Notion opérationnelle de compétence et son application au référencement sémantique des ressources, à la recherche des ressources et à l'assistance aux usagers - résultats du projet PRIOWS et perspectives d'évolution.
Monthly seminar by Gilbert Paquette, Professor, UER Science and Technology, Montréal, Québec
On 10/12/2012 at 14:00 to 16:00. Salle C2, Nautibus, Université Lyon 1
Informations contact : S. Servigne et G. Damiand. +33 (0)
The structural and operational definition of competencies, based on knowledge modeling will been presented, together with their integration to the Semantic Web as a mean to reference users, resources and activity scenarios for learning and knowledge management. Contrary to natural language statements, such competencies can be compared to offer search methods and assistance to users of multi-actor scenarios. A competency comparison method will be presented, based on the structure of an OWL-DL ontology and a competency profile built on such ontologies. It enables various forms of assistance. The presentation his resumed by a discussion with the participants on a number of research questions.