Thesis of Rémi Canillas

Security and Privacy of a collaborative B2B platform

Defense date: 04/12/2020

Advisor: Lionel Brunie
Coadvisor: Omar Hasan


My thesis is focused on studying (and helping to implement) and collaborative B2B platform sharing companies' banking information. This platform is part of a Business to business environment meaning that a thorough study of the attack vectors and possible defenses is needed.

Mme Roncancia ClaudiaProfesseur(e)ENSIMAG Rapporteur(e)
Mr Gianini GabrieleProfesseur(e) associé(e)UNIMI Rapporteur(e)
Mme Bouchenak SaraProfesseur(e) INSA LyonExaminateur​(trice)
Mr Cimato StelvioProfesseur(e) associé(e)UNIMIExaminateur​(trice)
Mr Al Bouna BécharaProfesseur(e)Anontine UniversityExaminateur​(trice)
Mr Brunie LionelProfesseur(e)INSA LyonDirecteur(trice) de thèse
Mr Hasan OmarMaître de conférenceINSA LyonCo-encadrant(e)
Mr Sarrat LaurentCEO/CTO à SiS-idInvité(e)