Charles-Edmond Bichot

Former LIRIS member since: 2016-09-30
Quality | Associate Professor |
Team(s) | GOAL, Imagine |
Institution | École Centrale de Lyon |
Personal page | |
Publications (IdHAL : charles-edmondbichot)
Publications LIRIS pour Charles-Edmond Bichot (38)
- 2021 (2)
- Others (2)
- Alain Menelet & Charles-Edmond Bichot (2021). "Characterization of Android malware based on opcode analysis". ArXiv : 2104.03586. HAL : hal-03192097.
- Alain Menelet & Charles-Edmond Bichot (2021). "Caractérisation de maliciels Android basée sur l'isomorphisme de sous-graphes". ArXiv : 2104.03566. HAL : hal-03191500.
- 2015 (2)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Rémy Crassard, Olivier Barge, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Jacques Élie Brochier, Jwana Chahoud, Marie-Laure Chambrade, Christine Chataigner, Kamel Madi, Emmanuelle Regagnon et al. (2015). "Addressing the Desert Kites Phenomenon and Its Global Range Through a Multi-proxy Approach". Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, vol. 22, #4, pp. 1093-1121. doi : 10.1007/s10816-014-9218-7. HAL : hal-01829329.
- Conferences (1)
- Other conferences (1)
- Hervé Le Borgne, Philippe Gosselin, David Picard, Miriam Redi, Bernard Mérialdo, Boris Mansencal, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Stéphane Ayache, Abdelkader Hamadi et al. (2015). "IRIM at TRECVID 2015: Semantic Indexing". Proceedings of TRECVid, 18 novembre 2015, Gaithersburg, MD (United States of America). HAL : hal-01233398.
- 2014 (2)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Christian Wolf, Eric Lombardi, Julien Mille, Oya Celiktutan, Mingyuan Jiu, Emre Dogan, Gonen Eren, Moez Baccouche, Emmanuel Dellandréa et al. (2014). "Evaluation of video activity localizations integrating quality and quantity measurements". Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 127, pp. 14-30. doi : 10.1016/j.cviu.2014.06.014. HAL : hal-01283866.
- Conferences (1)
- Other conferences (1)
- Nicolas Ballas, Benjamin Labbé, Hervé Le Borgne, Philippe Gosselin, David Picard, Miriam Redi, Bernard Mérialdo, Boris Mansencal, Jenny Benois-Pineau et al. (2014). "IRIM at TRECVID 2014: Semantic Indexing and Instance Search". Proceedings of TRECVID, 12 novembre 2014, Orlando (United States of America). HAL : hal-01132491.
- 2013 (8)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Kai Wang, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Chao Zhu & Bailin Li (2013). "Pixel to Patch Sampling Structure and Local Neighboring Intensity Relationship Patterns for Texture Classification". IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, pp. 853-856. doi : 10.1109/LSP.2013.2270405. HAL : hal-01339227.
- Chao Zhu, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Liming Chen (2013). "Image region description using orthogonal combination of local binary patterns enhanced with color information". Pattern Recognition, vol. 46, pp. 1949-1963. doi : 10.1016/j.patcog.2013.01.003. HAL : hal-01339149.
- Ningning Liu, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Liming Chen, Chao Zhu, Yu Zhang, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Stéphane Bres & Bruno Tellez (2013). "Multimodal Recognition of Visual Concepts using Histograms of Textual Concepts and Selective Weighted Late Fusion Scheme". Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 117, pp. 493-512. doi : 10.1016/j.cviu.2012.10.009. HAL : hal-01339139.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Yuxing Tang, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Chao Zhu (2013). "Fan-shaped Patch Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification". International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 17 juin 2013, Veszprém (Hungary), pp. 115-120. doi : 10.1109/CBMI.2013.6576566. HAL : hal-01339228.
- Di Huang, Chao Zhu, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Yunhong Wang & Liming Chen (2013). "HSOG: A Novel Local Descriptor based on Histograms of Second Order Gradients for Object Categorization". ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 16 avril 2013, Dallas (United States of America), pp. 199-206. doi : 10.1145/2461466.2461500. HAL : hal-01339158.
- Xiaofang Wang, Huibin Li, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Simon Masnou & Liming Chen (2013). "A graph-cut approach to image segmentation using an affinity graph based on l0−sparse representation of features". IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Melbourne (Australia), pp. 4019-4023. HAL : hal-00833278.
- Xiaofang Wang, Chao Zhu, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Simon Masnou (2013). "Graph-based Image Segmentation Using Weighted Color Patch". IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Melbourne (Australia), pp. 4064-4068. HAL : hal-00833305.
- Other conferences (1)
- Nicolas Ballas, Benjamin Labbé, Hervé Le Borgne, Philippe Gosselin, Miriam Redi, Bernard Merialdo, Rémi Vieux, Boris Mansencal, Jenny Benois-Pineau et al. (2013). "IRIM at TRECVID 2013: Semantic Indexing and Instance Search". Proc. TRECVID Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD (United States of America). HAL : hal-00953092.
- 2012 (6)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Chao Zhu, Huanzhang Fu, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Emmanuel Dellandréa & Liming Chen (2012). "Visual object recognition using multi-scale local binary patterns and line segment feature". International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 85-92. doi : 10.1504/IJSISE.2012.047782. HAL : hal-01352936.
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Nicolas Ballas, Benjamin Labbé, Aymen Shabou, Hervé Le Borgne, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Miriam Redi, Bernard Merialdo, Hervé Jégou, Jonathan Delhumeau et al. (2012). "IRIM at TRECVID 2012: Semantic Indexing and Instance Search". TRECVID - TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation workshop, 28 novembre 2012, Gaithersburg, MD (United States of America), 12p. HAL : hal-00770258.
- Ningning Liu, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Chao Zhu, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Liming Chen (2012). "A Selective Weighted Late Fusion for Visual Concept Recognition". ECCV 2012 Workshop on Information Fusion in Computer Vision for Concept Recognition, 7 octobre 2012, Florence (Italy), pp. 426-435. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-33885-4_43. HAL : hal-01353059.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2012). "Partitionnement de graphe". rencontres de la Société Française de Classification (SFC), 31 octobre 2012, Marseille (France). HAL : hal-01497906.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2012). "Unsupervised and supervised image segmentation using graph partitioning". Graph Based Methods in Computer Vision: Developments and Applications, Xiao Bai, Jian Cheng, Edwin Hancock, IGI Global, pp. 72-94. doi : 10.4018/978-1-4666-1891-6.ch004. HAL : hal-01352940.
- Others (1)
- Ningning Liu, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Liming Chen, Aliaksandr Trus, Chao Zhu, Yu Zhang, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Stéphane Bres (2012). "LIRIS - Imagine at Image CLEF 2012 Photo Annotation Task". CLEF 2012 Conference, 17 septembre 2012, Rome (Italy). Poster. HAL : hal-01353174.
- 2011 (6)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Chao Zhu, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Liming Chen (2011). "Visual object recognition using daisy descriptor". IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 11 juillet 2011, Barcelona (Spain), pp. 1-6. doi : 10.1109/ICME.2011.6011957. HAL : hal-01354396.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (5)
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2011). "Population Based Metaheuristics, Fusion-Fission and Graph Partitioning Optimization". Graph Partitioning, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Patrick Siarry, ISTE - Wiley, pp. 163-199. doi : 10.1002/9781118601181.ch7. HAL : hal-01354529.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2011). "A Partitioning Requiring Rapidity and Quality: The Multilevel Method and Partitions Refinement Algorithms". Graph Partitioning, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Patrick Siarry, ISTE - Wiley, pp. 29-63. doi : 10.1002/9781118601181.ch2. HAL : hal-01354527.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2011). "General introduction to graph partitioning". Graph partitioning, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Patrick Siarry, ISTE - Wiley, pp. 1-25. doi : 10.1002/9781118601181.ch1. HAL : hal-01354525.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2011). "Local Metaheuristics and Graph Partitioning". Graph Partitioning, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Patrick Siarry, ISTE - Wiley, pp. 139-161. doi : 10.1002/9781118601181.ch6. HAL : hal-01354528.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot & Nicolas Durand (2011). "Air traffic control graph partitioning application". Graph Partitioning, ISTE Wiley, pp. 225-248. HAL : hal-01140563.
- 2010 (9)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2010). "Co-clustering Documents and Words by Minimizing the Normalized Cut Objective Function". Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, vol. 9, pp. 131-147. doi : 10.1007/s10852-010-9126-0. HAL : hal-01381475.
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Chao Zhu, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Liming Chen (2010). "Multi-scale Color Local Binary Patterns for Visual Object Classes Recognition". International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 23 août 2010, Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 3065-3068. doi : 10.1109/ICPR.2010.751. HAL : hal-01381600.
- Chao Zhu, Huanzhang Fu, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Emmanuel Dellandréa & Liming Chen (2010). "Visual Object Recognition using Local Binary Patterns and Segment-based Feature". International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 7 juillet 2010, Paris (France), pp. 426-431. doi : 10.1109/IPTA.2010.5586753. HAL : hal-01381500.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (6)
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2010). "Métaheuristiques locales et partitionnement de graphe". Partitionnement de graphe : optimisation et applications, Hermes Science, Hermes-Lavoisier, pp. 205-230. HAL : hal-01381613.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot & Nicolas Durand (2010). "Chapitre 10 : Application du partitionnement au découpage de l'espace aérien". Partitionnement de graphe : Optimisation et applications, BICHOT Charles-Edmond, SIARRY Patrick, pp. 293-310. HAL : hal-01294719.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2010). "Introduction générale au partitionnement de graphe". Partitionnement de graphe : optimisation et applications, Hermes Science, Hermes-Lavoisier, pp. 23-48. HAL : hal-01381612.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2010). "Métaheuristiques à population, fusion-fission et partitionnement de graphe". Partitionnement de graphe : optimisation et applications, Hermes Science, Hermes-Lavoisier, pp. 231-268. HAL : hal-01381610.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot & Patrick Siarry (2010). "Partitionnement de graphe : optimisation et applications". Hermes-Lavoisier. HAL : hal-01381608.
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2010). "Un partitionnement nécessitant rapidité et qualité : la méthode multi-niveaux et l'affinage des partitions". Partitionnement de graphe : optimisation et applications, Hermes Science, Hermes-Lavoisier, pp. 53-90. HAL : hal-01381609.
- 2009 (2)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Huanzhang Fu, Chao Zhu, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Charles-Edmond Bichot & Liming Chen (2009). "Visual Object Categorization via Sparse Representation". International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG), 20 septembre 2009, Xi'an (China), pp. 943-948. doi : 10.1109/ICIG.2009.100. HAL : hal-01437773.
- Others (1)
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2009). "Metaheuristics for graph bisection". 10th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 8 juillet 2009, Montréal (Canada). Poster. doi : 10.1145/1569901.1570169. HAL : hal-01437708.
- 2008 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Charles-Edmond Bichot (2008). "Application of the fusion-fission metaheursitic to document clustering". International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (META), 31 octobre 2008, Hammamet (Tunisia). HAL : hal-01500487.