Thesis of Huan Vu
Start date: 01/05/2016
Defense date: 14/04/2020
Advisor: Samir Aknine
The thesis is located in a rich environment. The approach we are considering based on a principle of cooperative and participatory traffic control. It is in this case a distributed control model based on the interactions between the vehicle and infrastructure. This regulation is the result of cooperation between the vehicles, prompting the drivers of these vehicles to adhere to the regulatory process and to cooperate including through the application of a business model by rewards. The principle of the reward applies where, for example, a vehicle decides to change his route choice in favor of another less congested route but longer. This kind of cooperative behavior allows vehicles to earn a relative priority on their next routes compared to other vehicles. Current equipment available to connect vehicles such as those developed by the Renault group can support the deployment of such mechanisms. Each vehicle will be able to have enough intelligence to know his environment and to decide in cooperation with the infrastructure of the best route to take to reduce the length of its routes. A better distribution of vehicles on the different possible routes on the basis of a more precise knowledge of the user's profile, its destination, its context, mobility is an objective of this research.
Methodologically, this thesis is a continuation of the research we do on the issue of traffic regulation, distributed coordination mechanisms and models. We aim to define new dynamic models of reasoning and cooperative resolution to support the proposed approach. The originality of our approach is the proposal of these new mechanisms in which we place special emphasis on taking dynamic and autonomous decision for the various system components including vehicles, and overall infrastructure, taking into account the inherent characteristics of the vehicle profiles, mobility, location ... To do this, the coordinating mechanisms by distributed negotiation among the vehicles represent a major challenge for this research and is what allows us to achieve our goals. These models can be enriched by the work developed by the cooperative game theory approaches to formalize the interactions and cooperation strategies between agents. To manage vehicle mobility constraints, soft constraints solving model CPSS type can be the basis to understand the concepts of preferential routes, priority, etc.