Thesis of Iza Marfisi

Environnement de scénarisation et de test de Serious Games

Start date: 01/10/2008
Defense date: 01/09/2013

Advisor: Sébastien George


Serious games are pedagogical multimedia products made to help students develop specific skills. Serious game development is very time and equipment consuming. The global objective of this thesis is to define a platform for designing serious games in order to remedy this problem.

The first step will be to define the different elements of which a serious game is composed and then propose a generic digital model capable of covering all different types of serious games (scenarios, interactivity, knowledge... When using the platform, the serious game developers will be presented with a set a predefined generic software blocks and specific libraries of knowledge objects they can use to design and develop their game.

The second part of this thesis will be devoted to testing and controlling the quality of serious games.
It is impossible to imagine exactly how the learners will react when a computer educational game is being designed. The learners can choose all kinds of navigation paths, activities, interactions... This is why it is interesting to use a system that simulates user choices to statistically evaluate the game's performance without waiting for the use report that can take up to several months to produce. The idea is therefore to create a user-behaviour simulator to evaluate the quality of the serious game.