Thesis of Vincent Jaillot

3D, temporal and documented cities: formalization, visualization and navigation

Start date: 01/02/2016
Defense date: 10/09/2020

Advisor: Gilles Gesquiere
Coadvisor: Sylvie Servigne


The study and understanding of cities evolution is an important societal issue, particularly for improving the quality of life in an increasingly dense city. Digital technology and in particular 3D city models can be part of the answer. Their manipulation is however sometimes complex  due to their thematic, geometric, topological dimensions and hierarchical structure.
In this thesis, we focus on the integration of the temporal dimension and in the enrichment with multimedia documents of these 3D models of the city, in an objective of visualization and navigation on the web. Moreover, we take a particular interest in interoperability (based on standards), reusability (with a shared software architecture and open source components) and reproducibility (to make our experiments durable).
Our first contribution is a formalization of the temporal dimension of cities for interactive navigation and visualization on the web. For this, we propose a conceptual model of existing standards for the visualization of cities on the web, which we extend with a formalization of the temporal dimension. We also propose a logical model and a technical specification of these proposals.
Our second contribution allows the integration of multimedia documents into city models for spatial, temporal and thematic visualization and navigation on the web. We propose a conceptual model for the integration of heterogeneous and multidimensional geospatial data. We then use it for the integration of multimedia documents and 3D city models.
Finally, this thesis took place in a multidisciplinary context via the Fab-Pat project of the LabEx IMU, which focuses on cultural heritage sharing and shaping. In this framework, a contribution combining social sciences and computer science has allowed the design of DHAL, a methodology for the comparative analysis of devices for sharing heritage via digital technology.

Mr Gensel JérômeProfesseur(e)Université Grenoble AlpesRapporteur(e)
Mr Claramunt ChristopheProfesseur(e)Ecole NavaleRapporteur(e)
Mr Gesquière GillesProfesseur(e)Université Lumière Lyon 2Directeur(trice) de thèse
Mme Servigne SylvieMaître de conférenceINSA LyonCo-directeur (trice)
Mme Christophe SidonieDirecteur(trice) de rechercheIGN ENSGExaminateur​(trice)
Mme Libourel ThérèseProfesseur(e)Université MontpellierExaminateur​(trice)
Mr De Luca LivioDirecteur(trice) de rechercheCNRSExaminateur​(trice)
Mme Lefort IsabelleProfesseur(e)Université Lumière Lyon 2Examinateur​(trice)