Thesis of Mathis Baubriaud
Start date: 04/03/2022
End date (estimated): 04/03/2025
Advisor: Stéphane Derrode
Coadvisor: René Chalon
The objective of the thesis is to develop a POC ("Proof-Of-Concepts") to automate some reporting tasks, to improve collaboration and coordination of construction projects in real time. To do this, the main part of the research work will consist of developing innovative algorithms for recognising objects in images and identifying the corresponding elements in a digital model, in order to generate instantaneous reports on the progress of the construction site (elements present/missing, incorrectly placed equipment, etc.). These algorithms will be able to rely on the expertise of the operator in the field to complete and correct their detection, and will then use this feedback to improve their performance over time. Intensive test phases, in different scenarios to be imagined, will also be organised to evaluate the reliability and robustness of the chosen solution.