergent Semantics Systems". First International IFIP Conference, ICSNW 2004, 19 juin 2004, Paris (France), pp. 14-43. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-30145-5_2. HAL : hal-01586003.
- Others (1)
- Henning Christiansen, Mohand-Said Hacid, Troels Andreasen & Henrik Legind Larsen (2004). "Flexible Query Answering Systems". doi : 10.1007/b98090. HAL : hal-01586085.
- 2003 (16)
- Journals (5)
- International journals with peer review (5)
- Elisa Bertino, Jianping Fan, Elena Ferrari, Mohand-Said Hacid, Ahmed K Elmagarmid & Xingquan Zhu (2003). "A Hierarchical Access Control Model for Video Database Systems". Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 21, pp. 155-191. doi : 10.1145/763693.763695. HAL : hal-01585629.
- Elisa Bertino, Ahmed K Elmagarmid & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "Ordering and Path Constraints over Semistructured Data". Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, vol. 20, pp. 181-206. doi : 10.1023/A:1021880119937. HAL : hal-01585626.
- Elisa Bertino, Ahmed K Elmagarmid & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "A Database Approach to Quality of Service Specification in Video Databases". SIGMOD record, vol. 32, pp. 35-40. doi : 10.1145/640990.640995. HAL : hal-01585624.
- Elisa Bertino, Tiziana Catarci, Ahmed K Elmagarmid & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "Quality of Service Specification in Video Databases". IEEE MultiMedia, vol. 10, pp. 71-81. doi : 10.1109/MMUL.2003.1237552. HAL : hal-01585798.
- Elisa Bertino, Ahmed K Elmagarmid & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "A Logical Approach to Quality of Service Specification in Video Databases". Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 23, pp. 75-101. doi : 10.1023/B:MTAP.0000026842.02622.6c. HAL : hal-01588073.
- Conferences (6)
- International conferences with peer review (6)
- Weihong Huang, T. Tao, Mohand-Said Hacid & Alain Mille (2003). "Facilitate Knowledge Communications in Multimedia e-learning Environments". First ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Databases, MMDB'03, 7 novembre 2003, New Orleans (United States of America), pp. 33-39. doi : 10.1145/951676.951684. HAL : hal-01585925.
- Jianping Fan, Y Gao, Hangzai Luo & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "A novel framework for semantic image classification and benchmark". SIGKDD International conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 27 août 2003, Washington (United States of America). HAL : hal-01585794.
- Evimaria Terzi, Athena Vakali & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, and the Semantic Web". 5th Asian-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2003, 25 avril 2003, Xian (China), pp. 382-387. doi : 10.1007/3-540-36901-5_39. HAL : hal-01585814.
- Boualem Benatallah, Mohand-Said Hacid, Christophe Rey & Farouk Toumani (2003). "Semantic Reasoning for Web Services Discovery". Workshop on E-Services and the Semantic Web, ESSW 2003, 20 mai 2003, Budapest (Hungary). doi : 10.1007/s00778-003-0117-x. HAL : hal-01585905.
- Weihong Huang & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "Contextual knowledge representation, retrieval and interpretation in multimedia e-learning". IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IRI 2003, 29 octobre 2003, Las Vegas (United States of America), pp. 258-265. doi : 10.1109/IRI.2003.1251422. HAL : hal-01585890.
- George Pallis, Athena Vakali, Lefteris Angelis & Mohand-Said Hacid (2003). "A Study on Workload Characterization for a Web Proxy Server". 21st IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, AI 2003, 13 février 2003, Innsbruck (Austria), pp. 779-784. HAL : hal-01585834.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Evimaria Terzi, Mohand-Said Hacid & Athena Vakali (2003). "Modeling and Querying Web Data : A Constraint-Based Logic Approach". Information Modeling for Internet Applications, pp. 1-21. doi : 10.4018/978-1-59140-050-9.ch001. HAL : hal-01585934.
- Boualem Benatallah, Mohand-Said Hacid, Christophe Rey & Farouk Toumani (2003). "Request Rewriting-Based Web Service Discovery". The Semantic Web - ISWC 2003. ISWC 2003. Second International Semantic Web Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20-23, 2003, Proceedings, Springer, pp. 242-257. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-39718-2_16. HAL : hal-02272603.
- Reports (2)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (2)
- Mohand-Said Hacid, Alain Léger, Farouk Toumani & Christophe Rey (2003). "An algorithm and a prototype for the dynamic discovery of e-services.". HAL : hal-04720334.
- Jean-François Baget, Étienne Canaud, Jérôme Euzenat & Mohand Saïd-Hacid (2003). "Les langages du web sémantique". Contract. HAL : hal-00906616.
- Others (1)
- Mohand-Said Hacid, Yves Kodratoff & Danielle Boulanger (2003). "Extraction et gestion des connaissances". HAL : hal-01493988.