Thesis of Mathieu Barnachon

New king of interaction video-based

Defense date: 30/07/2012

Advisor: Saida Bouakaz
Coadvisor: Erwan Guillou


With the success of new interactive solution, like the Wii-Remote or
the Sony Eyetoy, we work on new interactions between game and gamers,
with a webcam. The motion recognition will be used to control the game
character. My subject concerns interaction between real and virtual
characters. We try to enlarge game actions, with movements ?
spontaneous or not ? from gamers, for example.
We working on two points. First, we enlarge capture to uncontrolled
environment (person's living room, cybercafes, etc.). Second is
understanding motions with new solutions. The more motion capture
techniques are reliable, the more new metaphors could be invented
linking real actions to virtual ones. These new interactions will
allow access to game by an larger public, usually not interested in
games. We propose new interaction video-based:
full body motion capture in uncontrolled environment;
motion understanding;
intention transfer to an avatar and new game control production.
This project is video game based, but the work would produce a more
theoretical and general case. Then possibility will be wider than only
video games or home entertainment.