On 13/11/2012 from 14:00 to 17:30. Place: Amphi Marc Bloch, ISH 14 avenue Berthelot
The objective of this workshop is to present research works in computer science and digital humanities from ISH (Institut des Scviences de l'Homme) and LIRIS.
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From 03/09/2012 at 09:00 to 06/09/2012 at 18:00. Place: Campus de la Doua, Lyon, France
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning,
3 - 6 September 2012, Lyon, France
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On 29/06/2012 from 10:30 to 12:00. Place: Amphi Claude Chappe, INSA de Lyon
Monthly seminar by Baoquan CHEN, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences
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On 10/05/2012 from 10:30 to 12:00. Place: Amphi Claude Chappe, INSA de Lyon
Monthly seminar by Patrick Valduriez, INRIA researcher, LIRMM, Montpellier
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On 03/04/2012 from 10:30 to 12:00. Place: Amphi Gaston Berger, INSA de Lyon, DOUA
Monthly seminar by Feng TIAN, Associate Professor, DEC, Bournemouth University
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