
Coordinator: Florence Zara
Members: Sylvie Cazalens, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Iuliia Tkachenko
Mail alias: cell_ecoutes [at] liris.cnrs.fr

A listening unit is available to all LIRIS members to help them express any concerns they may have about their well-being at work. The aim of this unit is to offer a sympathetic and attentive ear. Its aim is to put in place solutions to resolve any difficulties brought to light, which may be of a material or human nature (conflicts, disputes, harassment, difficulties at work, etc.).

Who to contact:

  • Emmanuel Dellandréa (emmanuel.dellandrea [at] ec-lyon.fr, Associate professor HDR, École Centrale de Lyon, IMAGINE team, Bât E6, Écully)
  • Sylvie Cazalens (sylvie.cazalens [at]liris.cnrs.fr, Associate professor, INSA Lyon, équipe BD, Bât Blaise Pascal, LyonTech Campus de la Doua)
  • Iuliia Tkachenko (iuliia.tkachenko [at] univ-lyon2.fr, Associate professor, Université Lumière Lyon 2, IMAGINE team, Bât C, Bron Campus)
  • Florence Zara (florence.zara [at] liris.cnrs.fr, Associate professor HDR, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Origami team, Bât Nautibus, LyonTech Campus de la Doua)