Thesis of Armin Gerl
Start date: 01/12/2017
Defense date: 05/12/2019
Advisor: Lionel Brunie
Coadvisor: Nadia Bennani
Privacy is a hot topic in a variety of research fields including legal sciences, computer sciences and others. Hereby privacy is examined from different points of view. Legal sciences deal with the law and regulations and their reading. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced after the 25 May 2018 for European countries. Hereby the focus will be on new key aspects, like Data Subject Rights, Privacy by Design, and Privacy by Default. These key aspects have to be implemented by the personal data processing controllers and verified by responsible authorities to preserve the privacy of the Data Subject. Hereby the legal basis for processing of personal data, among others, is that the Data Subject gives an informed consent to a privacy policy. In the research field of computer sciences privacy languages are introduces to model different aspects of privacy, e.g. access control for personal data. But also methods for anonymizing data records and privacy models defining the properties of privacy-preserved data sets are researched. Hereby not only the privacy but also the utility of the data-set is considered to ensure that the data processing controllers can utilize the data while preserving the privacy of the Data Subject. The goal of the topic is to model privacy policies as a privacy language in such a way that on the one hand Data Subjects can give an informed consent and on the other hand the privacy language can be embedded within a model enabling efficient query-based anonymization considering state-of-the art privacy-preserving methods closing the gap between legal requirements and technical feasibility. Therefore the process beginning with the Data Subject giving an informed consent to a privacy policy to the automatic creation of a both privacy-preserved and useable data-set for further processing shall be researched under the requirements of the GDPR
Mme Bertino Elisa | Professeur(e) | Rapporteur(e) | |
Mr Benzekri Abdelmalek | Professeur(e) | Rapporteur(e) | |
Mr Brunie Lionel | Professeur(e) | INSA LYON | Directeur(trice) de thèse |
Mme Bennani Nadia | Maître de conférence | INSA LYON | Co-directeur (trice) |
Mr Kosch Harald | Professeur(e) | Directeur(trice) de thèse | |
Mr Lenz Richard | Professeur(e) | Examinateur(trice) | |
Mr Cuppens Frédéric | Professeur(e) | Examinateur(trice) | |
Mr Granitzer Michael | Professeur(e) | Examinateur(trice) |