Samir Aknine

Team(s) | SyCoSMA |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Location | Nautibus (Université Lyon1) |
samir.aknine at | |
Professional phone number |
Publications (IdHAL : samir-aknine)
Publications LIRIS pour Samir Aknine (99)
- 2025 (4)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Zine El Abidine Kherroubi & Samir Aknine (2025). "Review of driver behaviour modelling for highway on‐ramp merging". Intelligent Transport Systems, IET. HAL : hal-04822315.
- Amit Biswas, Manisha Singh, Gaurav Baranwal, Anil Kumar Tripathi & Samir Aknine (2025). "Multi-attribute based self-stabilizing algorithm for leader election in distributed systems". Journal of Supercomputing. doi : 10.1007/s11227-021-03803-7. HAL : hal-04943542.
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2025). "A Multiagent Path Search Algorithm for Large-Scale Coalition Structure Generation, Accepted Paper". AAAI, Philadelphia (United States of America). HAL : hal-04828393.
- Nilanjana Saha, Narayan Changder, Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine & Animesh Dutta (2025). "Hide Exposures by Removing Mastermind’s External Sources on Social Network (Student Abstract)". AAAI, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) (United States of America). HAL : hal-04828421.
- 2024 (5)
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2024). "A Multiagent Path Search Algorithm for Large-Scale Coalition Structure Generation, Long Abstract". AAMAS, AUCKLAND (New Zealand). HAL : hal-04357674.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2024). "Efficient Size-based Hybrid Algorithm for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation, Long Abstract". AAMAS, AUCKLAND (New Zealand). HAL : hal-04357671.
- Biswas Tuhin Kumar, Gupta Avisek, Narayan Changder, Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Chattopadhyay Samiran & Animesh Dutta (2024). "Coalition Formation for Task Allocation Using Multiple Distance Metrics (Student Abstract)". AAAI, Vancouver (Canada). HAL : hal-04418100.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2024). "Faster Optimal Coalition Structure Generation via Offline Coalition Selection and Graph-Based Search, Accepted paper". IJCAI, Jeju (Korea (South)). HAL : hal-04549409.
- Alexis Le Pichon, Alice Janela Cameijo, Samir Aknine, Youcef Sklab, Souhila Arib & Quentin Brissaud (2024). "Deep learning methods for modeling infrasound transmission loss in the middle atmosphere". International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, 29 août 2024, Nantes (France). HAL : hal-04842264.
- 2023 (7)
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2023). "A Multiagent Path Search Algorithm for Large-Scale Coalition Structure Generation.". 14th Optimization and Learning in Multiagent Systems Workshop, AAMAS, 19 août 2023, Londres (United Kingdom). HAL : hal-04093710.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera & Narayan Changder (2023). "Parallel Index-based Search Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation, student abstract". AAAI, washington (United States of America). HAL : hal-04077920.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2023). "Optimal Anytime Coalition Structure Generation Utilizing Compact Solution Space Representation". International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( IJCAI), 19 août 2023, Macao (China). HAL : hal-04077910.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2023). "Faster Optimal Coalition Structure Generation via Offline Coalition Selection and Graph-Based Search". 14th Optimization and Learning in Multiagent Systems Workshop, AAMAS, 19 août 2023, Londres (United Kingdom). HAL : hal-04093715.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera & Narayan Changder (2023). "Anytime Index-Based Search Method for Large-Scale Simultaneous Coalition Structure Generation and Assignment". ECAI, Accepted paper, 30 septembre 2023, Kraków (Poland). doi : 10.3233/FAIA230527. HAL : hal-04163030.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera, Narayan Changder & Tuomas Sandholm (2023). "Efficient Size-based Hybrid Algorithm for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation". 14th Optimization and Learning in Multiagent Systems Workshop, AAMAS, 19 août 2023, Londres (United Kingdom). HAL : hal-04093716.
- Quenum Ghislain & Samir Aknine (2023). "Cooperative Virtual Machine Placement". ESOCC, 10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing, Larnaca (Cyprus). HAL : hal-04198327.
- 2022 (4)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine & Animesh Dutta (2022). "An Abortion Based Search Method for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation". Group Decision and Negotiation. doi : 10.1007/s10726-022-09781-2. HAL : hal-03579876.
- Zine El Abidine Kherroubi, Samir Aknine & Rebiha Bacha (2022). "Novel Decision-Making Strategy for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Highway On-ramp Merging". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi : 10.1109/TITS.2021.3114983. HAL : hal-03349170.
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera & Narayan Changder (2022). "PICS: Parallel Index-based Search Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation". ICTAI, Virtual Conference (Canada). HAL : hal-03830080.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera & Narayan Changder (2022). "Subspace-Focused Search Method for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation". ICTAI, Virtual Conference (Canada). HAL : hal-03830082.
- 2021 (7)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Amit Biswas, Ashish Kumar Maurya, Anil Kumar Tripathi & Samir Aknine (2021). "FRLLE: A Failure Rate and Load based Leader Election Algorithm for a Bidirectional Ring in Distributed Systems". Journal of Supercomputing. doi : 10.1007/s11227-020-03286-y. HAL : hal-02532976.
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine & Animesh Dutta (2021). "Improving Coalition Structure Search with an Imperfect Algorithm : Analysis and Evaluation Results". Artificial Intelligence Review. doi : 10.1007/s10462-020-09850-5. HAL : hal-02569235.
- Amit Biswas, Anil Kumar Tripathi & Samir Aknine (2021). "Lea-TN: Leader Election Algorithm Considering Node and Link Failures in a Torus Network". Journal of Supercomputing. doi : 10.1007/s11227-021-03803-7. HAL : hal-03199996.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine, Sarvapali Ramchurn & Animesh Dutta (2021). "BOSS: A Bi-directional Search Technique for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation with Minimal Overlapping, Student Abstract". AAAI, 2 février 2021, Virtual Conference (Canada). doi : 10.1609/aaai.v35i18.17879. HAL : hal-03091643.
- Zine El Abidine Kherroubi, Samir Aknine & Rebiha Bacha (2021). "Leveraging on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Safe Decision-Making in Highway On-ramp Merging, Student Abstract". AAAI, 2 février 2021, .Virtual Conference (Canada). HAL : hal-03091646.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera & Narayan Changder (2021). "Code-based Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation". ICTAI, 1 novembre 2021, Virtual Conference (Canada). doi : 10.1109/ICTAI52525.2021.00170. HAL : hal-03378938.
- Redha Taguelmimt, Samir Aknine, Djamila Boukredera & Narayan Changder (2021). "FACS: Fast code-based Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation, Student Abstract, Selected for presentation". AAAI, 2 février 2021, Virtual Conference (Canada). doi : 10.1609/aaai.v35i18.17950. HAL : hal-03091652.
- 2020 (9)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Youcef Sklab, Samir Aknine, Onn Shehory & Abdelkamel Tari (2020). "Coalition formation with dynamically changing externalities". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. doi : 10.1016/j.engappai.2020.103577. HAL : hal-02484960.
- Anouer Bennajeh, Slim Bechikh, Lamjed Ben Said & Samir Aknine (2020). "Multi-agent cooperation for an active perception based on driving behavior: Application in a car-following behavior". Applied Artificial Intelligence. doi : 10.1080/08839514.2020.1771837. HAL : hal-02595335.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Sacha Lhopital, Samir Aknine, Vincent Thavonekham, Huan Vu & Sarvapali Ramchurn (2020). "Decentralised Control of Intelligent Devices: A Healthcare Facility Study". EUMAS, accepted paper, Thessaloniki (Greece). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-66412-1_2. HAL : hal-02500536.
- Zine El Abidine Kherroubi, Samir Aknine & Rebiha Bacha (2020). "New Off-board Solution for Predicting Vehicles' Intentions in the Highway On-Ramp using Probabilistic Classifiers, Long Abstract". AAAI, 5 février 2020, NY (United States of America). HAL : hal-02357974.
- Huan Vu, Samir Aknine, Sarvapali Ramchurn & Alessandro Farinelli (2020). "Decentralised Multi-Intersection Congestion Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles". EUMAS, accepted paper, Thessaloniki (Greece). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-66412-1_3. HAL : hal-02500538.
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine, Sarvapali Ramchurn & Animesh Dutta (2020). "ODSS: Efficient Hybridization for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation". AAAI, accepted paper, 5 février 2020, NY (United States of America). HAL : hal-02357971.
- Ndeye Arame Diago, Samir Aknine & Sarvapali Ramchurn (2020). "Distributed multi-issue multi-lateral negotiation using a divide and rule approach". EUMAS, accepted paper, Thessaloniki (Greece). HAL : hal-02500542.
- Zine El Abidine Kherroubi, Samir Aknine & Rebiha Bacha (2020). "Novel Off-board Solution for Predicting Drivers’ Intentions using Probabilistic Classifiers". IAT, 14 décembre 2020, . (Australia). HAL : hal-02979148.
- Souhila Arib & Samir Aknine (2020). "An Extended Multi-agent Coalitions Mechanism with Constraints". ICAART, valletta (Malta), pp. 199-207. HAL : hal-04077921.
- 2019 (8)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Anouer Bennajeh, Slim Bechikh, Lamjed Ben Said & Samir Aknine (2019). "Bi-level decision-making modeling for an autonomous driver agent: Application in the car-following driving behavior". Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 33, #13, pp. 1157-1178. doi : 10.1080/08839514.2019.1673018. HAL : hal-02302101.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Zine El Abidine Kherroubi, Samir Aknine & Rebiha Bacha (2019). "Dynamic and intelligent control of autonomous vehicles for highway on-ramp merge,". AAMAS, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 13 mai 2019, Montreal (Canada), pp. 2057-2059. HAL : hal-01990340.
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine & Animesh Dutta (2019). "An Imperfect Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation, Long Abstract". AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 27 janvier 2019, Hawaii (United States of America), pp. 9923-9924. HAL : hal-01910491.
- Zine El Abidine Kherroubi, Samir Aknine & Rebiha Bacha (2019). "A Dynamic Bayesian Network Based Merge Mechanism for Autonomous Vehicles, Long Abstract". AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 27 janvier 2019, Hawaii (United States of America), pp. 9953-9954. HAL : hal-01910489.
- Antoine Grea, Samir Aknine & Laëtitia Matignon (2019). "HEART: Using Abstract Plans as a Guarantee of Downward Refinement in Decompositional Planning". 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 21 février 2019, Prague (Czech Republic), pp. 514-522. doi : 10.5220/0007342905140522. HAL : hal-02097488.
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine & Animesh Dutta (2019). "An Effective Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation". ICTAI, 4 novembre 2019, Portland (United States of America). doi : 10.1109/ICTAI.2019.00105. HAL : hal-02266791.
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine & Animesh Dutta (2019). "An Improved Algorithm for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation". SoCS 2019: The 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search, 16 juillet 2019, California (United States of America), pp. 166-167. HAL : hal-02158807.
- Narayan Changder, Samir Aknine & Animesh Dutta (2019). "Leveraging Symmetric Relations for Approximation Coalition Structure Generation, To appear". PRIMA, 28 octobre 2019, Torino (Italy). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-33792-6_27. HAL : hal-02275636.
- 2018 (7)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Anouer Bennajeh, Slim Bechikh, Lamjed Ben Said & Samir Aknine (2018). "Anticipation model based on a modified fuzzy logic approach". IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 13, #2, pp. 330-339. doi : 10.1049/iet-its.2018.5156. HAL : hal-01897042.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Antoine Grea, Laëtitia Matignon & Samir Aknine (2018). "HEART: HiErarchical Abstraction for Real-Time Partial Order Causal Link Planning". 1st Workshop on Hierarchical Planning at 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 26 juin 2018, Delft (Netherlands), pp. 17-25. HAL : hal-01834701.
- Antoine Grea, Laëtitia Matignon & Samir Aknine (2018). "How explainable plans can make planning faster". Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, 19 juillet 2018, Stockholm (Sweden), pp. 58-64. HAL : hal-01878646.
- Huan Vu, Samir Aknine & Sarvapali Ramchurn (2018). "A Decentralised Approach to Intersection Traffic Management". IJCAI, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm (Sweden), pp. 527-533. HAL : hal-01772181.
- José Ghislain Quenum & Samir Aknine (2018). "Towards Executable Specifications for Microservices". IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC, San Francisco (United States of America), pp. 41-48. HAL : hal-01773969.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Ndeye Arame Diago, Samir Aknine, Onn Shehory & Mbaye Sène (2018). "Négociation multilatérale pour la prise de décision collective". CNIA, Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, Nancy (France), pp. 50-57. HAL : hal-01793456.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Anouer Bennajeh, Slim Bechikh, Lamjed Ben Said & Samir Aknine (2018). "A fuzzy logic-based anticipation car-following model". Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Richard Kowalczyk, Springer, pp. 220-222. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-99810-7_10. HAL : hal-01791523.
- 2017 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Aurelien Vialon, Kenji Tei & Samir Aknine (2017). "Soft-Goal Approximation Context Awareness of Goal-driven Self-Adaptive Systems". Model at Runtime workshop, International Conference on Autonomic Computing 2017, Ohio (United States of America). HAL : hal-01519502.
- Arame Ndeye Diago, Samir Aknine, Sarvapali Ramchurn, Onn Shehory & Mbaye Sène (2017). "Distributed negotiation for collective decision-making". ICTAI, Boston (United States of America). HAL : hal-01588175.
- Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine & Huan Vu (2017). "A constraint-based coordination model to advantage buses in urban traffic". ICTAI, Boston (United States of America). HAL : hal-01583031.
- 2016 (11)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Bouchareb Nassima, Nacer Eddine Zarour & Samir Aknine (2016). "Resource management policies to increase provider’s gain in a Cloud Coalition". International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, vol. 7, #3, 163 -176. HAL : hal-01160356.
- Djamila Boukredera, Ramdane Maamri & Samir Aknine (2016). "Stochastic Petri Net-Based Modeling and Formal Analysis of Fault Tolerant Contract Net Protocol". Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, vol. 14, #3, pp. 245-271. HAL : hal-01254503.
- Conferences (9)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Romain Caillière, Samir Aknine & Antoine Nongaillard (2016). "Multi-agent mechanism for efficient cooperative use of energy". AAMAS, Singapour (Singapore), 1365—1366. HAL : hal-01261596.
- Nam Tung Ly, Robert Tscharn, Jan Pressler, Stephan Huber, Samir Aknine, Audrey Serna & Jörn Hurtienne (2016). "Smart Lighting in Dementia Care Facility". Ubicomp 2016. Workshop on Tangible Interaction with Light in the IoT, ACM,, Heidelberg (Germany), pp. 1636-1639. doi : 10.1145/2968219.2968526. HAL : hal-01341812.
- Nam Tung Ly, Audrey Serna, Samir Aknine & Jörn Hurtienne (2016). "Towards Supporting Caregivers to Monitor the Whereabouts of People with Dementia". NordiCHI, goteborg (Sweden), p. 57. HAL : hal-01338338.
- Romain Caillière, Samir Aknine, Antoine Nongaillard & Sarvapali Ramchurn (2016). "Managing energy markets in future smart grids using bilateral contracts". ECAI, European Conference on AI, The Hague (Netherlands), 133—140. HAL : hal-01329606.
- Anouer Bennajeh, Fahem Kebair, Lamjed Ben Said & Samir Aknine (2016). "Anticipation Based on a Bi-Level Bi-Objective Modeling for the Decision-Making in the Car-Following Behavior". Intelligent Decision Technologies, Volume 56 of the series Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, pp 231-241, 2016, Tenerife (Spain). HAL : hal-01338916.
- Arame Ndeye Diago, Samir Aknine, Onn Shehory, Souhila Arib, Romain Caillière & Mbaye Sène (2016). "Decentralized and fair multilateral negotiation". ICTAI, California (United States of America), 149—156. HAL : hal-01355874.
- Bouchareb Nassima, Nacer Eddine Zarour & Samir Aknine (2016). "Intelligent Mechanism for Cloud Federation and Requirements Changes Management.". Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 465, ISBN 978-3-319-33620-6, Springer, prague (Czech Republic), pp. 147-157. HAL : hal-01330520.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Pascal François Mbissane Faye, Samir Aknine & Mbaye Sène (2016). "Modèle de formation de coalitions A-core dans un contexte incertain". RFIA, 1 juillet 2016, Clermont Ferrand (France). HAL : hal-01314543.
- Antoine Grea, Samir Aknine & Laëtitia Matignon (2016). "LOLLIPOP: Generating and using proper plan and negative refinements for online partial order planning". JFPDA, Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l'Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes, Grenoble (France). HAL : hal-01335659.
- 2015 (8)
- Conferences (8)
- International conferences with peer review (8)
- Souhila Arib, Samir Aknine & Tristan Cazenave (2015). "Nested Monte-Carlo Search for Multi-Agent Coalitions Mechanism With Constraints". MIWAI, 9th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Fuhzou (China), pp. 80-88. HAL : hal-01197468.
- Nam Tung Ly, Jörn Hurtienne, Robert Tscharn, Samir Aknine & Audrey Serna (2015). "Towards Intelligent and Implicit Assistance for People with Dementia: Support for Orientation and Navigation". Interaccion, XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, vilanova (Spain), 31:1-31:4. HAL : hal-01193348.
- Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine & Neila Bhouri (2015). "Constraint-based negotiation model for traffic regulation". IAT, singapour (Singapore), pp. 320-327. HAL : hal-01184565.
- Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine & Neila Bhouri (2015). "A continuous negotiation based model for traffic regulation at an intersection". AAMAS, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Long Abstract, Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 1791-1792. HAL : hal-01160409.
- Matthis Gaciarz, Neila Bhouri & Samir Aknine (2015). "Continuous Negotiation for a Vehicle-Regulated Intersection". ARTS ECR (Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Early Career Researcher Conference), San Anton (Malta). HAL : hal-01162679.
- Pascal François Faye, Samir Aknine, Mbaye Sène & Onn Shehory (2015). "Dynamic Coalitions formation in Dynamic Uncertain Environments". IAT, singapour (Singapore), pp. 273-276. HAL : hal-01184564.
- Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine & Neila Bhouri (2015). "Automated Negotiation for Traffic Regulation". CARE (Collaborative Agents Research & Development) workshop, AAMAS, Advances in Social Computing and Multiagent Systems, Springer, 4 mai 2015, Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 1-18. HAL : hal-01134237.
- Badiaa Hedjazi, Samir Aknine & Karima Benatchba (2015). "ARTIFICIAL FINANCIAL MARKET. Risk Analysis Approach". Simultech, colmar (France), pp. 359-366. HAL : hal-01184566.
- 2014 (9)
- Conferences (9)
- International conferences with peer review (6)
- Romain Caillière, S. Arib, Samir Aknine & Chantal Berdier (2014). "A multiagent multilateral negotiation protocol for joint decision-making". Workshop on agent-based complex automated negotiations, 6 mai 2014, Paris (France). HAL : halshs-01279230.
- Samir Aknine, Souhila Arib & Djamila Boukredera (2014). "Modeling a Multi-issue Negotiation Protocol for Agent Extensible Negotiations". EUMAS, European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, prague (Czech Republic). HAL : hal-01329655.
- Souhila Arib, Samir Aknine & Thomas Genin (2014). "Handling Agents’ Incomplete Information in a Coalition Formation Model". ACAN, AAMAS, 5 mai 2014, Paris (France). HAL : hal-01598610.
- Romain Caillière, Souhila Arib, Samir Aknine & Chantal Berdier (2014). "Bi-level token ring for multilateral negotiations". International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 11 août 2014, WARSAW (Poland), pp. 9-16. doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT.2014.144. HAL : hal-01301061.
- Pascal François Mbissane Faye, Samir Aknine, Mbaye Sène & Onn Shehory (2014). "Stabilizing Agent's Interactions in Dynamic Contexts". 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2014, Victoria (Canada). HAL : hal-01329648.
- Pascal François Mbissane Faye, Samir Aknine, Onn Shehory & Mbaye Sène (2014). "Stable collaboration in unstable environments". The fifth international workshop on cooperative games in multiagent systems, CoopMAS, AAMAS, 5 mai 2014, Paris (France). HAL : hal-01598606.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Pascal François Mbissane Faye, Samir Aknine, Onn Shehory & Mbaye Sène (2014). "Formation de coalition stable dans un contexte non-déterministe et instable". Reconnaissance de Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'14), 30 mai 2014, Rouen (France). HAL : hal-01598607.
- Pascal François Faye, Samir Aknine, Onn Shehory & Mbaye Sène (2014). "Formation de coalitions stables dans un contexte non-déterministe et instable". Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) 2014, 30 juin 2014, ROUEN (France). HAL : hal-00989217.
- Other conferences (1)
- Pascal François Mbissane Faye, Samir Aknine, Onn Shehory & Mbaye Sène (2014). "Adapting Agent's Interactions in Dynamic Contexts.". Joint International Conference of the INFORMS GDN (2014), 10 juin 2014, Toulouse (France), pp. 152-159. HAL : hal-01270904.
- 2013 (6)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Badiaa Hedjazi, M Ahmed-Nacer, Samir Aknine & K Benatchba (2013). "Multi-agent financial market simulation: Evolutionist approach". International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, vol. 8, pp. 185-199. HAL : hal-01339132.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Andreas Pusch, Michael Brandt, Audrey Serna, Samir Aknine & Jörn Hurtienne (2013). "How would a smart radio for people with dementia do? A case study.". RAate 2013, 25 novembre 2013, Coventry (United Kingdom), pp. 1-2. HAL : hal-01339273.
- Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine & Neïla Bhouri (2013). "A coalition-based approach for cooperative urban traffic regulation". EUMAS (European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems), 12 décembre 2013, Toulouse (France), pp. 1-4. HAL : hal-01339274.
- Nassima Bouchareb, Nacer Eddine Zarour & Samir Aknine (2013). "An agent-based architecture for resource allocation in Cloud Computing". PhD Symposium at the 2nd European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, 11 septembre 2013, Malaga (Spain), pp. 54-64. HAL : hal-01339300.
- D. Boukredera, R Maamri & Samir Aknine (2013). "Modeling and analysis of reliable Contract Net Protocol Using Timed Colored Petri Nets". IAT, International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 17 novembre 2013, Atlanta (United States of America), pp. 14-17. doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT.2013.85. HAL : hal-01339242.
- Souhila Arib & Samir Aknine (2013). "Preferences and Constraints for Agent Coalition Formation". IAT, International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 17 novembre 2013, Atlanta (United States of America), pp. 130-137. doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT.2013.101. HAL : hal-01339243.
- 2012 (11)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Samir Aknine (2012). "A Multi-Agent Model for Overlapping Negotiations". Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 21, pp. 747-790. HAL : hal-01353093.
- Conferences (10)
- International conferences with peer review (9)
- Badiaa Hedjazi, M Ahmed-Nacer, Samir Aknine & K Benatchba (2012). "Interbank Payment System (RTGS) Simulation Using a Multi-agent Approach". International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 6 février 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve (Portugal), pp. 362-365. HAL : hal-01353081.
- Souhila Arib, Samir Aknine & Thomas Genin (2012). "Coalition Formation Model For Multi-Agents Systems With Incomplete Information". European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems EUMAS, 17 décembre 2012, irlande (Ireland), inconnue. HAL : hal-01353127.
- D. Boukredera, R Maamri & Samir Aknine (2012). "A Timed Colored Petri-Net-based Modelling for Contract Net Protocol with Temporal Aspects". International Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, ICCGI, 24 juin 2012, Venice (Italy), pp. 40-44. HAL : hal-01353080.
- S. Bouzini-Hassini, F Benbouzid-Sitayeb & Samir Aknine (2012). "A Multi Agent Scheduling Integrating Planning and Maintenance for Generalized Floor Shops". International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, IMECS 2012, 16 mars 2012, Hong Kong (China), pp. 877-882. HAL : hal-01614512.
- Souhila Arib & Samir Aknine (2012). "Enhancing Coalition Formation in Multi-Agent Systems When Agents Plan Their Activities". STAIRS, 27 août 2012, Montpellier (France), pp. 11-22. doi : 10.3233/978-1-61499-096-3-11. HAL : hal-01353076.
- Badiaa Hedjazi, M Ahmed-Nacer, Samir Aknine & K Benatchba (2012). "Game theory for Initial Public Offering (IPO): A multi-agent approach". IAT, International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 4 décembre 2012, Macau (China), pp. 236-242. doi : 10.1109/WI-IAT.2012.151. HAL : hal-01353070.
- Badiaa Hedjazi, M Ahmed-Nacer, Samir Aknine & K Benatchba (2012). "Multi-agent liquidity risk management in an interbank net settlement system". International Conference on Active Media Technology, AMT'12, 4 décembre 2012, Macau (China), pp. 103-114. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-35236-2_11. HAL : hal-01353075.
- Souhila Arib & Samir Aknine (2012). "Linking Coalition Formation Model and Plans of Agents in Multi-Agent Systems". International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, 20 mai 2012, Recife (Brazil), pp. 121-125. HAL : hal-01353078.
- D. Boukredera, Samir Aknine & R Maamri (2012). "Modeling Temporal Aspects of Contract Net Protocol Using Timed Colored Petri Nets". STAIRS, 27 août 2012, Montpellier (France), pp. 83-94. doi : 10.3233/978-1-61499-096-3-83. HAL : hal-01353079.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Souhila Arib & Samir Aknine (2012). "Formation de Coalitions d’Agents dans les Processus de Planification". JFSMA, 17 octobre 2012, Honfleur (France), pp. 55-64. HAL : hal-01353077.