Pole: Interactions and cognition (Cogite)
In this pole, we analyse, design and develop dynamic digital systems in which agents (human or software systems) interact. We focus both on individual properties of agents, and on properties of the system as a whole. In particular, we are interested in the cognitive abilities of those systems.
Skills of the pole
In the field of multi-agents systems, we develop models and/or software systems having various abilities: individual and collective intelligence, reasoning, decentralisation of processing and control, adaptation, development of self-* properties (self-organisation, self-adaptation, self-configuration, etc.), and taking into account the interactive and social dimensions of the models and/or systems.
More broadly, when human users are involved, we focus on the couple user/machine as a single system, demonstrating learning abilities, and co-evolving when performing various activities. Observing co-evolving systems using modelled activity traces enables us to address, in an original fashion, research questions such as knowledge construction, user assistance, adaptive systems design, activity/usage analysis, etc. The term “machine“ here is to be read in a broad sense, characterising the digital or the socio-technical environment of users within a network. Naturally, this leads us to consider the Web, or other complex networks, in our researches.
We study particularly the machine / user learning pair in the context of human learning, through the issue of co-construction of situated TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) systems. This work is conducted on the one hand within the TWEAK team, with a knowledge oriented perspective, particularly in the context of MOOCs, and on the other hand within the SICAL team, with a perspective oriented design of innovative, situated and collaborative interactions, especially in the context of Serious Games.
Application domains, know-how and connections with other topics
- Knowledge dynamics and traced experience
- Dynamic knowledge engineering
- Modelled trace, and trace-based systems
- Trace-based Reasoning
- Co-design of situated ITS
- Co-design of ITS involving users in the loop
- Personalisation of ITS
- Interactive and adaptive systems
- Observation and analysis of activities
- Design of interactive systems
- Adaptation and accessibility
- Evaluation of usages
- Multi-agent systems
- Decentralized and dynamic solving of complex problems, decision support systems
- Social Computing, complex networks (web, social networks)
- Ambient intelligence, social intelligence, socio-aware systems
- Cognition and multi-agent learning, enaction, emergence
- Simulation, multi-agent modelling
Teams and researchers involved
22 tenured researches participating to the pole belong to the following teams:
- SICAL: Situated Interaction, Collaboration, Adaptation and Learning (9)
- SMA: Multi-Agents Systems (5)
- TWEAK: Traces, Web, Education, Adaptation, Knowledge (8)
Those team originate in the two previous teams:
- Information Systems
- World Wide Web
- Human-centered computing
- Human computer interaction (HCI)
- Ubiquitous and mobile computing Accessibility
- Collaborative and social computing
- Computing methodologies
- Artificial Intelligence
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Philosophical/theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence
- Cognitive Science
- Distributed artificial intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Learning paradigms
- Reinforcement Learning
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Applied Computing
- Education
- Computer systems organization
- Architectures
- Other architectures
- Self-organizing autonomic computing
- Other architectures
- Architectures