Thesis of Wiem Fekih Hassen

A pervasive navigation system on Smartphones

Start date: 01/12/2014
Defense date: 08/02/2020

Advisor: Lionel Brunie


Over the ten past years, there has been a rising attention for personal navigation systems, given the signi cant interest of these applications in guiding and tracking a mobile user everywhere, in particular, in unfamiliar environments. The development of such systems reveals multiple challenges in several areas and requires the integration of different topics, especially, positioning. In an open space, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) commonly known by the GPS standard, persists as the outdoor reference system for navigation. Whereas, the indoor navigation systems still at a development stage and suffer from many limitations. In this thesis, we aim to develop an ubiquitous pedestrian navigation prototype that continuously and seamlessly calculates the mobile user position anytime, everywhere based on user preferences.

M. Ben Rejeb Robbana Narjes Professeur(e)ENSI TunisPrésident(e)
M. Lionel BrunieProfesseur(e)LIRIS INSA LyonDirecteur(trice) de thèse
M. Slimani YahyaProfesseur(e)ENSI TunisCo-directeur (trice)
M. Ben Said Lamjed Professeur(e)ENSI TunisRapporteur(e)
M. Chbeir Richard Professeur(e)ENSI TunisExaminateur​(trice)
M. Mostefaoui Ahmed ENSI TunisExaminateur​(trice)